Dr. Emil Jebasingh Songs

Dr. Emil Jebasingh, founder of Vishwavani has wrote more than 200 songs in Tamil language, which is a motivation force of many young evangelists in 80’s. Still his songs are powerful enough to shake the hearts and bring a man to think of God and to surrender.

Tamil Christian Songs by Dr. Emil Jebasingh

Dr. Emil Jebasingh

More songs & Lyrics

Dr. N. Emil Jebasingh

Dr. N. Emil Jebasingh

80 replies
  1. Immanuel John Raja says:

    I praise the Souverine LORD for enabling the webmasters to carry out such a pleasing job. May the good Lord be with you and bless you.

  2. Sekher says:

    Listening those songs of Emil Jebasingh and of FMPB brought back memories of my childhood when I heard those songs played over loudspeaker in a distant place. The new songs never makes them like these any more. So happy to remember the good old days.

  3. joseph chelladurai says:

    These are the ever green heart touching song that giving peace to mind please can i download please forward to my ID

  4. mical raj says:

    Dear Brother Greetings to you in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ
    thanks for all songs are very nice and spiritual and consoling the hearts god bless you and your ministry

  5. Seeivasan Ruban Christuraj says:

    These old songs after hearing it almost 16 years touched my heart Praise the lord. Brother thanks for the spiritual songs God Bless you and your ministry

  6. Andrew Jebasingh says:

    Greetings in Christ’s Name!

    I just wanted to let everyone know that I’m talking with my dad (Dr. Emil Jebasingh) to try to get more of his songs released online for download.

    It is good to see how God is still working in people’s hearts through them!

  7. Grace Joseph says:

    Old is Gold … all these songs bring back a lot of memories to me. My mum use to play all these songs again and again. May God bless everyone who listen to this beautiful songs.

  8. josephine mercy says:

    Dr. Emil Jebasingh uncle was life inspiring songs and touched me a lot i really praised god for uncle he is doing wonderful ministry across the world Thanks be to GOD!

  9. David Thangaswamy says:

    Dear Brother & Sisters in Christ,Greetings to you all in the matchless Name of our Lord &Jesus Christ.

    These songs bring memories of my childhood days. My Dad used to play these spiritual songs in the Record player. Still the song sounds sweet and will continue even after decades pass. Thanks to this Man of God Dr.Emil Jebasingh. May God continue to bless his wonderful ministries.

  10. David Thangaswamy says:

    Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ,Greetings to you all in the matchless Name of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ.

    These songs bring memories of my childhood days. My Dad used to play these spiritual songs in the Record player. Still the song sounds sweet and will continue even after decades pass. Thanks to this Man of God Dr.Emil Jebasingh. May God continue to bless his wonderful ministries.

  11. Rufus says:

    These songs were written from the Life of Dr Emil Jebasingh. So it gives revival among the life of those who Listen

  12. Willington says:

    He is Holy Holy Holy & Almighty God
    He is only the right parson for worship
    He is always anointing with our worships
    Sing Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah
    Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah….

  13. Gurubatham says:

    I was working under Emil Annan since 7 years (1999 – 2006)..The days i was working with Annan.. it was wonderful days. After long time i heard those songs. Really those songs bring me to the olden days. When you listen the words of those songs, you can know that, How the LORD, still using Annan in HIS Ministries. God has created Emil Annan for HIS ministries.But now days, we very rare to see like this man of God in THE MINISTRY

    People are touched and Blessed by Annan’s Prayers, Messages and his Songs.
    Those are Evergreen.

  14. shelton says:

    Dear Brother i committed my life for full time ministry through the Songs of Emil Annan.Very happy to hear his songs with his voice.Great ministry.Is it possible to download it.S
    Shelton,Potr Blair,Andamans

  15. l paul wesley premkumar says:

    the missionary movement (fmpb) conceived and conceptualised by few individuals in the upper room of swamiadial pattiammal’s house in sawyerpuram, has spread today across pan india and all over the world at large. One among them is you, a gifted poetic son of late navamani aiyar. Your electrifying songs motivated ,moved and driven the christian community to reach out give and partake to glorify the almighty.You moved out of FMPB and others like kingsley too, otherwise fmpb would have been an undisputable movement and would have shaken this land. anyway the songs are really touching even today.



  16. Mullai Manoharan says:

    I grew up learning/listening to these songs, thanks to visvawani (Today it is TWR-India). there was not a single blessed day our young age that our parents would let us sleep without listening to it at 5:30 am in India. Thanks to our saviour I will ever love these songs. It is definitely a great blessing to be able to listen to these lovely songs. I thank my parents for showing us Christ at a very young age… 🙂 when I am down in spirit and need some inspiration, I listen to these songs and it uplifts my soul. Dr. Jebasingh, if I do not meet you in my life time, I will meet you in eternity. But, all my life your voice will be a blessing and above all praise be to our Lord Jesus Christ. Life is only once, Let us live it for our Saviour; after all we are made for that 🙂

    Mullai Manoharan

  17. Advocate.Wilson says:

    I praise the almighty souverine lord for Annan Dr.Jebasingh, his evergreen, eternel contribution to the glory of our Loeds service. Even today the words of the songs, the music are attract everyone, turn everyone towards Jesus. My heartiest thanks to Dr. Annan for given the opportunity to every Tamilians in the world to hear these eternel songs through this site.

    Adv.Wilson Paul

  18. MANOHARAN says:

    Dear Brother
    I praise our Lord for these wonderful, melodious, divine songs of Bro Emil brother . At the age of 65, I am thrilled to hear all the heavenly songs which brought me under Lord Jesus wings 40 years back !! I am grateful for your efforts to bring out these loving songs
    with loving greetings
    M Manoharan

  19. Rev. K. Johnson Inbaraj says:

    Thank God for Dr. Emil Jebasingh, some on has to initiative to make a life documentary about him for our future generation. Dr. Emil’s contibution to our churches and mission in India should be recorded.

    • Ananthi Jebasingh says:

      It is recorded in his own words which was made available by a well wisher. He has taken it in his handicam. If you need a copy, please contact

      Mrs. Princess

      Dr. Mrs. Ananthi Jebasingh

  20. V. Hosanna says:

    Praise the lord ;
    This songs very nice and wonderful , i here melodious songs wonderful songs i’m every moments is happy this songs…

  21. shara jacob says:

    Glory be to God
    I’m really happy to here these songs after many years
    These songs are more and more tastier than honey….

  22. Grace Devadawson says:

    Dear Brother,
    Praise the Lord!
    I am thanking to the Lord Jesus Christ, for hearing these songs after 30 years. In 1979 first time I hear these songs in your programme in FEBA and Vishvawani.
    Thanks Lord Bless.

  23. James Rajan says:

    Dear Brother Greetings to you in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, thanks for all songs are very nice and consoling the hearts god bless you and your ministry…..

  24. esther stella says:

    it is great &golden opportunity to listen for this we thankingn heavenly father ,
    to hear songs of vishwani uncle song

  25. J.Joeraj Hopper says:

    God has taken back the person who has written this wonderful songs to eternity on 19.12.2013 at 10.00 pm. His funeral is scheduled on 23.12.2013 in Tuticorin. Kindly pray for his wife and 3 children and for the bereaved family of Vishwavani. His songs had been an inspiration to several youths to follow Jesus and to accept him as their savior. This songs will be remembered till the second coming of Jesus christ.

  26. dollysharon says:

    Anna i dont know . After your burial only i came to know. Anna it is a great loss. Since i am unable to come out of my husband death again a sudden news that you also went to Jesus.
    Anna by your vbs sam anna and all i got salvation at the age of 12 yrs. By that only Jesus leads ne guides me and bless the work of my hands and my two daughters studied in a high level and both of them settled in london. But they are not helping me. But Jesus never leave me nor forsake me. Anna you guided so many souls to Jesus Christ. I dont know how your wife will tolerate. No one can fill this gap anna. Anna i am crying. i will also come there anna everyone will come. The only faith Jesus holds our hands upto the last. I hope you are sitting with Jesus Christ

  27. Newton Reginald says:

    I remember when my mother switches on the Radio by 5:00 AM and make all of us to listen to Vishwavani and brothers message (specially during sunday morning). Dr. Emil Brother is a real Gods Messenger and its indeed a blessing for us to listen to his message and his Inclusive Prayer. Its is a great loss to us and sure, we have lost a great Christ Like Model to next generations. It is now our commitment that we have to carry the baton which brother has given to us all. God Bless!!

  28. Jeri says:

    Dear All,
    Does anyone know the hostory behind all these songs written by Bro.Emil Jebasingh? How can i get these details? Is anyone taken over the ministry?

  29. SOLOMON says:

    dear brother ,
    praise the lord. i want to required all the songs from vishwavani mainly 80’s songs.like saronin roja songs . pls do the needful to download or where i purchase those CD’S.Always anna’s live in this songs


    Listening those songs of Emil Jebasingh and of FMPB brought back memories of my childhood when I heard those songs played over loudspeaker in a distant place. The new songs never makes them like these any more. So happy to remember the good old days.

  31. Ad.Dhanam Dharmaraj says:

    My brother Richard failed in 10 th std.again he attended the exam.my brother was in exam hall,I was in my home from 10.am to 12.30 noon I was singing Emil Annan’s songs.
    Result – victory in the nae of Jesus.
    Emil annan’ s. Songs always have eternal power ever.

  32. Luke Srinivasan says:

    Thanks a lot for bro.Emil Annan songs.
    Today, our brother Emil Jebasingh is not with us. He is in the hand of our Lord. Let us pray for his ministries.

  33. JOHN VICTOR says:

    I praise the lord for hearing the above emil annan songs, because 20 years ago we hear these songs by cd cassette only. May the good Lord be with you and bless you.

  34. Jeyaharan says:

    Wonderful songs. I used to sing these songs during my Sunday classes more than 45 years ago. Still I remember the golden memories…..thanks

  35. thangaraj selvarani mohan says:

    in the name of our lord jesus, wishes to you all

    when i hear emil annan songs, I do recollect my childhood memories where no tv, used to hear songs in air voice radios. what sweet memories & how much work emil annan did. amazing.


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