Suffering for Christ’s Sake
Are you willing to risk everything for the sake of the Gospel?
Let me tell you a story. There was a great missionary. Once saved, his life was focused solely on reaching the world with the Good News- no matter what the cost. During his ministry, he was stoned, jailed, tortured, shipwrecked, and eventually beheaded. All for the sake of the Good News of Jesus Christ! This is the story of the Apostle Paul- author of much of the New Testament, and passionate evangelist.
Most of us are not called to that place of ultimate sacrifice. So why do we still let fears and insecurities keep us from sharing our faith? Paul had reason to fear for his life, and yet he continued sharing Christ all the more.
In fact, Paul writes in Romans, “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.”
Most of us will never encounter the kind of hardship that Paul experienced and yet were afraid of something as little as ridicule or rejection.
Today, dont step back. Dont back down. Share your faith, regardless of the cost. Its worth it.