Entries by Gospel Junction

A Loving God

There is a film about the life and conversion of Martin Luther – the 16th century monk famous for starting the Protestant Reformation. In the film, Luther lives in fear of God because he believes God to be primarily an angry judge who will condemn him. When Luther’s mentor asks what he wants from God, […]

The Ultimate Question

One of the biggest questions in life is: Where do we go when we die? I bet you can sit down with any a group of people and ask them this question, and you’ll get answers ranging from, “I don’t know,” to “I’ll go to Heaven because I’m a good person.” The responses to this […]

Biblical Hope vs. Positive Thinking

More than we need food or water or air – we all need hope. A hopeless existence just isn’t worth living. Humans instinctively know this, so we spend our days searching for hope. However, sometimes we settle for something a little short of hope. In a legitimate desire to feel good about where we’re headed, […]

A New Creation

Wilson, a successful Hong Kong businessman, had a degree in engineering and became an architect. He married a Chinese woman, a non-practicing Buddhist like him. Within a few years, he had two daughters–and an affair on the side. Then things began to fall apart. He discovered a business partner had cheated him out of ten […]

Renewing Our Hope

The late author, Norman Cousins, somewhere said that human beings can live for a few weeks without food, a few days without water, a few minutes without air, but not one second without hope. I think he was right. We live in an age when people all around us are desperately seeking for real hope, […]