Left Behind

The second coming of Jesus Christ, and the resurrection of the body of the Christian, is promised in the Bible very clearly. But sadly, there will be many unbelievers left behind when Jesus returns again.

Luke 17 tells us, “On that night, two people will be in one bed; one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding grain together; one will be taken and the other left.” Its a sobering thought, isnt it?

If Jesus came back today, who in your world would be left behind? Is it a co-worker who sits next to you in your office? Is it a neighbor you go walking with? A classmate, teacher, friend, or even your spouse?

Imagine Jesus returning and your friend or neighbor or wife turning to you, asking, “Why didnt you ever tell me about Him?” Can you imagine the regret?

The reality is that no one knows when Jesus is coming back. It could be at any moment. So we must be vigilant today, to speak up with the truth of the Good News Gospel. Why dont you make a commitment to share the Lord with whoever He brings across your path?

Lets shine the light of Christ to everyone we meet, so that no one is left behind when He returns.

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