Spirit-Sensitive Planning

Have you ever seen a man or a woman with a plan in action? It is quite inspiring. Consider, for example, politicians. In America, no one just “happens” to become president. Every candidate has a goal – to win! And to obtain that goal, candidates engage in a far-reaching, strategic campaign for the presidency.

As followers of Jesus Christ, our goal is to win souls for Gods Kingdom! The apostle Paul in the Bible is an excellent example of a wise planner. Even though Paul had a definite strategy to win his generation to Christ, he wasnt bound to it. He remained sensitive to the Holy Spirits leading.

This is an exciting concept! We must plan, and yet we must remain sensitive to Gods Spirit guiding us. Proverbs in the Bible says, “We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.”

Like Paul, we must think strategically if the world is to hear the voice of God. We must work and pray not only for the salvation of specific individuals, but also for the masses in large cities and nations. Lets plan, but never forget to be sensitive to the Holy Spirits guidance.

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