Testimony of Film Actress Nagma

NagmaFamous India film actress Nagma has got saved and testifying Jesus.

The actress, who ruled the roost in Tamil, Telugu and Hindi films from 1993 to 1997, revealed about the transformation in her life while speaking at a prayer meeting for film artistes organised in Chennai by Jesus Redeems’ ministries founder Bro. Mohan C Lazarus.

At the meeting, she is said to have told the gathering that she is ready to preach the Gospel in every city and town that the Lord takes her to. According to reports, the actress shared her testimony and wowed the audience with her knowledge of the Bible at the meeting.

Nagma told the gathering that Jesus Christ was the only super star in her life. Earlier, she made a reference to her acting career where she had paired as the leading lady with several actors in Tamil, Telugu, Hindi and Bhojpuri films.

The actress, who dabbled in politics briefly, said a copy of the Bible that she got when she was depressed and contemplating suicide saved her from killing herself. All her problems, she said, started fading away one by one after she accepted Jesus Christ as her personal saviour.

On 28th of June she attended the Thirappin Vasal Jebam conducted by Bro.Mohan C. Lazarus in Nalumavadi, a small village in Tamilnadu. Thousands of people gathered in that meeting to listen to the word of God. She led the people in worship and delivered the word of God with authority sharing her personal experience with God. People were blessed with her ministry there and testified.

Nagma Born of a Muslim mother and a Hindu father on Christmas Day.

Nagma Acted in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Bengali, Bhojpuri, Punjabi, and now Marathi.

Nagma Fluent in Hindi, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, and English.

According to Nagma’s passport, the name given to her a birth was Nandita, and it is by that name that she was referred to in an obituary printed by the family when her father, Arvind Morarji, died. Nagma thus had a Hindu father and a Muslim mother. After divorcing Morarji “due to some family problems,” Nagma’s mother later married Chander Sadhana, a film producer, with whom she had two other daughters,

Jyothikaand Radhika, as well as a son, Suraj. Through her biological father, who later re-married, Nagma has two more half-brothers, Dhanraj and Yuvraj.

102 replies
  1. Aarthi says:

    Praise God! This is one of the most awesome testimony ive ever witnessed..this actress who had always been in the midst of controversy and gossip shines bold and beautifull with the Love of Jesus…Iam soooooo Happy for nagma and i pray that she’ll be blessed with an amazin family and kids who’ll testify for God for centuries to come.God bless U nagma,U’ll be in my prayers!

    Ur sis in christ

  2. Manohar says:

    Praise the Lord! When a person, surrenders their life to Lord “Everybody will celebrate a festival in Heaven for there is an addition as we humanily celebrate when a child is born in our families. We will surely remember in our daily prayers. Its wonderful that i am Indian (born christian)but just before 1 year became a child of God. For he changed my place to know him better not in my native place after several fall steps. I am sure that you will be great testimony like Apostle Paul to all your colleques, relatives, so….on


  3. A.S.Mathew says:

    Praise the Lord. Britain, which is a small island
    ruled the whole world, because it was a Christian
    country. Then America took the role of Britain
    and became powerful and the richest country in the
    world. God is going to bless India and China, and
    God is going to send great revival in India and
    China. For that great purpose, He is calling movie
    stars and businesmen to undertake the job of massive
    evangelism all across India. What Nagma can do by
    way of evangelism to reach the masses of India, no
    other Christian evangelist can do. She is popular all
    across India, her testimony and preaching can bring
    thousands of people every month to the way of
    abundant life and peace through Jesus Christ. Let us
    all pray for her.

  4. ajila says:

    Glory to Jesus
    May God bless her abundantly and use her as an instrument to spread the gospel all over India and World

  5. Reema says:

    This is a gud testimony, May God bless her abundantly and use her to share the gospel all over the world.

  6. vinod says:

    It was a great surprise to know about the way the Lord Jesus Christ has changed Nagma life. She stands a beacon for the Gospel of Jesus in India. Our prayers are with you as become stronger and stronger in the Lord.

  7. Hari Srinivasa Reddy says:

    This is really touched me. What a might God our Lord Jesus Christ. I praise God for tremondous work he has done Nagma sister’s life.

    Nagma sister. We continually pray for you. He would use you in might way. All film stars should know HIM and they should be saved.

    All the Best.

    With Love & Prayers
    Srinivas & Aparna

  8. mysura says:

    Praise God! This is one of the most awesome testimony ive ever witnessed..this actress who had always been in the midst of controversy and gossip shines bold and beautifull with the Love of JesusIam soooooo Happy for nagma and i pray that shell be blessed with an amazin family and kids wholl testify for God for centuries to come.God bless U nagma,Ull be in my prayers!

  9. Ganesh (Timothy) says:

    Hi Dear Sister in Christ!
    My heart is flowing with happy that OUR LORD CHRIST has saved you. THANKING YOU JESUS for saving Actress Nagma. We all are sinners… but by YOUR LOVE AND GRACE.
    When i heared this good message from my friend i am so happy and prayed for you and GOD’S Miracle.

    I believe that LORD will use you all over the world.



    Pray for me also Sister.

    Ganesh (Timothy) Mysore.

  10. shiju George says:

    Praise the lord ,
    I am to much happy to read that testimony, and thanks to our heavenly father and for that he is the only saviour to this earth ,and for that’s why he was curcified,……..?

    I know one think that Nagma is to going true witness for thousand of people through out the world,through Nagma many people accept the LORD JESUS christ as their personal Saviour.May God bless her abundantly and use her to share the gospel all over the world.

    May God Bless Bro.Mohan C. Lazarus,so keep it as much…………………….till we meet our saviour

    with prayer
    For his Name
    shiju George (USA)

  11. N.Rajendran says:

    Dear Sister,

    May God bless her abundantly and use her to share the gospel all over the world.

    This is wonderful news!!

    With regards

    CERPS Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
    Staffs and Management.

  12. Chris Theodore says:

    Dear Sister Nagma,
    You experienced the owsome power of Jesus Christ. May the Lord use you mightly for millions. If God willing we will see you in Newyork.
    with love and Prayers,
    Chris Theodore

  13. Kuruvilla N. Thomas says:

    Glory be to God!

    No wonder God has seen you in your mothers womb. You will imspire the whole world. I pray that the Lord will use you for His glory in and around the world to make the Kingdom of God stronger.

    If I am so happy how much more the heavens.

    With love and prayers

    Yours in Christ
    Kuruvilla N Thomas (Kuwait)

  14. Shalini & Deepa says:

    Greetings to u Dear Sister in Jesus Name!

    Our Hearts bubbled forth with Joy and our eyes filled with tears of gratitute seeing the work our Loving Lord Jesus has done in your life.
    Its indeed a supernatural intervention of God in ur life Dear Sister.
    Hope to see you as a mighty vessel used by God in the days to come to expand his Kingdom.

    “You will be a crown of splendor in the Lord’s hand, a royal diadem in the hand of your God” (Isaiah 62:3).

    With Luv & Prayers
    Deepa & Shalini

  15. Major V.I.Luke(Retd.), Kumbanad, Kerala says:

    Dear Nagmaji!
    Welcome to the fold of Children of God who have been washed by His precious blood!

    You need a lot of prayer support and we are duty-bound to pray for you.

    God has blessed you with great talents. Please use them humbly to bring glory to His wonderful Name!May I draw your kind attention to Ephesians 2:8-10, which says,”For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this not from yourself, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do”.
    May this truth about the One & Only true God be revealed through you to many other Film Stars! God bless you dear sister………..
    Yours Sincerely,

    Major Luke

  16. Mohan says:

    Hello Nagma,

    What an inspiring testimony coming from a superstar who has a new superstar in Lord Jesus in her life!

    Our God is an awesome God. His plans for s are very high and i wish that God’s ultimate plan will be fulfilled in your life and may God richly bless you and through you the entire nation.

    Be strong and of good courage. He will see you through.

    love and regards

  17. Rani Cecilia says:

    This is really a good news. I’m so,so,so…. happy for u nagma.If I myself rejoicing so much imagine the happiness in heaven.The heaven is glad for u too.May GOD who saved u also keep u,use u and bless u abundantly

  18. Grace, Mumbai says:

    Hi Nagma,

    Be strong in Lord’s name. Nothing is impossible for Our Lord. His deeds are Great and wonderful. He moulded you for his work. All the best.. Mighty Lord will always keep you going..

    In christ Name,

  19. Alex Thomas says:

    Thank God for His power of transformation. I praise God for Nagma and I pray that the Lord will strengthen her and make a more powerful witness for Christ. God bless Nagma.
    Alex Thomas, UK

  20. Julie says:

    hi Nagma

    I am so very happy to know that you have accepted Jesus Christ as your saviour. God has his plans for you to know him. Through you he will work miracles in india and all around the world. Have courage and God will bless you and strengthen you.
    Our prays our always with you.
    with luv & prayer
    julie – india/kuwait

  21. Rajendran says:

    Dear sister,

    We are very proud of you. You have selected best in your life. we pray for you

    for Elshadai Electrical Engineers

  22. rajoy varghese says:

    Praise the Lord for his plans…
    God has really chosen Nagma like Mary Magdalene
    and He will surely make you a saint…
    May Jesus give you all his graces to defend
    all your enemies that will try to get you back…
    May you stay constant in your New Life which is
    gifted by God…

  23. Stanley J Charles says:

    Praise to Sweet Jesus…
    Its a great joy in heaven and on earth too,she would have been the one among the very few celebrities who did such great sacrifice for the Lord.. May God Bless Nagma… hallelujah to the Lord God Almighty…

    IV B.Tech Biotech,
    Karunya University.

  24. alfred says:

    God bless you Nagma,with full of strength and power to overcome with everything which is evil, and use you as a instrument with full of fruits.

    P.O.Box- 7972

  25. Moody Abraham says:

    Dear sister Nagma,
    I thank God for giving you an opportunity to come to the saving knowledge through Jesus Christ. As Christians we know the joy, peace and love we experience in our daily love. Money and fame cannot give us that. Only Jesus can give us these qualities. May God continue to use you to bring many to Jesus the saviour of mankind. Be faithful to Jesus by sharing the love to others and he will bless you and He will give you guidance.
    Your brother in Christ,
    Moody Abraham

  26. rupa says:

    May our Lord Jesus name be glorified, this testimony is just another reminder of how loving our Lord is, An unchanging God in this changing world.

    The harvest is plenty but the labourers are few. as more souls are being saved, we are reminded that the rapture is near. Take time to tell everyone around you of the wonderful goodnews of the Lord Jesus Christ

    May God use Nagma in a mighty way in the days to come.

    Rupa- USA

  27. balakrishna (barnaba) says:


    hi Nagma sister,

    I am so very happy to know that you have accepted Jesus Christ as your saviour. God has his plans for you to know him. Through you he will work miracles in india and all around the world. Have courage and God will bless you and strengthen you.
    Our prays our always with you.
    with luv & prayer

  28. santhosh paul says:

    Dear Sister Nagma,
    I really praise Our Lord and our Saviour Jesus Christ Who has given us such a wonderful life to praise him, even though we are born sinners. I am very glad that you have received Jesus as your personal saviour and your knowledge in Bible tells me that you have be trained purely by Holy Spirit (not by any man. If fod willing,I welcome you to my Church to share your testimony to our locality people who were merely born name-sake Christians. It will be a greater privileage that If you come to my church by the will of God.

    Truly in christ,
    M J Santhosh Paul
    Church Address:
    The Waterbury Telugu Baptist Church
    No.53, Cooks Road,
    Perambur, Chennai 600012
    Near B & C Mill Canteen
    Next to Communist Office

  29. Allinjoe says:

    Sister Nagma have realized Christ Jesus as her Saviour.Nowadays even Christians were not interested in sharing JESUS CHRIST, THE SAVIOUR OF ALL to others. But sister Nagma have been doing a great holy job of sharing THE SAVIOUR with others.
    praise the lord.

  30. J S BOWAJ says:

    God bless her (Sis Nandita/Nagma)
    My sincere prayer is that many people in
    the film land may come to know and
    experience the true living saviour through her

  31. Sandrilla Priyadarshini says:

    I thank Lord Jesus Christ for entering into Nagma sister’s life.Its one of the greatest miracle I have seen in my life.May continue to strengthen her with his peace and presence all the years to come.

  32. Sangeetha says:

    Hi, Nagma,

    It is really Awesome and I am really glad to know that you have become a child of our lord and saviour Jesus christ, hence forth you will see onyl red carpet walks through out your life… All the best…:)). Dont you ever leave him at any pint of life..

  33. marisa muttiah says:

    i am really glad to know that indian actres nagma become a christian, please pray for all the actres in india. i have dream about so many actres become a christian. i am praying for india actress swetha tiwari life. please god change her life too.

  34. gladson mathew says:

    hi nagma,

    so lovely and great in the sight of jesus of nazereth. i should appreciate you for accepting jesus as your personal lord and saviour. you are a living witnessing rock locked to the corner stone for the world especially of glamour and extravaganza.

    in christ jesus,

  35. Janet Joyce Braganza says:

    It’s encourgaging to know that despite atrocities against Christians, the seed of the Word of God is powerfully bearing fruit in people from all walks of life. Truly God is good. Nagma may the light of the Lord shine thru you & bring 1000’s of 10,000’s to the Lord. God bless you.

  36. Suneetha Devadanam says:

    I am amazed and i so proud to know Jesus and to be his child.What a wonderful thing that this actress accepted Jesus Christ and is preaching the gospel.All the glory to goes to our wonderful savior Jesus Christ for his wonders and miracles.God bless Nagma abundantly and used her powerfully to bring many more unto his Kingdom.I am so interested to arrange a prayer meeting with you that many people may know your testimony and praise Jesus and believe in him.God bless you sister

  37. Prof.Robert Stanley says:

    Highly surprising.She is going to be a big blessing to the film industry.Many will turn to the lord through her.We can see a definit change in her entire personality. More and more actress and super stars should accept christ soon. All the best.

    Dr.Stanley Robert

  38. Jesus Ratnam says:

    + Priase God +

    Once again He proved that He can transform any one.

    Children of God lets remember the verse

    “And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh”

    May God bless her.
    Lets all pray for her.

  39. Binny D'silva says:

    Hi, Behen

    Praise the Lord

    i am verry happy that you got saved but i ma even more happy about your ministry for the Lost like you were once.i praise God for that and pray that Jesus may be with you all the time.

    God bless you

    your loving brother in Jesus Christ

    Binny D’silva

    Born Again Youth Ministries


  40. Hany Nagib says:

    Dear Nagma,
    I read your testimony and I’m praying to Our Lord and God Jesus Christ to keep you forever in his saving grace and to grant you the strength to keep honoring his holy name by your life and testimony to his mercy and great saving power.

    yours forever in Christ Jesus
    Our great God and Savior and Lord
    Hany Nagib

  41. Amos M says:

    Dear Sister Nagma,

    It was nice hearing and seeing your testimony on the net. May God Bless and Save lots of People across the World by YOU. You are really Special for Jesus to catch hold of the people in Media as they are really spoiling the common people. The Days are on to bring people to our Lord the Saviour.

    All Hindus, Muslims and any other religion across the world are really going to experience this as this is the truth.

    With lots of love & Prayers.
    Amos. M.

  42. shyam says:

    What an inspiring testimony coming from a superstar who has a new superstar in Lord Jesus in her life!

    Our God is an awesome God. His plans for s are very high and i wish that Gods ultimate plan will be fulfilled in your life and may God richly bless you and through you the entire nation.

    Be strong and of good courage. He will see you through

    pl let her know that we people in warangal district in andhrapradesh state in india are hearhly welcoming nagama garu to share her testmony we like to arrage a gospel meeting crusade here in warangal andhrapradesh,,,byt we dont know how to reach her so pl tell her that we want to have meeting

  43. shridevi (olive) says:

    Praise the lord…

    My beloved sister nagma.. In the name of Jesus christ we the believers can conquer the perils, ordeals and over come the world because HE has overcome the world. We did not choose HIM but has Chosen us.

    With lots of LOVE………

  44. Gonsalves J.F says:

    I think you were a lost sheep joyfully shouldered and brought by our Lord Jesus to His herd. When one sinner repents there are shouts of joy in heaven as heaven rejoices also on earth children of God rejoices and me rejoice overwhelmingly. I am really astonished of your Holy Bible knowledge. God bless you and keep you close with love and advises for your future career.

  45. Mathew says:

    Dear Nagma

    May the Mighty hand of our Lord JESUS CHRIST lead you and protect you all through the long journey of your life.

  46. Rajumylapra, Dubai says:

    Date: 28.02.2009

    Dear sister Nagma,

    God is going to use you in a different way. You are really lucky because you have been choosen by God among thousands of actors and actresses. This world will end and you will have mansion in heaven, so be with Jesus Christ till the last respiration. I wish you all the best and pray to God Almighty to keep you under his mighty wings.

    May God bless you.

    With love and regards

    Rajumylapra, Dubai – Susan – Kripa & Rijo

  47. Krishnaveni says:

    Dear Nagama
    Praise The LORD! Glory Be to GOD. Use all your talents for God. You have lot of youngsters in your hand to bring unto Jesus in the world. Pray for them and work for tham.
    May God bless you

  48. Maria Savaridoss says:

    Dear sister in Christ Jesus two weeks back I got a cd from my friend that said the message of our God through you. And more over many witnesses had raised that proves how our Father is using. First I thought one among hundred. Surely I was wrong. I think that that message took place at Nalumavadi, Tuticorin.
    Thanks to God who is using you mightily.
    Best regards,
    S.Maria Savaridoss,
    Port of salalah,
    Sultanate of Oman.

  49. M Thomas says:

    Dear loving Sister, Loving Greetings in the Name of Jesus Christ (from Baroda). I praise my God Almighty for bringing you to the saving power of Jesus. You are now a precious vessel in the sight of God and duty bound to bring many lost souls to Jesus while withstanding all the pressures sorrounding you. It is my prayer that the Lord Jesus sustain you and help you spread the Gospel of Jesus to all Nations. Be cautious about the glitters around and walk steadfastly, as a crown is waiting for you. Myself and my family will be praying for you. Regards.

  50. Hepsiba ( Gayathri ) says:

    Praise the Lord !!

    I am so happy that you become a loveable child to our lord. Jesusu has called you by your name. Its an awesome testimony. My eyes were filled with tears when i read your testimony. May god will lead you in a path where you can spread the gospel of jesus to this world. Lets save the soul which is going to hell……. My family and Myself will be praying for your glory journey with god.

  51. SURESH PETER says:

    Praise and Glory to God

    It is indeed an awesome message that the living God encountered Nagma to use her as His tool to proclaim the word of living God,May the lord shower all His blessings on Nagma, her faith concerning christ should make gentiles to realize the magnitude and love of christ..May GOD SHOWER ALL HIS BLESSINGS ON NAGMA AND HER FAMILY

    24/7 customer service (call center)
    process: MCAFEE

  52. Raj says:

    Dear loving sister Nagma,

    Greetings to you,

    I have met you in Rainhard Crusade in Kochi last year. You are CHOSEN by our LORD Christ Jesus.

    I am praying for you and your future.

    GOD bless you my dear sister,

    See you soon,


  53. johnson says:

    Nagma sister, “Praise the Lord” We pray for you and your future.you speak the word of God to all over the world

    johnson joseph
    police qtrs 96
    kerala police academy
    Ramavarmapuram ,Thrissur

  54. CALVIN says:

    Dear Sister In Christ Jesus,
    I was spiritually blessed by viewing your testimony on “JESUS REDEEMS” website. I pray that in coming days lord use mightly for his kingdom.

    With Regards,
    Calvin Gundimi

  55. R.Suresh Kumar says:

    I am so very happy to know that you have accepted Jesus Christ as your saviour. God has his plans for you to know him. Through you he will work miracles in india and all around the world. Have courage and God will bless you and strengthen you.
    Our prays our always with you.
    with luv & prayer
    R.Suresh Kumar

  56. sunil manukonda says:

    dear sister in Christ praise the lord.i am very happy you are born again in Jesus name.so much of work is depending on you.that is Gods ministry work so do it sister.in sinifield many members are there so change them. we are p[ray for you.please pray for me.
    in HIS service
    yours brother in christ sunil.

  57. MANESH says:

    Dear sister in CHRIST,

    I am so glad on your rebirth.May GOD bless you.JESUS has great plan on you.He will use you in many cities and nations.The word which is coming from your mouth will save a lot of people.

  58. JOHN VARGHESE says:

    Dear Sister Nagma

    Harvest is plenty but servants are less that is why GOD Chosen you TO WORK in his field. My prayers are with you let Jesus Christ exploit your talents and vast potentials for Glorify his HOLY NAME not only in India but throughout the world

  59. paulsanjay says:

    God is awesome and amazing,how He works in our lives
    we pray almighty use you abundantly in His work and taking gospel to masses.praise the Lord,for so inspiring testimony.

  60. Dominic says:

    Lord Jesus saved your Life style fantastic to here,I will pray for you and pray for me, praise the Loard JESUS.

  61. Franklin Benny says:

    thank God to hear dis testymony. m really very happy to hear dis, dear nagma aunty nw u r a Child Of God u dont worry about anyting,aunty

  62. antorajoy says:

    Dear Sis. in Christ Jesus,

    I thank God for the grace upon you. May the grace of God be with u always. God’s ways are so wonderful. May Jesus give u strength and courage to show your life as true witness for Jesus. May God lead you in a wonderful ways to save millions of lives from sins. I thank God for giving me this opportunity to thank and praise God.

    In Christ Jesus’
    Bro. antorajoy, Dubai

  63. geethamanoj says:

    beloved nagma,
    gods mercy was upon u like how it was upon me.god chose me to do his ministry ,,saved me from eleven attempts of suicide after consuming three hundred sleeping pils gardenal 60 mgm.. was working in pondychery govt as pharmacist.. from a nair hindu family.. children saved..husband not saved but resigned job to serve the lord..so nagma be strong in the lord
    My email ID geethamadomer@hotmail.com

  64. psezramuth says:

    sis its truly amazing how god is so so good to its a wonderful testimony. we are praying that god will bring u to malaysia to come share the power of god to the multitude who r waiting to hear ur testimony. pls pray n ask the Father to permit u to come to malaysia. our contact:rev. ezra muthu,harvest christian assembly, klang, malaysia. thank you so much. may god bless richly

  65. Thomas says:

    Praise GOD

    Luke 15:7 says
    I tell you that in the same way, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.

  66. Alex N Abraham says:

    MAy the Glory of our Lord Jesus christ be known to the peoples and lets pray more people & personalities accept christ and may all glorify his name always.



  68. sathya 4jesus says:

    wow i only i read it…….
    grt to hear our jesus is the superstar
    let whole cine field be touched by our saviour jesus is the winner of souls …..lord surely bless u..thanks for his grace on u

  69. Pran says:

    Dear Sister Nagma.. Praise the Lord. Now you became our eternal family member.I worshiped the Lord after hearing your testimony about salvation and anointment. Be anoint and go ahead for winning souls. Now a days Gospel Preachers are many but I would like to see you as a mighty Vessel of Jesus for making many disciples…PRAN, RAJAHMUNDRY

  70. Sumbal Nadeem says:

    Hello SIster Nagma..

    Praise God…
    We are so Happy that you accepted to Jesus Christ as your Savior…

    Be Blessed!!

  71. Helen Dsouza says:

    Hi, Sister Nagma,
    Praise God,I was one of your fans in the movies,As i am an anglo- indian Very happy to know u have changed your life style,Anyway god bless you and keep you in good health and may you serve god with all your love,Don’t worry you are always in our prays,May god bless you and shine all over again, take care, we love Nagma. Keep smiling.

  72. Sam UK says:

    Dear Nagam praise the lord.Gods ministry to work In between the people, who never believe Christ, please pray for me to help people when they are in need.. YOU ARE FAMOUS SPIRITUALMEANS OF COMMUNICATION TO SPREAD THE WORD OF GOD.PLEASE PRAY FOR ME where people YOU ARE FAMOUS SPIRITUALMEANS OF COMMUNICATION TO SPREAD THE WORD OF GOD. I will keep u in my prays


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