
You’re Not on Your Own

The great missionary and evangelist Stanley Jones wrote that most Christians will need to re-surrender their lives to God to protect them, as he said, “from the inroads of the world.”

My recommitment occurred in my early twenties when I was a seminary student. I had given my life to Christ when I was twelve, but over the next ten years had fallen into behaviors that were far from Christ-like. I felt like a hypocrite. Then one day, Major Ian Thomas spoke at our chapel service.

Major Thomas told the story of Moses and the burning bush. Even though the bush was just a bunch of dried up sticks, Moses knew that God was in it. It hit me that I was like that bush.

I was like a useless bunch of dried up sticks, unless God filled me. Thomas closed by reading Galatians 2:20 where Paul says “I have been crucified in Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.” I realized then that I was trying to live in my own power instead of Gods indwelling, resurrection power.

When you understand that Christ lives in you, its not what you can do for God, but what God will do in and through you. Youre not on your own, especially when you share your faith. So, ask the Lord for opportunities, and then boldly share the faith you possess.

Reaching Today’s Teens

A few years ago, the Barna Research organization polled a group of teenagers about their views on religion. More than half of these students said that they believed all religious faiths teach equally valid truths.

In fact, one girl said, “I believe in Darwins theory of evolution, and the possibility of God being a woman. I never believed in the story of Adam and Eve. But I do, however, believe in prayer and karma.”

A big part of what many postmoderns believe is that no one religion can have a monopoly on truth. They say that truth is whatever you choose to believe. This idea may seem intimidating to challenge. But dont despair: this up-and-coming generation is very open to religion discussion. In fact theyre intrigued by spiritual issues and eager to talk about them!

There is spiritual curiosity in the young people today and an opportunity to engage their hearts and minds. We need to be ready! Ephesians 5:15 exhorts us to “…live not as unwise, but as wise, making the most of every opportunity.”

There is no time like the present to take advantage of each and every moment to connect with this generation. Remember, you and I hold the words of Christ — words of life to a lost and confused world.

Salt and Light

Daniel Naulty was a former major league baseball player who was a powerful pitcher. But Daniel also used performance-enhancing drugs during his career. A few years ago, he admitted his crime and left baseball for good. But, thats only part of his story.

The other part of the story happened seven years ago when Naultys team won the World Series. What should have been the highlight of his life was instead one of his lowest points. “I thought the World Series was going to be God,” Naulty said. “But I realized after we won that it wasnt salvation.” He began spiraling into a deep depression. Then Daniel began thinking back to what his Christian teammates had shared with him over the years.

They had told Naulty about Gods story of redemption and love through the cross and resurrection of Christ. Daniel finally realized the truth about what was missing from his life. So he asked forgiveness for his sins, and received Jesus into his life.

Jesus told his disciples in Matthew 5, “You are the salt of the earth… you are the light of the world.” Like Daniels faithful teammates, you and I can also be salt and light to those around us. Even when we dont see immediate results, God is at work! Just like he was with Daniel Naulty.

Obedience in the Moment

The book of Acts, chapter 8, tells us one of the most miraculous evangelistic accounts in the Bible! It starts in verse 26: An angel of the Lord said to Philip, Go south on the road the desert road that goes south from Jerusalem to Gaza. So [Philip] started out When Philip arrived on the desert road, he found an Ethiopian eunuch reading the book of Isaiah.

But this man was confused – he needed someone to explain the Scriptures to him. So Philip described that Isaiah was actually prophesying about Jesus Christ. Immediately, the Ethiopian believed in the Lord, and asked to be baptized!

Thats a powerful story isnt it? Yet the Ethiopians conversion wouldnt have happened if Philip didnt listen – and obey – the voice of the Lord. No excuses. No hesitation. When the angel told Philip to go, he went!

God has amazing victories in store for us if we simply listen to His voice, and obey. So lets you and I spend time in Gods Word! Lets talk with Him in prayer! Then, when He prompts us to witness to our world, well be ready to do it!

Biblical Stories

This Postmodern generation wants stories. They love stories. They learn from stories. And thats not bad. Its great to weave stories together as we present the Good News to this generation.

But, as we tell stories, we must always make sure that there is truth in the stories — Biblical truth! In the midst of being relevant to the culture, we need to be making the point of truth. And the truth of the Good News Gospel is centered on the doctrine of the cross. Jesus Christ shed His blood for the sins of the world.

That must be an essential part of the stories we share. Why? Because the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the foundation of Christianity. Without the belief that Christ actually died for our sins, rose again, and is alive today at the right hand of God, our religion is just that – religion. With no power to change lives. Remember, without the shedding of blood theres no forgiveness of sins (Hebrews 9:22).

So when we share our faith, you and I must focus on the true story of Jesus Christs death the resurrection. Its amazing, powerful, Good News for a weary and broken world!