
God’s Holy Spirit

Are you feeling spiritually dry? Discouraged? Unmotivated? Have you had a recent failure, either a personal mistake, or the death of a dream? Does it seem like all your hopes and prayers of God using you have come to nothing?

The Lord says to you today, “Keep dreaming great dreams, and planning great plans to reach your world.” Jesus says in John 14:15, “I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.”

What an incredible promise of our potential to reach our world for Jesus Christ! When Jesus says Hes going to the Father, that means the Holy Spirit is coming to us! And its Gods Holy Spirit who indwells us. His Spirit gives us power to accomplish whatever evangelistic vision God has given us.

You and I have serve a God who says, “I know youre discouraged, I know you feel dry, but keep dreaming great dreams and planning great plans, because the Holy Spirit will empower you to accomplish them!” Gods Spirit is the power and the anointing that we need to do great things for Jesus Christ

Pray Great Prayers

Have you been praying for years that a loved one would believe in Jesus Christ? Does it seem like your prayers arent doing any good? Let me encourage you today – dont give up!

Recently, a very famous man made a decision for the Lord. Im sure youve heard of him – his name was Robert “Evel” Knievel. He was a daredevil. Hed get on a motorbike and jump over anything. But Mr. Knievel was also into women, drinking, and partying.

Robert Knievel shared his conversion story with a church. He said he had refused God for 68 years, but he knew people were praying for him – especially his daughters church. Hundreds of people had also written to him, telling him about the Lord.

So prayers were going up for this guy all over, and yet it still took years for Robert to believe in Jesus Christ. But it did happen! He told the church, “I felt Jesus reach out to me, and I repented and I believed in Christ.”

A year later, Mr. Kneievel passed away. And now hes in the presence of the Lord! Romans 12:12 reminds us: “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” So keep praying! Never underestimate the power of God to work through your prayers in miraculous ways!

Re-Surrender Can bring Lifestyle Changes

Scripture teaches us that the Christian life is a lifestyle saturated with God Himself. Our youngest son Andrew didnt discover the joy of a God-filled life until he was a grown man. But now Andrews an evangelist and shares his story around the world. He found hope and redemption when he finally surrendered his heart to Christ.

The apostle Paul prayed to the Ephesians that “God may strengthen you with power through His spirit…so that Christ may dwell in your hearts… that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.” Imagine how different your life would be if you were completely and totally filled with God Himself.

If you were completely filled with God, no area of your life would be untouched. You would love God so deeply. You would care so much more about your brothers and sisters in Christ. And you would have a passion to reach out to lost souls. The more we know the Lord, the more He becomes central in our lives and we become more and more like Jesus.

Nothing is more exciting than living a life thats filled with the Holy Spirit! Today, spend serious time with God and re-welcome Him back into your heart.

You’re Not on Your Own

The great missionary and evangelist Stanley Jones wrote that most Christians will need to re-surrender their lives to God to protect them, as he said, “from the inroads of the world.”

My recommitment occurred in my early twenties when I was a seminary student. I had given my life to Christ when I was twelve, but over the next ten years had fallen into behaviors that were far from Christ-like. I felt like a hypocrite. Then one day, Major Ian Thomas spoke at our chapel service.

Major Thomas told the story of Moses and the burning bush. Even though the bush was just a bunch of dried up sticks, Moses knew that God was in it. It hit me that I was like that bush.

I was like a useless bunch of dried up sticks, unless God filled me. Thomas closed by reading Galatians 2:20 where Paul says “I have been crucified in Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.” I realized then that I was trying to live in my own power instead of Gods indwelling, resurrection power.

When you understand that Christ lives in you, its not what you can do for God, but what God will do in and through you. Youre not on your own, especially when you share your faith. So, ask the Lord for opportunities, and then boldly share the faith you possess.

Storms of Life

Rodriguez was a young man who called me up to talk one night on our live television show. He was really having a tough time. “Everything is falling apart,” he said. “My mom passed away, my business venture collapsed, and my daughter was diagnosed with kidney failure. Whats going on?”

As we talked, it was clear that Rodriguez knew a lot about God. But he had never completely surrendered his life to the Lord. I told Rodriguez that he really needs the guidance and direction of God. Jesus Christ came to earth not just to take us to Heaven when we die. But He also came to guide us through the storms of life.

Then Rodriguez said something very interesting. He said, “Maybe these storms are Gods way of telling me to wake up.” Wasnt that insightful? It was so true! And I had the privilege of leading this young man to the Lord on live TV!

Paul tells us in Romans 8 that nothing “will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus.” Nothing – no matter how fearsome the storm might be. That powerful truth can be the catalyst for someone you know to turn their life over to Jesus Christ. So, who in your world needs this encouragement?