
Who Needs Church, Anyway?

A recent study by the Barna Group found that more than 13 million Americans identified as born again believers were considered unchurched. That is, they hadnt attended a church service, other than for a Holiday, in at least six months.

My wife Pat recently co-wrote a book with her friend Peggy Sue Wells titled “What to do when you dont want to go to church.” During their research Peggy and Pat talked to hundreds of Christians who no longer attend church. Their reasons ranged from issues of doctrine and policy to more mundane things such as parking, pews, and the volume of the music.

If youre among the 13 million unchurched believers, whats your favorite excuse? The Bible clearly states the importance of the local church. “Consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds” it says in Hebrews. “Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another.”

Is it time you took a fresh look at your church and asked yourself what you can personally bring to encourage others? If you come with a heart filled with the Holy Spirit, your presence can bless both you and your congregation.

Biblical Stories

This Postmodern generation wants stories. They love stories. They learn from stories. And thats not bad. Its great to weave stories together as we present the Good News to this generation.

But, as we tell stories, we must always make sure that there is truth in the stories — Biblical truth! In the midst of being relevant to the culture, we need to be making the point of truth. And the truth of the Good News Gospel is centered on the doctrine of the cross. Jesus Christ shed His blood for the sins of the world.

That must be an essential part of the stories we share. Why? Because the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the foundation of Christianity. Without the belief that Christ actually died for our sins, rose again, and is alive today at the right hand of God, our religion is just that – religion. With no power to change lives. Remember, without the shedding of blood theres no forgiveness of sins (Hebrews 9:22).

So when we share our faith, you and I must focus on the true story of Jesus Christs death the resurrection. Its amazing, powerful, Good News for a weary and broken world!

Encourage One Another

Why do we, as Christians, sometimes hold back from sharing the Good News? Is it because, quite simply, people can get really put off when we mention the name of Jesus. We dont like to offend, and we dont want someone thinking were weird, or that were judging them.

So its just easier to stop talking about our faith altogether. Yet, Jesus commands us to continue reaching our world – to not give up, to be steadfast – even when people mock us. Because, when we stop actively sharing our faith, we begin drifting away from the purpose God has for our lives.

Were warned about this kind of spiritual drifting in Hebrews 3:12 and 13: “See to it brothers, that none of you has an unbelieving heart, that turns away from the living God.” Then the writer goes on to say, “Encourage one another daily …so that none of you may be hardened by sins deceitfulness.”

The sin of being ashamed of Jesus is deceitful, isnt it? It can be so subtle that we dont even recognize it. So how can we protect ourselves and others from this sin? “Encourage one another daily!” We all need encouragement! So lets encourage our brothers and sisters to keep spreading the Good News. Its the best way to protect ourselves from the sin of silence

Know Your Audience

In the late 1800s, Charles Spurgeon was the pastor of Londons Metropolitan Tabernacle Church. It was built to hold the huge crowds that came to hear Spurgeon speak – 23,000 people a week! But today, that same churchs attendance has dwindled to 75 people per week.

What happened? Although the times and culture changed, the church didnt. Of course, you never change the sacred message of Jesus Christ, crucified on the cross for sins of the world. But methods can, and should, remain flexible.

Over the years, our own team has sought to integrate fresh approaches to evangelism. Thats why we began having Good News festivals. Theyre outside in parks, with lots of music, food, extreme sports, and a childrens area.

The Good News is presented clearly, throughout the day, at various locations. Praise God, its been enormously effective!

So remember, never water down the truth of the Good News Gospel. As Hebrews 9 says: “Without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sins.” But, find creative ways to present it. As you engage the minds and hearts of this generation within their culture, youll help them see their need for a Savior.

Reaching the Broken

When my wife and I met Donna, she was an 18-year-old single mom with two children. As we talked with her, we found out she had grown up going to church. But Donna ended up on a destructive path when she hit her teenage years. When we asked why, Donna said she was molested multiple times as a child, and her mother abandoned her when she was 13.

Donna eventually got into the wrong crowd in school, getting involved with boyfriends, alcohol, and drugs. Yet, deep down she knew that it wasnt right.

It was heartbreaking to hear Donnas story. No one should have to endure what she had gone through!

We shared with Donna that Jesus Christ not only will forgive her sins, Hell also help her to forget the incest, the rape, and the hurt. We shared this beautiful verse with her from Hebrews 9: “The blood of Christ will cleanse your conscience from evil works so that you can serve the living and true God.” Donna said thats what she was looking for. We rejoiced as she surrendered her life to Jesus!

Do you know a struggling teenage mom? Instead of judging her, try reaching out to her. Offer to watch her baby so she can have a break. Ask if you can bring her a meal, or treat her to coffee. Your simple act of kindness can be a powerful example to her of Christs amazing love.