
“Yes, I thought you’d never ask”

After taking a serious fall, an older gentleman named Luke Mulder prayed to receive Jesus Christ. He then prayed for his wife, Clara, who was away visiting her sister in California. That very same day, Clara heard a Gospel presentation and made the decision to trust Christ.

Coincidence? Hardly! Many people think prayer is complicated. The truth is that the simplest prayer can bring you the miracle you need, when you need it. Sometimes all we have to do is pray and God says, “Yes, I thought youd never ask.”

My friend, are you praying for the lost people in your life? The Bible says, “The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” God wants to bless you. He wants to bless your loved ones with a relationship with Himself. Do not give up praying for them. God wants them to be a part of His family!

The Bible says to “pray without ceasing,” and I encourage you to do just that! Dont ever give up. It doesnt matter how far away from the Lord your loved one is, keep praying! Dont quit. Continue to show them Gods love and perhaps, in time, God will use you to bring them back to himself. What could be more exciting than that!

When God says “No”

Do you believe that God hears your prayers? And if He hears them, do you believe that He answers them? This week, well look at five specific ways God answers prayer. Not just mine, but yours, too! Well take a look at a different answer each day this week.

The first is the answer we most dread. Its when God says, “No, my child, I love you too much.” Its hard when God says “no” to our heartfelt requests. Have you experienced this? I certainly have.

Take, for example, when my friend Diane started losing her hearing. When my mother-in-law came down with polio. When my father died. God said “no” to each of my requests, leaving me wrestling with the reality of His “no” answer.

In the Psalms in the Bible, many times David cries out to God to answer his prayers. But if God answers with “no,” does that mean we shouldnt bother to pray? No! Just the opposite. The Bible tells us, “to be patient in affliction” and “faithful in prayer.”

Whom do you know who may feel as though God is saying “No” to them? Be an encouragement for them. Continue to remind them of Christs unending love, even through the hard times. Tell them that even through the storms, God is there and wants to draw near.

Loving Others

I remember when I met Susan. She called in to our live television show a few years ago. Her voice was shaking, and she was very nervous. Susan said that she felt like God had thrown her out of His life.

When I asked why she felt that way, Susan told me, “In every church I have attended, people judge me when they find out about my past.” Apparently, she had been married multiple times, and had some past sins that she was ashamed about. Susan felt that she didnt fit in at any church.

Isnt that sad? What Susan needed was Christians to really show her Christ-like love. To accept her for where she was, not judge her past, and encourage her to grow in the Lord. Jesus Himself commands us to love our neighbors as ourselves.

So why is it so difficult to love others sincerely? Because loving as Jesus loves is impossible to do on our own. We need Gods love in us, to show that love to our world.

First John 4:19 says, “We love because He first loved us.”

Loving well takes practice, and resting in the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit. But its absolutely essential if you want to see people changed. Love, my friend, is the essence of reaching your world for Jesus Christ.

Science Versus God

Do you know someone who is mathematically and scientifically minded? Maybe that person is you! You love experiments. Your thought process is linear. You like equations, evidence and proof.

Now, many argue that science clashes with God. They say that a decent scientist cannot believe in God. However, God never stifles pure science- never. Believing in God actually helps a scientist enjoy his research even more! To put it simply, the Bible does not say to the scientist, “Believe in God, shut your mouth and shut off your brain.”

In fact, the Bible says to the scientist, “Believe in God, the Creator, and enjoy the search for different truths of Gods creation.”

In the Bible, Paul writes to the Romans, “For since the creation of the world Gods invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made.” You see? All of creation points back to God! Do you have a skeptical, science-minded friend around?

Encourage this person to enjoy science through the lens of faith in God. And Gods written revelation in the Bible. The Bible has power! Get them reading the Bible and you never know what can happen in your life. Their faith will only increase as God reveals Himself through scientific study.

God’s Word Accomplishes God’s Purposes

I love China and have visited there several times already in the last 10 years. More than 15 years ago, Billy Graham spoke at some churches in Beijing and Shanghai. After one sermon, an elderly Chinese man came up to Mr. Graham and said (through the interpreter), “What was the name of the man who died on the cross that you told us about?”

Mr. Graham said, “His name was Jesus.” And the elderly Chinese man said, “I have always believed in him, but I never knew his name.” God had revealed Himself to the heart of this Chinese man, but this man just didnt know some of the details.

From the early days of the creation of man and woman, God has been revealing Himself in peoples hearts. But I also think God had the Bible written so that people could know what they believe and who they believe in and know the details!

Do you know someone who believes in God but does not know Jesus Christ? Encourage this person to read the Bible – especially the Gospel of John in the New Testament. It is Gods inspired Word. It is perfect!

As the prophet Isaiah says in the Bible, “It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” Encourage someone today to read the Good Book! Especially as I said the Gospel of St. John.