Labor of Love
If youve been with me this week, Ive been quoting a verse from a hymn everyday. Verse 4 says, “So send I you, to leave your lifes ambition, to die to dear desire, self will resign. To labor long in love where men revile you. So send I you to lose your life in mine.” You know its Jesus Christ speaking through this hymn- and its very Biblical and very godly.
You know God sometimes calls people to give up their fondest ambitions, to leave behind the dreams that they had when they were young, to reach out to those who are going to a Christ-less eternity and who need to know eternal life, the forgiveness of sins and the love of God.
Sometimes some of us have done it gladly. And no one ever repented if they really loved Jesus Christ, for giving their very best for the sake of the lost. Yes, people may revile you, people may stay out of your path, people may mock you. But if you lose your life in the life of Jesus Christ, you will never regret it.
St. Paul said, “I am crucified with Christ, and yet I live. But its not I, its Christ living in me.”
When you give your life for the sake of those who are dying without Christ and are lost, the rewards will be tremendous. Not only in Heaven, but even here on earth. Ive found it so, and so will you.