
Labor of Love

If youve been with me this week, Ive been quoting a verse from a hymn everyday. Verse 4 says, “So send I you, to leave your lifes ambition, to die to dear desire, self will resign. To labor long in love where men revile you. So send I you to lose your life in mine.” You know its Jesus Christ speaking through this hymn- and its very Biblical and very godly.

You know God sometimes calls people to give up their fondest ambitions, to leave behind the dreams that they had when they were young, to reach out to those who are going to a Christ-less eternity and who need to know eternal life, the forgiveness of sins and the love of God.

Sometimes some of us have done it gladly. And no one ever repented if they really loved Jesus Christ, for giving their very best for the sake of the lost. Yes, people may revile you, people may stay out of your path, people may mock you. But if you lose your life in the life of Jesus Christ, you will never regret it.

St. Paul said, “I am crucified with Christ, and yet I live. But its not I, its Christ living in me.”

When you give your life for the sake of those who are dying without Christ and are lost, the rewards will be tremendous. Not only in Heaven, but even here on earth. Ive found it so, and so will you.

The Lord’s Patience

God our Father would love for everyone to believe in Jesus Christ and have eternal life. Thats His deepest desire. And Gods plan for saving souls is to enlist us Christians to be His hands, feet, and voice – lovingly drawing people to repentance and faith in Jesus. Then, God will send Jesus back to earth, bringing all believers up to Heaven with Him.

But sometimes, as year after year passes, the Lords return can seem so far away. We may feel that we have all the time in the world to share our faith. So it becomes easy to put off witnessing, until a more “convenient” time, (which rarely comes, by the way). But the Lord will come back, as He has promised. And it could be any day.

II Peter 3 says, “The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise … He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”

Our Lords patience means salvation! He is waiting to return until as many people as possible come into the Kingdom. You and I are His messengers – His ambassadors — to preach the Good News to a desperate and dying world.

Will you answer His call? Its an exciting way to live, thats for sure!

Perhaps Today

I was taught as a little boy that Jesus is coming back someday to take His followers with Him to heaven. I think thats one of the most exciting subjects in all of the revelation of God! And Im ready to go! I know Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, and I have tried to be faithful to His call on my life.

But we dont know when Hes coming back, do we? When the Apostles asked Jesus about His return, He said, “The Father alone has the authority to set those dates and times, and they are not for you to know.”

God has a plan that He alone knows about. Yet He asks His followers to live as if Jesus Christ could come back at any moment.

Have you ever thought about how differently you would live if you knew Jesus would return tomorrow? Would you be bolder about sharing your beliefs with your family? Would you call up your college buddies, and plead with them to give their lives to Christ?

Jesus could come back in the very next hour. That truth should motivate you and me to do everything possible to reach the people in our world with the Good News. Remember, thats freedom from sins, a joyful life here on earth, and eternity in Heaven!

I’ll Be Back

Do you know what the next great event in human civilization is going to be? Its the second coming of Jesus Christ to take His people to be with Him in Heaven. Wont that be exciting?

I Thessalonians 4:17 says, “After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.” The New Testament mentions this second coming over 300 times. It was clearly an event He wanted us to be ready for.

How do you and I prepare for Jesus Christs return? First of all, its essential to have a good relationship with Him, and know Him as our Lord and Savior.

After that, we need to be faithful to the calling He has on our lives. Seconds before He ascended to heaven, after He had promised that He would come back again, Jesus said: “Go and evangelize the world.” That was the major thing on his mind as Jesus left us on earth.

If Jesus came back today, would He find you and me faithfully sharing the message of Good News with the people we know? If not, why dont you recommit yourself to the Great Commission right now?

Remember, the Lord is coming back. In the meantime, its our calling, and privilege, to lead others into a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Changing Times

In the 1950s, many people in Western countries had grown up going to church. They had heard about Jonah and the whale, David and Goliath, and the death and resurrection of Jesus. There was a general knowledge and background of the Bible.

But in todays generation, a high percentage of people think they know what the Bible teaches, but in fact theyve never even cracked open the book. They may have heard about Jesus on the radio or TV, but much of that is simply mocking Him. Most people today dont have an accurate picture of the real Jesus.

So when we approach this generation with the Good News, we cant take anything for granted. We should present why Jesus Christ came to earth to die for our sins, and how He gave us victory over sin and death when He rose from the dead. And use Gods Word to reveal the story of redemption.

In Second Timothy, Paul tells Timothy, “You have known the Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.”

The word of God is alive and powerful! So ask God to help you share His Biblical plan of redemption with your world. And lets you and I win this generation to Jesus Christ!