
The Body of Christ

Many Christians today are in the habit of not going to church. Most are good-hearted believers, who simply dont think they need the local church. But Hebrews 10:25 tells us, “Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing.”

Why do we need church? Because the local church is Gods way of shaping us, molding us, and then using us to reach our world. Although there may be people there who rub us the wrong way, thats part of the genius of Gods design!

He wants to stretch us, and cause us to grow. We may get bothered by the style of this, or the sound of that. But its good for us! Its humbling, its purifying, its “iron sharpening iron.”

As we are sharpened by others in the church, we become more like Jesus Christ. We also learn how to work with those who are different than us. And working well with other believers is one of the best expressions of Jesus Christ to our world.

So, dream great dreams for your church! Be faithful to it! Pray for it! And get involved. Ask God to use your church to reach your neighborhood, your city, your country for Jesus Christ. Thats exactly what He wants to do!

God’s Word Accomplishes God’s Purposes

I love China and have visited there several times already in the last 10 years. More than 15 years ago, Billy Graham spoke at some churches in Beijing and Shanghai. After one sermon, an elderly Chinese man came up to Mr. Graham and said (through the interpreter), “What was the name of the man who died on the cross that you told us about?”

Mr. Graham said, “His name was Jesus.” And the elderly Chinese man said, “I have always believed in him, but I never knew his name.” God had revealed Himself to the heart of this Chinese man, but this man just didnt know some of the details.

From the early days of the creation of man and woman, God has been revealing Himself in peoples hearts. But I also think God had the Bible written so that people could know what they believe and who they believe in and know the details!

Do you know someone who believes in God but does not know Jesus Christ? Encourage this person to read the Bible – especially the Gospel of John in the New Testament. It is Gods inspired Word. It is perfect!

As the prophet Isaiah says in the Bible, “It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” Encourage someone today to read the Good Book! Especially as I said the Gospel of St. John.

Reaching Countries for Christ

Today, Africa is receiving much attention, both from the Church and the media. With proponents like Bono and Product Red, Africa is receiving help and funding. And thats good! But what if every physical need was met today? What would that mean for eternity? Not only for Africa, but everywhere? Even if everyone was fed and clothed… without Jesus Christ, souls remain lost.

God pointed out our vital duty and that is to proclaim His Good News. “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few,” Jesus said in the book of Matthew. We must sense the urgency of our time. How long must people wait before they hear the Gospel? How many more generations must pass? Some parts of the world have yet to hear the message of Christ!

Today, more than ever, we can reach “closed” nations with the Good News. God is doing incredible things in Asia, Eastern Europe, and the former Soviet Republics. But we must remain diligent in meeting both spiritual and physical needs of people. We must pray for these countries. If you are providing relief and monetary gifts to people overseas, that is good! Thank you! But lets not neglect our call to care for peoples souls. Their eternal well being is at stake!

In His Time

For the last five years in my church, our pastor kept saying, “Were looking to God for something new in our church.” He didnt know what it was going to be, but he kept believing and saying, “God wants to do something new.”

Year after year went by, but nothing seemed to be happening. In the end, some people got frustrated, and said, Why does he keep saying that? Nothing new is happening at all!” It was a difficult time.

But you know what? Just this past year, new things have begun in our church. Exciting changes are taking place! God is doing moving and were thrilled! Our pastor was right! Things are changing! But, even before we could see the changes, our Pastor didnt turn from the vision God had given him.

Psalm 27:14 says, “Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart, and wait for the Lord.” The Lord wants you and I to dream great dreams for reaching our world. But we need to be patient as we wait on Him, pray, and seek His face.

Remember, Gods timing is perfect. When He takes you through a season of waiting, Hes preparing you. And when Hes ready, watch out! Because the floodgates of heaven will open as you see your evangelistic dreams accomplished to Gods glory!

Pray Great Prayers

Have you been praying for years that a loved one would believe in Jesus Christ? Does it seem like your prayers arent doing any good? Let me encourage you today – dont give up!

Recently, a very famous man made a decision for the Lord. Im sure youve heard of him – his name was Robert “Evel” Knievel. He was a daredevil. Hed get on a motorbike and jump over anything. But Mr. Knievel was also into women, drinking, and partying.

Robert Knievel shared his conversion story with a church. He said he had refused God for 68 years, but he knew people were praying for him – especially his daughters church. Hundreds of people had also written to him, telling him about the Lord.

So prayers were going up for this guy all over, and yet it still took years for Robert to believe in Jesus Christ. But it did happen! He told the church, “I felt Jesus reach out to me, and I repented and I believed in Christ.”

A year later, Mr. Kneievel passed away. And now hes in the presence of the Lord! Romans 12:12 reminds us: “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” So keep praying! Never underestimate the power of God to work through your prayers in miraculous ways!