
Should I Be Excited About Going To Heaven? Why Bother To Think About It At All?

Have you ever gone on a vacation with your family, and your parents showed you a picture and told you where you were going and what fun things there would be to do when you got there? Finding out about where were going helps us get excited & look forward to going. The Bible says in 2 Peter 3:13 We are looking forward to the new heavens and new earth He has promised But we wont really look forward to that place unless we know something about it and what we get to do when we get there, right?

So since The New Heavens and New Earth, will be your home someday, wouldnt it be a great idea to learn all you can about it now? Well the good news is that God has given us a book, called the Bible that tells us all kinds of things He wants us to know! Not only about Heaven, but about Himself and Jesus, His Son, and things we should do while were here on earth until He comes back to get us. Were going to tell you some of the things God tells us about Heaven from the Bible, including How to get to Heaven!


You may have heard the saying, “Practice random acts of kindness.” I like it. But did you know that there is an entire movement based on this concept? Theres actually something called the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation. Their motto? “Do kindness.”

People reach out to others in an effort to make life better for them. Some raise funds to help kids who use wheelchairs. Others give out hamburgers to hungry people on the street. One little girl collected books, toys, and stuffed animals to give to kids in the hospital. She wanted everyone to have a friend to hold onto. Thats touching. Its a great concept.

Jesus calls His followers to something on top of good deeds. He calls us to evangelism! “Go and proclaim the Good News” he said. The heart of Christ is that others would know Him and experience the life-changing power of the Holy Spirit. Yes, reaching out in love and kindness to others is certainly something God expects every Christian to do, everyday. But it should never replace the call of the Great Commission.

Evangelism is social action. It is the greatest act of kindness in the whole universe. We should share with others how to experience a personal relationship with Jesus and with God the Father, giving them the hope of eternal life and heaven when they die. So, do good deeds on a practical level and do the greatest good deed… give people the Good News of the cross and resurrection of Christ.

Stuck in a Rut

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Besetting sins.” Thats what the old-timers used to call them. Theyre the sins we go back to again and again. With some of us its temper, with some of us its gossip, with others its bitterness, or it could be a sexual sin.

So what do we do when were caught in a rut of sinful behavior? We have to go back to the Lord every single time! Every time confess and move on. Ive heard many new converts say, “How many times am I going to go back and confess my sins?” As many as it takes! Eventually youll get so tired of confession that youll probably decide, I better not do it again. This is getting boring.

David says in Psalm 32 that he felt like his bones were dry as in the heat of summer until he confessed his sins to the Lord. And then he was forgiven, set free. It didnt mean that he wasnt tempted again, but now he was free from besetting sins.

First John 1 tells us that God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all. Romans 8 says we arent obligated to the sinful nature any more.

Hebrews 10 says this is now Gods covenant with us: “Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more.”

Dont let besetting sins keep you from living fervently and free in Jesus. Your victory over sin is a tremendous testimony of abundant life in Jesus Christ, our Savior!

Leaving a Legacy

Moses left the children of Israel a legacy of faithfulness. He was obedient to Gods call on His life to free the Hebrew slaves and lead them to the Promised Land. Deuteronomy 34:12 says, “For no one has ever shown the mighty power or performed the awesome deeds that Moses did in the sight of all Israel.” Thats a legacy!

In some ways, Moses reminds me of my dad. My dad received Christ at the age of 24 as a result of a missionary named Mr. Rogers. Only nine years later, my dad died. But what a legacy he left in those few, yet powerful, years! Mr. Rogers and my dad started local churches in nine towns outside of Buenos Aires, Argentina. He also built a chapel in each of those towns. In addition they held street and tent meetings – sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. My dad lived a life that left me, and those he touched, a legacy of faithfulness and evangelism. He shared the Good News up until the day he died.

We can all live a life that counts if we surrender to Gods call for us. God has glorious ministry opportunities in store for you and for me. He wants us to lead people into a relationship with Himself, setting souls free from sin and death. So, what kind of legacy will you leave behind? Will people remember you as one who evangelized?

Trust and Obey

Can you imagine what Moses and the Hebrews must have felt like when they faced the Red Sea? Pharaoh had finally let them out of Egypt, but now they were caught between the Egyptian army behind them and the sea in front of them.

I can imagine Moses must have thought, “Lord, what now?” But Moses trusted and obeyed the Lords commands. All this demanded great faith. And it worked! Hebrews 11:29 tells us, “By faith the people passed through the Red Sea as on dry land.”

So how does this Old Testament story relate to us as we try to reach our world for Christ? The message is that God will take care of the impossible obstacles if we get going and simply trust and obey. He is fully capable of stepping into our situation. He can step in when He calls you to share your spiritual story with someone.

You may be in fear just like Moses and the Israelites. But if God leads you to do a task for Him, He will bring about a victory — just like he did when he dried up the Red Sea. Not a week before, not even the day before, but at just the right moment when you need it. Our duty is obedience. God always steps in — sometimes in amazing ways beyond what you and I could imagine.