Unexpected Adventure

One day two American university students, both Christians, noticed two Chinese fellows who always seemed to stick together. The foreigners looked lonesome, so the two Christians befriended them. Eventually, both of their Chinese friends received Jesus as Lord. Only later did it come out that these two expatriates were the sons of a powerful government official in China.

The next summer, the new converts announced, “Were going home for vacation instead of staying in the States. We want to share the Good News with our family.” Hows that for unexpected adventure? The American University students didnt know of the connection between these two Chinese students and one of the most powerful men on earth. They just served faithfully and God used them. And thats all God asks of us: To simply let our light shine before men that God may be glorified [Matthew 5:16].

Now you might say, “Luis, Ive never met the children of powerful world leaders.” Dont worry! God has a special plan just for you. I promise — when you share the Good News, theres no telling what kind of adventures await you. Eternal repercussions will follow – trust Him!

A Royal Ambassador

Years ago in Colombia my team hosted an evangelistic reception for two thousand people. The president, Lopez Michaelson, attended, but his wife couldnt because she was traveling in Europe at the time. Two days after the event, one of my British friends called me with an exciting report: During a flight from Rome to London, he had shared the Good News with the woman sitting next to him in first class. This woman just happened to be the wife of Colombias president!

Its a great testimony to Gods sovereign plan for each one of us. Proverbs 19:21 says, “Many are the plans in a mans heart, but it is the Lords purpose that prevails.”

Evangelism opportunities can happen anywhere, anytime. And you dont have to travel to Shanghai or Rome or any other exotic port to find this adventure. God has provided more than enough adventure for you right where you live– if youre willing to accept the mission He wants to give you. The Bible says each one of us is an “ambassador for Christ.” We are His representatives, so go ahead, ambassador, and start sharing our faith and living the great adventure God has planned for our lives.

True Excitement

A few years ago, a 20-year-old college student from Glasgow University approached me. It was during an evangelistic event in Scotland. “Luis,” she said, “Ive been a Christian for two years. Unfortunately, my family doesnt yet know Christ. But I received training from your staff and became a counselor for your mission. And I got to lead 6 people to Christ!” She went on to tell me that she had counseled ten people and six of them had made first-time decisions for Christ. So I asked her, “Are you excited?”

“Absolutely!” she exclaimed. “My question is: What am I going to do now? I graduate in June and theres only one thing I want to do in life, and thats win people to Christ.” If only more of Gods children would discover that kind of excitement!

Philippians 3:8 says, “I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things.” Do you want to experience true excitement? Then give your life to Jesus Christ and start sharing the Good News. You will tremble. And Jesus will use you for peoples eternal good. Go ahead! Do it!

International Intrigue

I have prayed for China since I was a boy in 1944, when the Marxists took over and stories of persecuted Christians starting drifting into the West. Id read the remarkable tales of Hudson Taylor, a pioneering missionary to China in the 1800s. Reading those stories fueled my dream even as a boy to go preach in Shanghai, the very place where Hudson Taylor crossed the border. I know, I know, its a crazy, sentimental desire, but to me it felt somehow meaningful.

Finally, after many years, many prayers, and hard work, God made it happen. In 2000, I found myself entering China to preach in Shanghai. What an incredible experience!

So now I ask you: Do you crave adventure? I encourage you to look for opportunities to help “open up” a country to the staggering blessings of God. Research a closed country, then pray daily for its government and citizens. Practice intercession in private. Make all the money you can. Support overseas missionaries financially or go on a short-term missions trip yourself.

Step out in faith and let your attitude be like that of Paul when he wrote, “One thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus,” [Phil. 3:13-14].

The Greatest Adventure

The Jesus-centered life is the greatest adventure imaginable. Just think of it: Devoting your days on earth to bringing eternal life to those who so desperately need it – people you actually know! Yet, as in any high-stakes adventure, there is risk involved. So we should truly count the cost before embarking upon this journey.

This came to mind especially when my four sons were younger and living at home. As I was getting ready to travel to a dangerous part of the world, I explained to them that I might not return from that particular trip. I felt it was my duty to prepare them for whatever might come. Of course, I didnt want to die. Im as cowardly as anyone else; I hope to live until Im ninety-two! But the danger had to be faced. And in the power of the Lord Jesus Christ, it can be. The bottom line is: If our Master died for us, what an honor it would be to die for him – if He chose that for us.

But death is not the end for believers, no way. Its the beginning of eternity in heaven with Jesus! Thats why Paul said, “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.” So lets count the cost and start living the high adventure life by spreading Gods love today – in this town, in your town!