You’re Not on Your Own

The great missionary and evangelist Stanley Jones wrote that most Christians will need to re-surrender their lives to God to protect them, as he said, “from the inroads of the world.”

My recommitment occurred in my early twenties when I was a seminary student. I had given my life to Christ when I was twelve, but over the next ten years had fallen into behaviors that were far from Christ-like. I felt like a hypocrite. Then one day, Major Ian Thomas spoke at our chapel service.

Major Thomas told the story of Moses and the burning bush. Even though the bush was just a bunch of dried up sticks, Moses knew that God was in it. It hit me that I was like that bush.

I was like a useless bunch of dried up sticks, unless God filled me. Thomas closed by reading Galatians 2:20 where Paul says “I have been crucified in Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.” I realized then that I was trying to live in my own power instead of Gods indwelling, resurrection power.

When you understand that Christ lives in you, its not what you can do for God, but what God will do in and through you. Youre not on your own, especially when you share your faith. So, ask the Lord for opportunities, and then boldly share the faith you possess.

Who Needs Church, Anyway?

A recent study by the Barna Group found that more than 13 million Americans identified as born again believers were considered unchurched. That is, they hadnt attended a church service, other than for a Holiday, in at least six months.

My wife Pat recently co-wrote a book with her friend Peggy Sue Wells titled “What to do when you dont want to go to church.” During their research Peggy and Pat talked to hundreds of Christians who no longer attend church. Their reasons ranged from issues of doctrine and policy to more mundane things such as parking, pews, and the volume of the music.

If youre among the 13 million unchurched believers, whats your favorite excuse? The Bible clearly states the importance of the local church. “Consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds” it says in Hebrews. “Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another.”

Is it time you took a fresh look at your church and asked yourself what you can personally bring to encourage others? If you come with a heart filled with the Holy Spirit, your presence can bless both you and your congregation.

Storms of Life

Rodriguez was a young man who called me up to talk one night on our live television show. He was really having a tough time. “Everything is falling apart,” he said. “My mom passed away, my business venture collapsed, and my daughter was diagnosed with kidney failure. Whats going on?”

As we talked, it was clear that Rodriguez knew a lot about God. But he had never completely surrendered his life to the Lord. I told Rodriguez that he really needs the guidance and direction of God. Jesus Christ came to earth not just to take us to Heaven when we die. But He also came to guide us through the storms of life.

Then Rodriguez said something very interesting. He said, “Maybe these storms are Gods way of telling me to wake up.” Wasnt that insightful? It was so true! And I had the privilege of leading this young man to the Lord on live TV!

Paul tells us in Romans 8 that nothing “will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus.” Nothing – no matter how fearsome the storm might be. That powerful truth can be the catalyst for someone you know to turn their life over to Jesus Christ. So, who in your world needs this encouragement?

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Date : 5 December 2009

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Last date to receive Applications : 20 November 2009


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Reaching Today’s Teens

A few years ago, the Barna Research organization polled a group of teenagers about their views on religion. More than half of these students said that they believed all religious faiths teach equally valid truths.

In fact, one girl said, “I believe in Darwins theory of evolution, and the possibility of God being a woman. I never believed in the story of Adam and Eve. But I do, however, believe in prayer and karma.”

A big part of what many postmoderns believe is that no one religion can have a monopoly on truth. They say that truth is whatever you choose to believe. This idea may seem intimidating to challenge. But dont despair: this up-and-coming generation is very open to religion discussion. In fact theyre intrigued by spiritual issues and eager to talk about them!

There is spiritual curiosity in the young people today and an opportunity to engage their hearts and minds. We need to be ready! Ephesians 5:15 exhorts us to “…live not as unwise, but as wise, making the most of every opportunity.”

There is no time like the present to take advantage of each and every moment to connect with this generation. Remember, you and I hold the words of Christ — words of life to a lost and confused world.