Serving God 100%
When I was in Australia a few years ago, I met Milton Morris, a member of the Australian Parliament. We were at a luncheon together and Mr. Morris said these words that Ill never forget: “Being one hundred percent for Christ is so much better than fifty percent!”
Its a simple statement, but I thought, How true! One hundred percent is the only way to live for Jesus Christ. Its the only way to experience the wonderful life He has for you and me. And its the only way to witness to our world about His glorious power, and His plan for mankind.
So what does it look like to live for Jesus 100%? The Bible says his servants shall serve the Lord with zeal. Second Peter tells us to “be zealous, be committed.” And you can serve Christ like this no matter who you are, or what you do.
You can serve Him as a teacher, a businessman, a housewife, a student, or a truck driver. Whatever you do, you can serve the Lord Jesus by being fervently committed to sharing His Good News.
Gods number one plan for reaching the world is through you and me! So why not make a fresh decision today? Commit yourself to serve Him with zeal – nothing less than 100%! And then watch God work through you to change your world – one heart at a time.