
Differences and Similarities: Perspective

Christians arent perfect. Ill be the first to testify to that. But one benefit we have in Jesus Christ is the eternal perspective He offers us.

When stresses and problems come our way, as they do in everyones life, a believers reaction is significantly different from a nonbelievers. The defining difference is the perspective with which we approach these problems.

As frustrating and painful as people and circumstances may be, Christ-followers know that this world is not the be-all and end-all. We live today in light of eternity! Its a joyously free feeling to not be trapped by earthly burdens. We know that heaven is our true home.

This perspective is not something nonbelievers can understand. All they are living for is here and now. But the Bible says, “this world in its present form is passing away.”

There is so much more to life than the present! Wont you reach out and tell someone about the reason for your lack of fear and worry? Wont you tell someone what Jesus Christ has done for you?

Fear God, Not Man

Here’s a question for you. Are you afraid of God or man? It’s a question we should all ask ourselves from time to time, especially when it comes to evangelism. We need to be more concerned about what God thinks of us rather than what people think about us.

In I Cor. 9, the apostle Paul says he uses whatever evangelism method works for the particular group of people he’s sharing with. Paul didn’t care if some think he’s strange, or sacreligious. He says, “I am free and I belong to no man.” In another passage he writes, “If I serve men, I would not be a servant of Christ.”

Don’t fear man. Respect, yes. Fear, no. It’s a tough command to follow, but so important! Sometimes it helps me to remember that no matter what others think of the way I’m presenting the Gospel, the Bible says that it’s priestly work. Yeah, priestly work!

Paul himself writes about “the priestly duty of proclaiming the Gospel.” I love that. So however you go about sharing the Good News, remember you are doing priestly work. Whatever your method, (as long as it is ethical) don’t worry about what the world says. As you replace your fear of man with a fear of God, you’ll be even more empowered to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ and that helps people everywhere.