
People, People Everywhere

What kind of people live in your city? Ambitious people. Lonely people. People struggling financially. Young people in search of freedom. Displaced people out of touch with their families. The list goes on!

The point is: The harvest is ready. But where are the workers? In city after city around the world, I proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ before massive festival crowds. Through my preparatory work in each city, I have discovered that many Christians fail to see the importance of evangelism. What does that mean? It means that before we can bring the hope of Jesus to our cities, we must first recognize the urgent need!

In the Bible, Mark 16:15 reports Jesus telling His disciples to, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.” Guess what? That command is for you! Those words include your city. God has a plan. And YOU must respond to His call.

You may not have the opportunities to share your faith with thousands, but you can share Gods love in your city by reaching out to your neighbor. Will you do it today? Reach your city by reaching those in your community. Reach out and see what God can do through you.

Cities: Good or Bad?

When I say the word “city,” what picture comes to your mind? Some people think of lights and wonderful opportunities. Some people think of crime, smog and traffic. These people see city life as Henry David Thoreau once described, as “millions of people being lonesome together.” A sad picture indeed.

Regardless of how you view cities, arent you glad that Jesus desperately loves them? Remember in Matthew when Jesus is weeping over Jerusalem? He loves cities! And, one of the pictures of heaven is the “city of God.” God wouldnt use that picture if He didnt care about cities. No matter where people are, city or country, there will be sin. Even if the people in your life arent perfect and arent friendly, they still need the Lord.

My friend, do not ignore your city, or your street, today. The worlds cities need a revival caused by changed hearts that only the Gospel can activate! YOU may be the only person willing to share Gods Good News with your bus driver. With the person next to you on the Subway. With your taxi driver. YOU have a purpose in your city. Say “YES!” to reaching your world today for Jesus Christ!

Win the Mountains

Before my own ministry in evangelism launched years ago, I met with Billy Graham at a pre-crusade breakfast. He discovered my ambition was to preach in evangelistic crusades. And he advised me to stay with the big cities.

“Paul (in the Bible) always went to the centers of population,” he told me. “And D.L. Moody used to say that the cities were the mountains; and if you won the mountains, the valleys took care of themselves.”

What was Mr. Graham trying to tell me? Simply that cities are important. According to urban missiologist Ray Bakke, the word “city” occurs 1,250 times in the Bible. Cities matter to God because people matter to God.

Do you live in a city? Do you live in a neighborhood? More than likely, the answer is “yes.” The point is, you have people all around you. The Lord Jesus has compassion on these individuals and wants to save them!

Psalm 116 in the Bible states, “The LORD is gracious and righteous; our God is full of compassion.” Pray to God; ask Him to give you His compassion for others. He will begin to use you to reach your community, your city, and your world with His love!

Alluring Cities

In 1960 I was on my way to America for graduate studies. At the airport in Buenos Aires, before the first flight of my life, my mother couldnt stop giving me advice. Her last words before I got on the plane were, “Dont go into the cities, dont travel alone, dont get shot and stuffed in a trunk, and remember Hebrews 13, verses 5 and 6!”

I confess to ignoring at least some of my moms admonition. Americas cities were alluring, and I couldnt wait for the day when I would preach the Gospel to tens of thousands in the nations stadiums!

Does your heart beat for your city? Do you feel compassion for lost souls? Wherever you may be listening from today, your city – your community – is full of hurting people. And YOU are called by Jesus Christ to share His love with them.

As you do, remember the Bible verses from Hebrews: “Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you. So we say with confidence, The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?” Let Jesus be your strength as you take the Good News to your city today.

God’s Word Accomplishes God’s Purposes

I love China and have visited there several times already in the last 10 years. More than 15 years ago, Billy Graham spoke at some churches in Beijing and Shanghai. After one sermon, an elderly Chinese man came up to Mr. Graham and said (through the interpreter), “What was the name of the man who died on the cross that you told us about?”

Mr. Graham said, “His name was Jesus.” And the elderly Chinese man said, “I have always believed in him, but I never knew his name.” God had revealed Himself to the heart of this Chinese man, but this man just didnt know some of the details.

From the early days of the creation of man and woman, God has been revealing Himself in peoples hearts. But I also think God had the Bible written so that people could know what they believe and who they believe in and know the details!

Do you know someone who believes in God but does not know Jesus Christ? Encourage this person to read the Bible – especially the Gospel of John in the New Testament. It is Gods inspired Word. It is perfect!

As the prophet Isaiah says in the Bible, “It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” Encourage someone today to read the Good Book! Especially as I said the Gospel of St. John.