
A Threat to the Enemy

Many people in the West claim that they are Christians, but words alone dont necessarily mean that they know Jesus Christ. So, we need to make sure that were a witness to everyone – those who say they are Christians and those who dont.

Some people think that being a Christian is a religious duty, a matter of rituals. Other people think that they are a Christian because their grandparents were. But, neither of those is true. A follower of Jesus is someone who has given their heart and life to Him. Its someone who enjoys life with Jesus Christ here on Earth and will enjoy eternal life with Him in heaven.

Since so many people dont really know what it means to be a Christian, we need to tell them. Satan would love for us to be quiet and just let people think they know our Savior. But, we need to fight! We need to tell our world about Jesus. God will give you the words. All you have to do is be willing to tell others about the cross and the resurrection of our Lord.

Are you a threat to the enemy? Are you reaching your world for Jesus Christ? Ask the Lord, even right now, to give you the courage and opportunity to tell a friend about Him and then go ahead and do it. In the end, that friend of yours may come to faith in Jesus Christ, and boy will they thank you as the ages go by in eternity for the day that you talked to them about Jesus. So do it and be blessed.

An Unshakable Kingdom

Hebrews 12:28 says, “You are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken.” Thats an interesting verse to think about. You represent a kingdom that will last forever!

So whatever your past may be, it doesnt matter. You may have been on drugs and maybe you were a real clown. But now that youre redeemed youre not that way anymore. Now, not only are you a child of God, but in Gods eyes you are a king or queen with all the dignity and the authority that comes with royalty. You represent Gods kingdom and He wants to use you in a mighty way.

The Bible says that we are seated with Christ in the heavenly places. If we accept that truth, what a difference it would make in our witnessing and evangelism! If every believer said to himself in the morning, “I am a king exalted at the right hand of God. I am seated with Christ in heavenly places…”

Youd be blessing other people, reaching out with authority and power, and sharing the Good News with conviction. So remember, no matter what you may have been through, or what your past looks like, God sees you as a king today. Will you use the authority Hes given, to share His truth with those who are lost.

Representing the King

Every believer in the eyes of God is positioned as a king or a queen. The Bible says in Rom. 5:17 that we should “reign in life through Christ.”

We are to live as not only members of His kingdom, but we also reign. There is authority with this because we are reigning as ruling kings and ruling queens. That means that wherever we go theres a space over which the Lord has given us authority.

That space may be at your office cubicle, at the factory, or at home with your children. But wherever God takes you, He has put you there to represent Himself with authority, as well as with dignity.

Essentially, the Lord is saying: “When you get a chance to speak, remember I have appointed you a king. This is your piece of the kingdom. Speak well of me. Speak clearly of me. Speak by your conduct, speak words that carry authority, because you have the authority of the Spirit.”

We were meant to reign in this life, and when we can grasp that understanding, the witnessing power is great. So no matter where you find yourself throughout the day, remember that the real reason youre there is to represent the King of kings and Lord of Lords. This truth can revolutionize your life, and the lives of those God puts around you.

Christians and Priests

Many of you have heard the verse in Hebrews that says we have only one high priest, and his name is Jesus Christ. He is the Son of God. But did you know that all believers are also priests in the eyes of God? We all have equal access to the Heavenly Father. With the new covenant, God ordained that Christians dont have priests — Christians are priests.

There are three things that priests do according to Scripture: They worship God, intercede for others, and minister according to the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Every one of us is given gifts according to our position and the Lords choice, to use for His glory.

If you take your priesthood seriously, theres no telling what God could do with your life and your gifts. So, pray today that God would do powerful deeds through you to reach the lost. As you do, He will begin to open doors that you never envisioned. You will begin to witness for Christ with power and authority. And to witness simply means to tell what youve seen and heard. By accepting your priestly role, youll be astonished at the power that will be unleashed, and the lives that will be changed.

Building Community

I remember the story of Keith Green. He was a highly influential American singer and songwriter from the 1970s. Before he gave his life to Jesus, though, he was heavily involved in drugs and eastern philosophies. But one night he was invited to a Bible study at a friends house.

The true fellowship in the group impressed Keith. He saw people full of joy and love as they studied the Word of God together. And thats where the Lord really began to tug at Keiths heart. Later he paraphrased Matthew 18 like this: “Its time to quit playing church and start being the Church.”

Keith was “burdened with reaching the lost, and broken with the true message of the Gospel.” And he had witnessed himself the power of community in reaching lives with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Living out the Gospel message in Christian unity is a powerful way to make an impact on our world. Psalm 133, you remember what it says… It says, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity!”

When you and I live together in the joy and peace that only comes from Jesus Christ, the world, like Keith, will sit up and take notice and our neighborhood will notice too. The world will pay attention when theres unity. Jesus said that in John 17 and Ive seen it to be true all over the world.