
Christ’s Example

The best example of witnessing is, of course, Jesus Christ Himself. In the Gospel of John, chapter 4, Jesus approaches a Samaritan woman at the well.

Now, remember, it was well known at that time that Jews and Samaritans did not speak to each other. But Jesus defied the cultural norms for the sake of the Good News. Obviously, the Samaritan woman was far from perfect – she had had 5 husbands! But instead of condemning her, Christ used his knowledge of her sin as a bridge to show how much He loved her.

Because of Jesus Christs initiative to engage this woman, she in turn spread the Good News throughout her town. She told them: “Come and see the man who told me everything I ever did!” And what a tremendous effect her testimony had on the town!

John 4:39 tells us that “Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in Him because of the womans testimony.”

What about you? Are you willing to leave your comfort zone for the Good News Gospel, as Jesus did with the Samaritan? Its a good question to ask ourselves. Witnessing is rarely easy and comfortable. But Jesus commands us to do it. And if were faithful, you and I will see exciting results!

Where and Why Should We Go?

I truly believe that God talks through mothers. In my youth, I was waiting for my personal call from God, that moment when the Lord would tell me that evangelism would be my lifes work. Finally, my exasperated mother reminded me that “the call” was made 2000 years ago, and that the Lord was just waiting for my answer. She was right as usual.

Dr. Bill Bright, the founder of Campus Crusade, once said that “an effective witness is someone who takes the initiative to present the claims of Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit- and leaves the results to God.”

As Christians, were all in the missions field. Some of us will travel to distant, often dangerous lands, but most of us will find people hungering for the Good News much closer to home. Either way, we stand in the gap, living out and proclaiming our faith and leaving the rest up to God.

The Apostle Paul was historys greatest missionary, taking the Gospel to much of the known world before planes, trains and automobiles. As he told the Corinthians, “we are speaking for Christ, as though God Himself were making his appeal through us.” That is our task as missionaries, as Ambassadors for Christ, wherever we are.

The Power of the Holy Spirit

Today once again I want to talk about all of us who get nervous when we have to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Whether its preaching it to a group, doing a Bible Study, or one on one. I always remind myself that I have divine authority to share the Good News.

Remember Acts chapter 1 verse 8? Jesus said just before He ascended back to Heaven, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth.”

Authority- thats what power is all about. And you know- the power that Jesus gives us, is the power that we know His will, we know His Word, we have the fire of the Holy Spirit who lives in us, and therefore when we open our mouth, and quote a Bible verse, and encourage the person youre witnessing to, to surrender their heart to Christ, to be honest and admit that theyve sinned against God, but that Jesus Christ on the cross gave His blood to purify us from our sins.

Remember you have authority that youre not even aware of. Its the authority of the Holy Spirit that is at work in you even though you sometimes dont notice it.

So, go forward, and remember, you can share with authority because you have the power of the Holy Spirit.

A Call to Persevere

Most people I know want to live the fullest, most enriching life possible. In fact, thats the kind of life God wants for us, too! But how do we achieve that kind of life?

I believe that the more effort we put toward reaching our generation with the Good News, the more fulfilled we become. What greater adventure can there be than helping someone take the step of faith to believe in Jesus Christ?

Now, you may be thinking, “Sure, Luis… easy for you to say. But Ive tried sharing my faith and nothing seems to happen!”

Its true – many times, we wont see the results of our witnessing until years later. But what God notices is our willingness to persevere, to stick with it, and to try again.

St. Paul says in Philippians 3: “Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead; I press on toward the goal to win the prize…”

So lets bury those insecurities, or what I call “chickenitis.” Lets press on and continue sharing the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ with our world.

As you focus on the spiritual condition of others, youre fulfilling the greatest calling on your life. And God will show you the fruit of your faithfulness. Theres nothing more exciting than that!

Yearning for Revenge

My father was a very successful businessman, but he died when I was only 10 years old. He left my mother a lot of property and money. But several family members swindled everything we had. Within three years, my family was living in poverty and debt.

When I was old enough to understand what our relatives had done, I urged my mother to take revenge on them. I wanted to get a lawyer to take them to court and let them have it! I was so angry. The older I got, the more bitter I became.

But, my mother refused to become bitter. She clung to what the Bible says in Romans 19:16, “Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for Gods wrath, for it is written: It is mine to avenge, I will repay, says the Lord.”

God is the One who measures out justice. He will be the judge. How he handles that judgment is up to Him. He may do something now, or He might not, but we dont need to worry about it. He is the perfect judge.

God commands His followers to grant forgiveness. Only then can we truly reach our world for Jesus Christ. When you forgive, others witness the miraculous power of Jesus Christ in YOU! Be a person who is willing to forgive because Jesus has forgiven you.