
Promoting Christian Behavior

When you think about Christian behaviors, what comes to mind? Do not lie. Do not steal. Respect your elders. Honor your parents. The list goes on. As parents, we want our children to behave in a Christian way. We want them to follow God’s law and behave accordingly. But the Lord wants more than just “right” behavior.

“Funderstanding” is a renowned website focused on how children learn. It tells us that, “Behaviorism . . . only focuses on observable behaviors and discounts mental activities.” So focusing on behavior alone disregards the mind and the heart. We want the Good News Gospel to reach our children’s minds and hearts, so that they purposefully behave in loving ways.

In Luke chapter 10, Jesus says, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind.”

Encourage your kids to obey God from their hearts. Model loving God first and foremost. Teach them to serve others. Show them how to love their neighbors. Cultivate God’s ways in the hearts of your children. Your family will become more and more a Christian community that reflects the Good News of Jesus Christ in relevant and transforming ways!


Website for You

Start your Own Website

You can do One / Few / ALL of the following….

  • Share about your ministry.
  • Share your testimony.
  • Share the Gospel message in writing or in audio format
  • Introduce your Spiritual enrichment Books, Cassettes, Audio & Video CDs.
  • Share your Prayer request & Get prayer warriors to pray with you around the World.
  • You can easily share your News bulletin/ magazine of your ministry.
  • Make your recorded Bible study / Messages / Sermons of your Church service, Revival meetings available on the website to listen or download.
  • Share your schedules of TV and Radio programs.
  • Share your schedules of crusade, revival meetings & prayer meetings.
  • Join hands with similar visionaries.

There are 3 steps on setting up the site here are the detail and cost involvement.

  1. Website Name (Domain name) This costs $10 (Rs.500) per year. This can be registered for the maximum of 10 years and minimum of 1 year. Availability of name is a real big struggle. So even if you are not planing to setup the website with in few months or years, get the domain name NOW itself, before it is too late. Check for Website name availability
  2. Web Server Space (Web Hosting) This is where your content for the website will reside and shared through the internet. According to the space requirement and features the cost starts from Rs.500 per year.
  3. Web Design – This is depends on the content and style of design. This starts from Rs.500 goes beyond Rs.20,000 according to the look and features.