
Obedience in the Moment

The book of Acts, chapter 8, tells us one of the most miraculous evangelistic accounts in the Bible! It starts in verse 26: An angel of the Lord said to Philip, Go south on the road the desert road that goes south from Jerusalem to Gaza. So [Philip] started out When Philip arrived on the desert road, he found an Ethiopian eunuch reading the book of Isaiah.

But this man was confused – he needed someone to explain the Scriptures to him. So Philip described that Isaiah was actually prophesying about Jesus Christ. Immediately, the Ethiopian believed in the Lord, and asked to be baptized!

Thats a powerful story isnt it? Yet the Ethiopians conversion wouldnt have happened if Philip didnt listen – and obey – the voice of the Lord. No excuses. No hesitation. When the angel told Philip to go, he went!

God has amazing victories in store for us if we simply listen to His voice, and obey. So lets you and I spend time in Gods Word! Lets talk with Him in prayer! Then, when He prompts us to witness to our world, well be ready to do it!

Crucify the Flesh

Why does it seem that some believers suddenly turn away from God? I believe one of the biggest reasons Christians fall away from Jesus is because of un-confessed sin.

Without keeping a clear conscience before the Lord, its easy to drift away from the faith. You become hardened to the Spirit of God, and eventually you stop listening to His voice altogether. Sin blinds you and enslaves you. Its a horrible place to be!

Perhaps this describes your situation. Are you struggling with a sin thats keeping you from a right relationship with God? If so, Galatians 5 gives a very clear remedy. Verse 26 says, “Those who belong to Christ have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires.”

If you belong to Jesus, then theres only one thing to do with the flesh: Crucify it. Get rid of it. Be ruthless. Dont play games. Deal with your sins once and for all by crucifying them on the cross.

That means you admit your sin to God, repent, ask forgiveness, and turn the other way. Ask the Holy Spirit for strength and He will help you! By crucifying the flesh, you will be empowered to live what Jesus calls the abundant life. Your life will be a powerful witness to your world of Gods forgiveness and grace.

The Spirit through You

Have you ever noticed a very, very wonderful verse in Matthew 10? It says, “It is the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.” When you are sharing the Good News with someone, never forget that. Because its really God, who wants to have an encounter with the person that youre talking to- through the Holy Word of God, through the Divine voice of God speaking through you, by the power of the Holy Spirit.

In other words, when youre sharing a Bible verse, or trying to explain what the cross of Jesus means, or the resurrection, or the blood of Jesus Christ, or His power to forgive you and to change you, remember- God the Father, by the Holy Spirit, is speaking through you. And the most amazing thought is this, God is using me to bring this person to an encounter with God Himself.

It isnt just hot air, it isnt just words, it isnt just argument- its actually the Spirit of God longing to bring an encounter between God the Father, and this person that youre talking to. So, speak with authority, speak with joy, and remember that God is speaking through you by the Holy Spirit, and therefore God will do a deep work in that persons life. That is so exciting, dont you think?

Your Competence Comes from God

As you and I try to reach our world, all of us do get nervous sharing the faith of Jesus Christ. So, as I told you a few days ago, I always think to myself, God is being glorified. Number 2, I have authority- the power of the Holy Spirit. And today, for just one minute, you have to remind yourself that you have confidence and that you are decisive by faith in sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Listen to 2 Corinthians 3, “Such confidence as this is ours, through Christ before God, not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God.” Man, do I like that verse. Our competence comes from God.

So, when you share the Good News, remember, its not really you speaking, though God is using your voice and your mind and your thoughts, its the Holy Spirit of God and therefore you can speak with confidence. You speak decisively, you speak humbly, but the important thing is confidence in the Word of God. Confidence in the Holy Spirit of God. And confidence in that God Himself wants to turn this person back to Jesus Christ.

So, the next time you share the Good News, remember do it humbly but with confidence because your competence comes from God, not from yourself.

A Liberating Message

Think back to the first time you heard Gods revolutionizing Good News. What made the biggest impact on you? Why did you decide to give your life to Jesus Christ? What sins did He free you from? How would your life be different without Gods forgiveness?

Its important to remember – really remember – just how powerfully our lives have been transformed by the Lord. That way, well be less likely to view the Good News as old news. Yes, you and I may have heard it hundreds of times.

But, there will always be someone who needs to hear the amazing Gospel for the very first time. Its liberating for those who are lonely, burdened with guilt, or frightened of the future. The Good News is the best news they will ever hear!

Paul gives us a great exhortation in Romans 10: He says, “How can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? … As it is written, How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”

So, may your feet – your hands – your voice – your life – bring the life-changing Good News of Jesus Christ to someone in your