
Influencing Your Kids

For many years, Bob Tebow and his family preached the message of Jesus Christ throughout the Philippines. They planted churches, ran an orphanage, and educated pastors. Even today, no matter where they go, the Tebow family is committed to evangelism.

This recently came to light for the rest of the world when Bobs son, Tim Tebow, accepted the Heisman trophy in New York City. Its college footballs biggest honor, and yet Tim didnt take the credit for his amazing talents.

The first words out of his mouth were: “Id just like to start off by thanking my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave me the ability to play football.”

Isnt that great? Tim Tebow grew up with parents who modeled a passion for evangelism. And now their son has a huge platform to speak up about his own relationship with Jesus Christ.

Paul says in Philippians 6, “Pray for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel.” This verse should be the cry of our heart! Remember, our children are watching us. And as they do, theyll be learning how to reach their world with the Good News Gospel. Isnt that exciting to think about?

Salt and Light

Daniel Naulty was a former major league baseball player who was a powerful pitcher. But Daniel also used performance-enhancing drugs during his career. A few years ago, he admitted his crime and left baseball for good. But, thats only part of his story.

The other part of the story happened seven years ago when Naultys team won the World Series. What should have been the highlight of his life was instead one of his lowest points. “I thought the World Series was going to be God,” Naulty said. “But I realized after we won that it wasnt salvation.” He began spiraling into a deep depression. Then Daniel began thinking back to what his Christian teammates had shared with him over the years.

They had told Naulty about Gods story of redemption and love through the cross and resurrection of Christ. Daniel finally realized the truth about what was missing from his life. So he asked forgiveness for his sins, and received Jesus into his life.

Jesus told his disciples in Matthew 5, “You are the salt of the earth… you are the light of the world.” Like Daniels faithful teammates, you and I can also be salt and light to those around us. Even when we dont see immediate results, God is at work! Just like he was with Daniel Naulty.

Search Your Heart

An interesting survey was recently done by the Barna Group. They asked young people to share what kind of perceptions came to mind when the word Christianity was mentioned. The top three observations that came to mind about Christians were: anti-homosexual, judgmental, and hypocritical. Thats pretty sad, isnt it?

Now, Im not saying that all Christians exhibit these kinds of attitudes. But its important to realize that theres a reason many people have very negative perceptions of Christianity. Thats why I believe each one of us should examine our own hearts and minds in light of this topic.

We need to remember that were all sinners. Even the apostle Paul said in First Timothy, “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners – of whom I am the worst!” You and I dont need to point out peoples sins to them – thats the Holy Spirits job!

Think about how Jesus treated the lost. He loved people right where they were at. And because of that, sinners lives were changed. They believed. They wanted to follow the Lord.

Christs perfect balance of love, grace, and truth is a great example for us all to follow.

He’s at Work

Galatians 2:20 is one of my absolute favorite verses. “I have been crucified with Christ,” the apostle Paul says, “and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God…” Notice how plainly Paul puts it: Christ lives in me. Do you realize the magnitude of that reality?

The power of Jesus flows through you and me – every moment of every day – touching people everywhere we go.

In fact, even when youre not aware thats Jesus is working, Hes still at work. Sometimes the best evangelism results come when you dont think youre being used. You walk into a situation, do what youre supposed to do, and suddenly things begin to happen. Its so exciting!

Jesus can work through you anywhere you go – at the office, at the club, in the neighborhood. Just be yourself in Christ and people will notice something different. Its really that simple. You dont have to put on an act. You dont have to pretend that youre a Christian. You are one! Jesus Christ is alive in you today!

So, as you walk with God today, remember that Hes working through – right now! Let the truth of that sink in! May it motivate you to continue reaching your world for Jesus Christ.

Energy for the Task

When you labor on something, you get tired. Think about it. You wash the car, and afterwards you need a rest. You tackle your wifes “Honey Do” list, and afterwards you need a break. You put in a full day at the office, and afterwards you need to relax.

Our laboring takes energy! But what about laboring for God? Does it take MORE energy because its “spiritual work?” How are we to go about the “unfinished task” of sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ … without burning out?

The Bible says in Galatians, “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.” Imagine that! It goes on to say, “The life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”

That is good news. That means that our labor in sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ is energizing! Christ lives within us. He gives us all the fuel we need to share His love and Good News. If you are tired today, ask God to fill you with His Holy Spirit. And may that be MORE than enough as we press on in this unfinished task of winning the world to Jesus Christ.