
A New Story

Recently our team got a letter from a young girl – Ill call her Anne. Anne wrote that her parents had divorced because her mom had been cheating on her dad. Not only did her mom want nothing to do with Anne, but her sister was in the hospital, and her boyfriend had just dumped her.

“My only friends are alcohol and marijuana,” Anne said. “So theres my story.” It was so sad to read that letter! Can you imagine what shes been through?

It breaks my heart when I hear about children who come from broken homes. When these kids are neglected and unloved, they can sometimes act out in pretty crazy ways. But deep down what theyre really wondering is, “Does anyone care about me?”

When you see a young person who seems hardened, and perhaps into drugs and drinking, remember that you dont know their story. Pray for those teenagers who seem the hardest to love. Find ways to connect with them. God says in Isaiah 49, “I have engraved you on the palms of my hands.” Thats a powerful message of Gods love to share with young people.

Through the cross and the resurrection of Jesus Christ, we can offer children like Anne a different ending to their stories. Is there a youth in your life who needs you to reach out to them? Do it today, and point them to Jesus.

Strength in Christ

Gods best isnt always what the world considers best. One of my favorite illustrations of this truth is the story of Joni Eareckson Tada.

Joni was paralyzed in an accident when she was a teenager. But instead of being bitter, Joni settled her disappointment with God and said, “OK, the Lord somehow has a plan for my life that is better than my dreams.”

Joni eventually met and married a fantastic guy. Today she sings, and she paints beautifully with a brush in her mouth. Joni also ministers to people in a way she never could have if she still walked. Shes being used of God to touch millions of disabled people, all over the world.

Is there someone, or something, that has crushed your hopes and dreams of a perfect life? God doesnt make mistakes! Whatever youve gone through, whatever your disabilities, or insufficiencies, or insecurities, God can use them for His glory!

In Second Corinthians 12 Jesus says to the apostle Paul, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Ask God to use your weaknesses in a way you could never imagine for his Kingdom.

Jenny’s Story

There is power in stories, isnt there? We love stories. We read them in books and articles and watch them on tv shows and movies. Let me tell you one story about a girl named Jenny.

When Jenny was a teenager, she and her boyfriend were playing around with witchcraft. A seance said they would die in a car crash. Just as predicted, Jenny was in a car crash a little while later, but she didnt die! God saved her life! God had other plans for her!

Soon after that happened, I was in Australia speaking in conjunction with Billy Grahams crusade. At one of the affinity events, God changed Jennys heart and she surrendered her life to Jesus. Jenny then told her boyfriend about what God had done in her life. He gave his life to Jesus too and now they are totally different! God changed them! Now they are Christian leaders and evangelists! What a powerful story!

Whats your story? You may not think its as exciting or glamorous as Jennys. But, that doesnt matter. God gave you a story too and He wants you to share it! The Bible encourages us to tell others what God has done in our lives. Tell someone today what He has done for you! All it takes is a simple story – and you have one!

Implanted in Our Hearts

I went to a local church in Argentina when I was a teenager. There were always two elderly people who were there very early. They always opened the chapel for the Tuesday and Thursday meetings, which started at 7:30 at night. These people would arrive at 5:00 p.m. They were both illiterate but they knew the Word of the Lord and they knew the law of the Lord.

I would arrive early from work and I went straight to the chapel. I would sit with these two elders in the corner of the church. I would get them talking until the crowd began to arrive, sometimes for an hour. It was the best! They would tell me illustrations that were earthy, very day to day, and apply Bible passages. I was always impressed how, though they were illiterate, the Word of God was implanted in them.

Thats what Jeremiah says, in the Bible, regarding the new covenant that was to come: “I will put my law in their minds and write them on their hearts.”

When we spend time with God, He implants His word in our hearts, too. Thats when things get exciting! Gods word is hidden in your heart, and it just starts coming out of you. It spills out into the lives of those around you! And it draws them to Jesus Christ. So, every day, if you possibly can, every day spend time in the Word of God and you will be used by God in a mighty way.

The Kingdom of Darkness

Sometimes, we who are raised in the church treat the Kingdom of Satan like it’s a bunch of foolishness. But the Bible teaches there is a very real enemy of the human race – the thief. He comes only “to steal, to kill, and to destroy.” It’s a sobering truth when you see people under Satan’s influence.

I have a friend who’s dying of Lou Gehrig’s disease. He recently said to me, “Luis, my life has been a total waste.” I felt so sorry for this man because I understood what he meant. He has been ashamed of the Gospel for many years.

When he was a teenager he made a commitment to Christ, but he married a girl who wanted nothing to do with Jesus. So he kept it under wraps all these years. He was handsome and rich, but his life was wasted. He believed the lie that it’s better to ignore Jesus than to stand up for Him.

Satan would like nothing more than to see us ineffective in God’s Kingdom. But we can have victory, as we remember the Scripture: “Resist the devil and he will flee from you.”

Don’t come to the end of your life regretting that you never really stood up for Jesus Christ. That’s what Satan wants, but God has so much more planned for you and the people in your world!