
Hope for Today’s World

These days, we use the word “hope” all the time. “I hope this year will be better than last year and I hope the market goes up and I hope my stocks do better.” Lets “hope so.” But, real hope isnt about hoping things will go better. The hope Im talking about is reality – a living expectation – squarely based on Gods revealed promises.

When you open your heart to Christ, God actually comes into your life. Thats real! Suddenly, you know God for yourself. And it isnt a religious thing. It isnt just doing the proper thing on Sunday or Christmas or Easter. Now its a deep, personal relationship with the Living God. You become a child of God. Suddenly you have peace with God. You know youre loved. You have the Holy Spirit. Youre a new person.

The Bible says, “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” And your hope keeps on growing as you get to know God more and more each day.

The miracle of Christmas is hope. Christ came to earth as a baby to bring us this hope. He died and rose again so we might have real hope, not just “hope so.” Who has God placed in your path who needs to hear of this hope? Pray, and ask the Lord for the opportunity to lovingly, respectfully, share His hope with your friends and family.

Excuses, Excuses

When I lived in Mexico City, I would chat occasionally with my next-door neighbor. But I didnt share the Gospel with him. I told myself that I didnt need to talk to him about Jesus because he seemed happy just as he was. In time, my neighbor changed. The joy left his face. He and his wife started driving separate cars to work. I could tell their marriage was souring. I felt I should talk with him, but I didnt want to meddle in his life. I went about my business and headed off for an evangelistic crusade in Peru. When I returned home, I learned my neighbor had killed himself. I was heartbroken. I knew I should have gone to him and persuaded him to repent and follow Christ. But, because of silly excuses, I didnt do it. We must not make excuses for not telling people about Jesus Christ. The Bible says Christians are, “Christs ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us.” Friends, lets be bold in our faith! Dont do what I did. Dont walk past an opportunity to tell someone about Jesus. The world is literally dying without Jesus Christ.

Joyful in the Lord

Ive often talked with people who feel dragged down by lifes disappointments. These people seem to have lost the purpose and vision for their lives. Do you feel the same way? When we lose the vision of how God wants to use us, we lose joy. And without joy, we cant bless others in the Lord. So, how do you recover a joy thats lost and cant be found?

Let me tell you about the famous servant of God, George Mueller. Mueller was a pastor and evangelist in England in the 1800s. He and his wife started an orphanage that cared for thousands of homeless boys and girls. Mueller wrote a lot about being happy. Do you know what his secret to happiness was? Time with Jesus!

“My first duty in the morning,” he wrote, “is to be happy in the Lord. If Im happy in the Lord, I can face anything during the day.” To be happy in the Lord, he spent time each and every morning on his knees reading the Scripture and praying.

Jesus Himself said if we remain in him our “joy will be complete.” The more time we get to know Jesus, the happier we become. And we begin to realize Gods plan and purpose for our lives – which is reaching our world for Jesus Christ!

Who Needs Church, Anyway?

A recent study by the Barna Group found that more than 13 million Americans identified as born again believers were considered unchurched. That is, they hadnt attended a church service, other than for a Holiday, in at least six months.

My wife Pat recently co-wrote a book with her friend Peggy Sue Wells titled “What to do when you dont want to go to church.” During their research Peggy and Pat talked to hundreds of Christians who no longer attend church. Their reasons ranged from issues of doctrine and policy to more mundane things such as parking, pews, and the volume of the music.

If youre among the 13 million unchurched believers, whats your favorite excuse? The Bible clearly states the importance of the local church. “Consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds” it says in Hebrews. “Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another.”

Is it time you took a fresh look at your church and asked yourself what you can personally bring to encourage others? If you come with a heart filled with the Holy Spirit, your presence can bless both you and your congregation.

Storms of Life

Rodriguez was a young man who called me up to talk one night on our live television show. He was really having a tough time. “Everything is falling apart,” he said. “My mom passed away, my business venture collapsed, and my daughter was diagnosed with kidney failure. Whats going on?”

As we talked, it was clear that Rodriguez knew a lot about God. But he had never completely surrendered his life to the Lord. I told Rodriguez that he really needs the guidance and direction of God. Jesus Christ came to earth not just to take us to Heaven when we die. But He also came to guide us through the storms of life.

Then Rodriguez said something very interesting. He said, “Maybe these storms are Gods way of telling me to wake up.” Wasnt that insightful? It was so true! And I had the privilege of leading this young man to the Lord on live TV!

Paul tells us in Romans 8 that nothing “will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus.” Nothing – no matter how fearsome the storm might be. That powerful truth can be the catalyst for someone you know to turn their life over to Jesus Christ. So, who in your world needs this encouragement?