
An Open Sincerity

Many of us came to Christ through the words and example of a Christian who showed the open sincerity of a true believer. That sincerity can come to each of us when we acknowledge our personal frailties and take off the masks we use to hide them.

In the early days of my ministry I sometimes tried to be self-sufficient and relied on my education and my Bible knowledge instead of God. Sometimes I wore a mask of toughness and confidence that kept me from getting through to people who were hungry to hear of Gods love. Thankfully, God saw though my masquerade and eventually took off my mask of pride. Only then was I able to share the Good News with sincerity and power.

In those times when we doubt our competence to be ambassadors for Christ, lets remember the words of the apostle Paul from Philippians 4: “I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.”

As Christians, its our privilege and responsibility to share the message of Gods love. We dont need to hold back! God will give us the strength to share the Good News with the sincerity that comes from total trust in Him.

If youve experienced the blessing that comes from letting God be your confidence, Id love to hear about it. Write to me at Ill be praying for you!

Our Competence Comes from God

I have a dear friend who recently, for the first time, led a person to Christ. Hes a committed Christian and a fearless businessman, yet he had never experienced one of the greatest joys of a Christian life – sharing the Good News of eternal salvation and Gods love.

The majority of Christians never share their faith with others. A lot of people feel incompetent and nervous. We all can be nervous at times, but that doesnt mean that we should not share our faith. We can have confidence to speak out because of Jesus Christ!

The apostle Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians that “confidence is ours through Christ…not that we are competent to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God.” God, through Christ, qualifies each of us to be personal evangelists.

Have you hesitated to share your faith because youre nervous or feel inadequate? My friend was able to share one of the greatest joys this side of heaven when he stopped depending on his own abilities, asked for strength from the Lord, and turned to the competence that comes only from God. Try it today.

Alluring Cities

In 1960 I was on my way to America for graduate studies. At the airport in Buenos Aires, before the first flight of my life, my mother couldnt stop giving me advice. Her last words before I got on the plane were, “Dont go into the cities, dont travel alone, dont get shot and stuffed in a trunk, and remember Hebrews 13, verses 5 and 6!”

I confess to ignoring at least some of my moms admonition. Americas cities were alluring, and I couldnt wait for the day when I would preach the Gospel to tens of thousands in the nations stadiums!

Does your heart beat for your city? Do you feel compassion for lost souls? Wherever you may be listening from today, your city – your community – is full of hurting people. And YOU are called by Jesus Christ to share His love with them.

As you do, remember the Bible verses from Hebrews: “Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you. So we say with confidence, The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?” Let Jesus be your strength as you take the Good News to your city today.

Offering Hope to Others

Theres a popular song that says Christmas is the “hap, hap, happiest time of the year!” But, the reality is: The holidays can be a real low point for some people, especially if they have been experiencing troubles in the past year.

Maybe you know someone like this. They have gone through one thing after another and now the holidays are approaching. They need more than reindeer and mistletoe; they need real comfort and guidance. Divine.

Sit down with your friend and tell him or her the story of Joseph in the Old Testament. Now theres a man who went through some tough times! His brothers beat him up and sold him into slavery. Joseph is then wrongly accused by his employer and sent to prison to rot.

Its a long story, and Ill let you read it with your friend, but the end result is Joseph trusts in God and becomes the second-in-command in Egypt. God gives him great power and wealth to oversee the people. Joseph even reunites with his family and says to his brothers, “You meant it for evil but God meant it for good.”

Pray with your friend and remind them that supernaturally Christ was born of the blessed Virgin Mary by the Holy Spirit. And later Christ died so we, like Joseph, can have strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow. God longs to use you, so speak up!

A Blue Christmas

Have you ever heard of the song, “Blue Christmas?” Elvis Presley used to sing it. Its about a man who is feeling down because his loved one is not with him on Christmas. Hes pretty depressed, really, and thats how a lot of people feel during the holidays. They feel alone, afraid and uncared for.

Maybe you or someone you know is going through a “Blue Christmas.” Perhaps you have had a disappointment this year. A tornado… a flood? Maybe youve lost a job. Maybe a family member died or theres something else that just didnt turn out the way you had planned.

The truth is: We live in a sinful, fallen world. Things dont always happen the way we expect. But the miracle of Christmas is hope because when Jesus Christ comes into our lives, hope comes alive. We have hope because God is with us. He is good and He will never leave us. Jesus comes to live in our hearts and transform us, giving us strength for today and hope for tomorrow.

If your friend is depressed, this Christmas invite her or him over for some hot cider. Encourage them with the promise found in Romans 8:28, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him.”