
Fighting the Good Fight

A New Way of Thinking
We’ve all heard these phrases: “Fight fire with fire.” “Fight it tooth and nail.” “You’re fighting a losing battle.” There are lots of sayings about fighting. Are you prepared to fight the good fight of faith? Actor Bruce Lee once said, “A fight is not won by one punch or kick. Either learn to endure or hire a bodyguard.”

The follower of Christ has to learn endurance, also. We are in a fight, my friend. The Bible says in Ephesians chapter six, “Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the invisible evil authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”

We must strengthen our spiritual muscles and arm ourselves with the truth of God’s Word. I guess you could say that’s kind of like our spiritual “bodyguard,” don’t you think? Knowing the Bible helps us reach non-believers with the Good News Gospel message. And you know, when you know the Bible, you’re more prepared.

You don’t want a hollow witness, a “Do as I say, not as I do” mentality. That won’t take you far. To go far and to persevere, I must keep on praying, speaking, loving-and fighting!-so that others might know the Good News of Jesus Christ. Yes, Satan attacks, but we have the indwelling Christ and “Greater is He that is in us than He that is in the world.”


Think About Such Things

A New Way of ThinkingSome studies out there claim that the average Christian spends more time watching television in one evening than he or she spends reading the Bible during the entire week! That’s not smart.

Yet, if we want to have biblical thinking, we have to spend more time reading and studying the Bible. If it’s secular values we’re filling our minds with it’s worldly values that we’ll start to believe and talk about. But, if it’s the Bible we’re filling our minds with, it’s Biblical values that we will both believe and live out.

I’m not saying that you should never watch television. Don’t get me wrong. I like to sit down with my wife and watch a show now and again. But if I’m watching TV more than I’m in the Word of God, that’s when I’m creeping towards spiritual trouble!

The Bible says in Philippians chapter 4, “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things.”

In other words, fill your mind with the Word of God! You’ll see your behaviors change right before your very eyes. Your thinking will be renewed and you’ll find yourself motivated and more capable of spreading the Good News Gospel with your world.

Fire Insurance

A New Way of Thinking
Do you know anyone like this: They went forward at a Christian concert, or a church service, years ago. But their life today doesn’t show much signs of the Savior’s presence. They may go to church, but there’s just no fruit. New life in Christ as a onetime solution to a crisis, not a lifelong process. They think that once they’ve made peace with God their spiritual journey has come to an end.

They sit back and relax with their spiritual “fire insurance policy.” What a pity! Because, life in Christ is so much more than that! Yes, we have eternal life when we die, and we also have abundant life here on earth. Now! Jesus said that he came to give us a life of joy! In John chapter 15 he says, “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you [listen to this] and that your joy may be complete.”

If you know someone like I just described, don’t wait another minute! Encourage your friends to give the whole of their life to the inner control of Christ and the amazing benefits that Jesus Christ graciously brings about.

You could help them by meeting to read the Bible together once a week and pray together. Let them know when you see the fruit of the Spirit in their life. They’ll be encouraged to make life with Christ more than just the glorious fire insurance that it is.

The Greatest Epidemic

Here’s a question to you… I was at a conference on how to share the Good News in our post-modern generation. One of the speakers said, “The greatest humanitarian crisis in our time for us Christians is the AIDS epidemic in Africa.”

I was shocked! I thought, “Yes, the AIDS epidemic is a tremendous crisis. We’re all working on it. However, the greatest humanitarian crisis of all time is that millions are dying each day without Jesus Christ. AIDS or no AIDS. It’s our responsibility to give them the spiritual medicine, which is John 3:16 in the Bible.”

The AIDS crisis in Africa, and elsewhere, is horrific. How much worse then is spiritual death – being separated from God forever? Jesus Christ is the remedy to heal the epidemic of spiritual death. He himself said, “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.”

Those are strong words of truth! It’s our job and our privilege to share God’s Good News with those who don’t know the Lord Jesus. He calls you and me to share the Good News Gospel in word and deed, in obedience. And what tremendous joy we’ll have when we see God’s power at work within us saving souls for eternity! And when we get to heave, and meet them there – man, that’s exciting!

True Enlightenment

What the World Needs to Hear

We live in a world that’s desperate for spiritual enlightenment. It started back in the Garden of Eden. Eve was tempted by the serpent to eat the forbidden fruit, in the hopes that she’d understand the things of God. As you know, she went against God’s ways and paid a steep price! People are on the same quest today and the tempter is still deceiving them. He diverts people’s desire for a relationship with God by giving them false promises.

The true answer to the world’s hunger for spiritual knowledge lies in a relationship with Jesus Christ. And only that alone can fill a soul’s longing. A powerful picture of this is revealed in the Gospel of John, Chapter Four. Jesus is in Samaria, talking with a woman at the watering well. He tells her, “Everyone who drinks this [well] water will be thirsty again. But whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. The water I give will become a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

Many people look in the wrong places to fill their spiritual needs. Their thirst drives them to wells that go eventually go dry. Yet Christ offers the world His living water, which satisfies forever. It’s the Holy Spirit. It’s eternal life. It’s His presence in our hearts. And He asks His followers to show the way to others.


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