
A Personal Relationship

Abigail was 10 years old when she was invited to hear us present the Good News at our London Festival in 1984. She and her family took the train from Wales to the Queens Park Rangers Football stadium.

Abigail says she remembers vividly every detail from that night – from the songs that were sung, to the sights of thousands of people everywhere. But what she remembers most was the message about a personal friendship with Jesus Christ.

Abigail had never heard that before, and was excited to think that she could know God personally. So when I gave the invitation, both Abigail and her brother came forward to commit their lives to Jesus Christ.

Now, all these years later, Abigail is still going strong with the Lord. She and her husband worship at a church in Wales, where they lead weekly small group Bible Study.

There are many people like Abigail who have heard about God, and may even think they are Christians, but don’t have a relationship with Jesus Christ. Think of one person today who perhaps looks OK on the outside, but has never made a personal decision to follow Jesus. Then, pray about how to share the Gospel with him or her.

In John 14:13 Jesus says “I will do whatever you ask in my name.” Ask God to open the door of opportunity, and when He does, walk through it with confidence in His name.

Teaching the Bible

Here’s a common scenario: Your children grow up going to church. They go with you every Sunday. They hear the Bible stories. They learn cute songs about God. They even decide one exciting day to accept Jesus as their Savior! You’re thrilled! But there’s one thing missing. Somehow in all of that they never learned how to study the Bible for themselves. And without that, their spiritual growth could be handicapped for the rest of their lives.

We’ve got to help our children grow in personal knowledge of the Bible. How? Read the Bible with them. Memorize verses together. Teach them how to use a concordance. And if you don’t know how, you can learn along with them! Finally, help them connect the Bible to real life, applying God’s Word to their daily struggles.

Proverbs 22 says, “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.” Ephesians 6 says, “Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.” Our children are a vital evangelistic mission. Train them to study the Bible for themselves and they will be able to take the Word of God to their world!

Be A Kid Again

  • Do a cartwheel.
  • Sing into your hairbrush.
  • Walk barefoot in wet grass.
  • Play a song you like really loud, over and over.
  • Dot all your is with smiley faces.
  • Read the funnies. Throw the rest of the paper away.
  • Dunk your cookies.
  • Play a game where you make up the rules as you go along.
  • Step carefully over sidewalk cracks.
  • Change into some play clothes.
  • Try to get someone to trade you a better sandwich.
  • Eat ice cream for breakfast.
  • Kiss a frog, just in case.
  • Blow the wrapper off a straw.
  • Have someone read you a story.
  • Find some pretty stones and save them.
  • Wear your favorite shirt with you favorite pants even if they dont match.
  • Take a running jump over a big puddle.
  • Get someone to buy you something you really dont need.
  • Hide your vegetables under your napkin.
  • Stay up past your bedtime.
  • Eat dessert first.
  • Fuss a little, then take a nap.
  • Wear red gym shoes.
  • Put way too much sugar on your cereal.
  • Make cool screeching noises every time you turn a corner.
  • Giggle a lot for no reason.
  • Give yourself a gold star for everything you do today.

Ancient wisdom I just made up. . .