
Be Holy

We can learn a lot from the servant of God, Joshua. Remember the story of Joshua and the Israelites conquering Jericho. That victory came after Joshua sought Gods face, and humbled Himself before the Almighty God. Joshua was contrite. He was meek – humble. He realized his success was because of God.

But, after Jericho, Joshua and his troops set out to take over another town – Ai. And they suddenly seemed to forget that they are Gods servants. They forgot that their success in Jericho was only by the Lords hand. So they failed to ask God for direction in Ai.

Ultimately, Joshua and the Israelites forgot to aim for holiness, first. There was sin in Joshuas camp that had to be dealt with before the Lord could help them. So when the army tried to take Ai by themselves, they did not have victory. God had to remind them again that He wants purity. He wants holiness. Theres nothing more important.

My friend, God has great evangelistic victory for us. But first, He wants our hearts, our souls, our minds. He wants all of us. Why not surrender yourself again – today – to become holy for the Lord? Make a fresh start! He will use you in unimaginable ways to reach your world for Jesus Christ!

Holiness First

Most of us know the story of how Joshua and his army defeated the city of Jericho. But its important to remember that before Joshuas success, he was on his knees before God. In Joshua 5, we read that before the Israelite army heads to Jericho, the Lord appears to Joshua as a soldier. Joshua asks the soldier, “Are you for us? Or against us?” The Lord replies, “I am here as commander of the Lords army.”

In other words, God says, “I didnt come to take sides. I came to take over.” Joshua falls on his face and asks: “What does my Lord say to his servant?”

What did the Lord say to Joshua? “Take off your shoes,” He said, “for the place where you stand is holy.” Holiness. Thats what God wanted from Joshua. He didnt give Joshua a plan of action for conquering Jericho. God tells Joshua that later. But, the first thing the Lord says is, “Be holy.”

The best way to find success in evangelism, is to aim for holiness first. So, why not pray about it? Ask God to reveal to you any area in your life thats not above reproach. It will be worth it! As you get your heart right before God, youll have even greater success in winning your friends to Jesus Christ.

Joyful in the Lord

Ive often talked with people who feel dragged down by lifes disappointments. These people seem to have lost the purpose and vision for their lives. Do you feel the same way? When we lose the vision of how God wants to use us, we lose joy. And without joy, we cant bless others in the Lord. So, how do you recover a joy thats lost and cant be found?

Let me tell you about the famous servant of God, George Mueller. Mueller was a pastor and evangelist in England in the 1800s. He and his wife started an orphanage that cared for thousands of homeless boys and girls. Mueller wrote a lot about being happy. Do you know what his secret to happiness was? Time with Jesus!

“My first duty in the morning,” he wrote, “is to be happy in the Lord. If Im happy in the Lord, I can face anything during the day.” To be happy in the Lord, he spent time each and every morning on his knees reading the Scripture and praying.

Jesus Himself said if we remain in him our “joy will be complete.” The more time we get to know Jesus, the happier we become. And we begin to realize Gods plan and purpose for our lives – which is reaching our world for Jesus Christ!

A Thief in the Night

When our family lived in South America, our home was broken into twice. Both times this happened when I was gone, and my wife was alone with our four boys. The first time the thieves took about a third of our property. The second time they took everything but the TV and filing cabinets. Nice guys!

But the thing that I resented was that the thieves didnt call me and tell me they were coming! Thieves dont have a habit of letting you know their schedule. They sneak in when you least expect them.

The Lord picks up on that idea when He talks about the second coming of Jesus Christ. First Thessalonians 5 says, “The day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.”

Why will the second coming happen so suddenly, and when we least expect it? Because the Lord wants us to be ready and alert every day of our lives. He wants us to live each day with the thought that He could return at any moment.

In Matthew 24 Jesus says He will be pleased with the wise and faithful servant who, upon Christs return, is doing what he was asked to do. When Jesus comes again, He wants to find us sharing His liberating Good News with our world. The question is, is that how Hell find us?

Serving God 100%

When I was in Australia a few years ago, I met Milton Morris, a member of the Australian Parliament. We were at a luncheon together and Mr. Morris said these words that Ill never forget: “Being one hundred percent for Christ is so much better than fifty percent!”

Its a simple statement, but I thought, How true! One hundred percent is the only way to live for Jesus Christ. Its the only way to experience the wonderful life He has for you and me. And its the only way to witness to our world about His glorious power, and His plan for mankind.

So what does it look like to live for Jesus 100%? The Bible says his servants shall serve the Lord with zeal. Second Peter tells us to “be zealous, be committed.” And you can serve Christ like this no matter who you are, or what you do.

You can serve Him as a teacher, a businessman, a housewife, a student, or a truck driver. Whatever you do, you can serve the Lord Jesus by being fervently committed to sharing His Good News.

Gods number one plan for reaching the world is through you and me! So why not make a fresh decision today? Commit yourself to serve Him with zeal – nothing less than 100%! And then watch God work through you to change your world – one heart at a time.