
Be Patient!

If youve had the joy of leading someone to faith in Jesus Christ, you know its one of the most thrilling experiences on earth! Knowing that another soul has entered into the Kingdom of God gives you an excitement that is beyond words! And you can begin encouraging this new believer in their faith. Now, as you begin the discipleship process, its so important to practice patience. Often we want to see someones bad habits changed overnight. We get discouraged when a new believer isnt as spiritually mature as we think they should be. But even though its important to encourage a new child of God to grow, its also important to practice patience. The reality is that it takes each of us time to mature in the Lord. I accepted the Lord as my Savior as a 12 year old boy. And even though it was a very real commitment, I didnt really begin living the Christian life in its fullness until I was 17. You see, its Gods Holy Spirit that brings the growth, not you or me. In First Corinthians 3:6 Paul says, “I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow.” So yes, keep encouraging and praying for your friend. But also, let them learn, and grow, in Gods perfect timing.

Share Your Story

Many postmoderns dont necessarily want to hear Christian doctrine or theology. Those topics can actually be real conversation-stoppers if thats how you start out. But your personal story is different. It can be a powerful way to open up spiritual discussions with your friends. Why? Because no one can dispute your claim of how God has radically transformed your life. Theres nothing to argue about. And actually, from my experience, most people will listen with interest.

The blind man in John chapter 9 is a great example of sharing a personal testimony. When questioned by the religious authorities about Jesus, this man didnt argue theology or philosophy. He just told them what happened by sharing his story: “One thing I do know… once I was blind, but now I see.”

Think about how God has rescued you from a life of spiritual blindness. Remember how He brought you into a relationship with His son, Jesus. Why not invite a friend to coffee and talk about your life stories. As you share about your own experience with God, youll be planting seeds of truth. Prayerfully, those seeds will lead to a harvest of righteousness in their soul!

The Christian Life Begins at Home

Children dont become Christians by osmosis. Its true that God has no grandchildren. As parents, we should deeply care that our children make a genuine commitment to Jesus Christ. We cant make the decision for them, but we can take an active part in leading our sons and daughters to a solid and lasting faith.

Proverbs 11:30 says “the fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he (or she) who wins souls is wise.”

Its thrilling to win someone to Jesus Christ. Your life may be full of exciting moments, but none will match that special time when your child gives their life to the Savior.

I made the decision to follow Christ at a summer camp. Still, the seed of the Gospel had been planted and watered by my parents at home. Its in the home where lifes most crucial curriculum is taught. God designed the home as the place where His word is to be taught, lived and passed on from generation to generation.

The Lord longs to welcome children into His family. Through our instruction, our example and our prayers we can have an active part in seeing God work in our childrens lives.

Giving the Call

A few years ago I was speaking at an evangelism conference. A young British man came up to me and introduced himself as Rupert. He was a 31-year-old clergyman in the Church of England. Rupert said to me, “Mr. Palau, when I was 16 years old I went to the stadium in London to hear you preach. I had no idea what Christianity was about. But I was converted that night and my life has never been the same!”

Now, this young man of 31 is serving the Lord in ministry in England. How exhilarating it was to hear about Rupert’s decision to believe! Whenever I hear stories like that, I think of III John 4: “I have no greater joy than this, to see that my children are walking in the truth.”

There truly is nothing as exciting as when someone makes a commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ, especially when God uses you. So we need to remember to always give people a chance to respond to the Good News. You may sow the seed, but be sure to give the option of responding to Jesus Christ as well. Don’t just throw out the seed and hope for the best.

Part of the Good News is the call of Jesus Christ. I promise, you will receive no greater joy in your entire life than when you get to pray with a soul ready to accept Christ. Think of how many people are simply waiting for you to ask them the question! So, go ahead and ask!

A Valuable Lesson

Bert and his wife, Colleen, have been missionaries in Peru for 56 years! They have had their own method of planting churches. They would go to a village in the mountains or on the coast, maybe along the river. They preached the Good News there for three or four nights and then went on to the next village.

Bert told me, “I think we learned one very valuable lesson: that our absence from those churches was as important as our presence.” They would come back in three months and the village would be up in arms about some theological issue. So they would find out what the problem was and give them the teaching they needed for that.

They didn’t stop anywhere for more than a month. They sowed the seeds and it worked. They might not have done things “by the book,” but God has worked tremendously through their efforts in Peru.

Sometimes our absence can make people realize God’s presence in us, and their need for Him. Jesus says in John chapter 12, “I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.” Keep on shining the light of Christ even today. He will change people through you, in your presence and in your absence!