
Science Versus God

Do you know someone who is mathematically and scientifically minded? Maybe that person is you! You love experiments. Your thought process is linear. You like equations, evidence and proof.

Now, many argue that science clashes with God. They say that a decent scientist cannot believe in God. However, God never stifles pure science- never. Believing in God actually helps a scientist enjoy his research even more! To put it simply, the Bible does not say to the scientist, “Believe in God, shut your mouth and shut off your brain.”

In fact, the Bible says to the scientist, “Believe in God, the Creator, and enjoy the search for different truths of Gods creation.”

In the Bible, Paul writes to the Romans, “For since the creation of the world Gods invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made.” You see? All of creation points back to God! Do you have a skeptical, science-minded friend around?

Encourage this person to enjoy science through the lens of faith in God. And Gods written revelation in the Bible. The Bible has power! Get them reading the Bible and you never know what can happen in your life. Their faith will only increase as God reveals Himself through scientific study.