
Peace in the Storm

The apostle Paul wrote in Romans that nothing “will be able to separate us from the love of God.”

Even the most severe pressures and struggles of daily life cant separate us from the tenderness and compassion of our Heavenly Father. On the contrary, when we feel as though our world is falling apart, Gods power and grace are magnified.

Paul is not saying that we wont face disappointment, suffering, or conflict in life. But he is saying that no Christian need ever despair. Why? Because we worship the God of all comfort–the God who is sufficient for every pressure of life.

As a missionary once said, “Peace is not the absence of conflict from life but the ability to cope with it.” The God of all comfort can provide that “copeability” in the midst of any crisis.

This peace in the midst of the storm is something that non-believers cant experience, because they dont have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. They dont have the Holy Spirit strengthening them. Thats why it is such a powerful witness when you and I point people to the Savior of the world, who offers hope, healing, and forgiveness.

From Death to Life

Steve McQueen was a famous movie star in the 50s. He was also a crazy guy, a womanizer, a wild man in Hollywood. One day, years ago, Billy Graham told me that Steve McQueen called him up. He said, Mr. Graham, Im dying of cancer and I dont know God. Please come and talk with me. So Billy went to see him.

When Mr. Graham arrived, he said that Steve was just skin and bones. Steve told Billy, Ive had three wives and Ive fooled around with many women. Ive been unfaithful. Ive been a drunk. Can God forgive me?

Billy Graham explained Romans 10:9 to him: If you believe in your heart, and confess Jesus Christ with your lips, He comes into your life. Hell forgive you and give you eternal life. Then Mr. Graham led Steve in a prayer to open his heart to Jesus Christ. A few days later, Steve died.

What an impact his story must have had on the entertainment world! Im sure Steve McQueen is the last person many people imagined would convert to Christianity. But God is able to do “immeasurably more than anything we can ask or imagine.”

So dont give up on the person in your life who seems the furthest from the Lord. God can touch anyones heart, and He wants to use you and me in the process! Let God use you to win a soul for Him.

Glory in Christ

Did you know that as a follower of Jesus, you are a king or queen? Its true! Romans 8:16 says, “The spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are Gods children. Now, if we are children then we are heirs – heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ.” Jesus Christ is the King of kings and Lord of lords, and were heirs in His kingdom! Verse 17 goes on to say, “in order that we may also share in His glory.”

There is a glory to the Christian when he sees himself or herself in the position of royalty. Theres a glow. Its not something you put on. Its just there. When you act like a king or queen, people recognize your spiritual, quiet authority.

To me, my father-in-law was a great example of this kind of authority. He wasnt a talker at all. He simply cared for his wife, worshipped the Lord in the church, and he gave his tithe. But what I especially loved about him was he would always invite his old college buddies to hear my evangelistic messages. He prayed they would be saved, and some of them were. Now he was no big mouth. Just a quiet highway engineer, but in my book he lived for God all the days of his life. Thats being the light of the world, and thats the glory of God in a man.


Its no accident that the first of the ten commandments says, “You shall have no other gods before me.” Jesus also told us in the gospel of John that we should worship the Lord our God, and serve Him alone. The apostle Paul tells us that worshiping God pleases God. The book of Hebrews says that worship also draws us near to God, and Him to us. By worshiping the Lord, we acknowledge His true perfection and power.

So what does all this talk about worship have to do with evangelism? Why everything! If we want to be authentic Christians who make a difference in our world, we need to worship! In public and in private – with our whole lives! Romans chapter 12 says, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of Gods mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God-this is your spiritual act of worship.”

As you worship God, He will reveal His character in you. When you give Him His rightful place in your life, He will be able to use you! Hell increase your compassion for the lost. And youll want to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with everyone you meet. So worship God today and He will prepare you for great things and your cup will run over with the fullness of the Holy Spirit and youll be a blessing and youll reach out to others in a winsome way.