
A Second Chance

Are you in a spiritual crisis? At some time or another, most people come to a place of crisis in their faith. Maybe you used to be on fire; you were excited about Jesus Christ; you were joyful; you loved talking about the Lord.

Then, like a slow leak in a tire, you began to lose momentum. The joy disappeared; and the fire fizzled out. Now youre settling for a mediocre existence, and the last thing you think about is evangelism!

Does any of that describe what youre going through? If so, dont despair – there is hope for change! The answer is found in Romans 12:1&2. In this passage, Paul urges believers to “offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy, pleasing to God – this is your spiritual act of worship.”

What does this look like? It means you come to the Lord. You confess to Christ where youre at. You fall on your face and present yourself as a living sacrifice to God. Its a re-commitment, in a sense, of your life to Christ.

And then, as Romans goes on to tell us, Jesus begins transforming your mind and heart so that you desire what He desires. His passions become your passions. His priorities become your priorities – including Christs heart for the lost.

God is Being Glorified

You know sharing the Good News is an adventure. I found it so since I decided as a teenager that I really, really wanted to share the good news of Jesus Christ. But you know just like everybody else, even though Ive been at it now for fifty some years of my life, I still get nervous when I go into the adventure of sharing the Good News.

Its not that I dont trust God- I certainly do; its that I dont trust myself. Thats why I get nervous. But you know one of the things that Ive done all through my life when I went to give a message that proclaims the Good News, or when I went to talk to somebody as I walked into their office to share the gospel of Jesus Christ, I remind myself of this one particular phrase. And its this- God is being glorified.

Hes being glorified because Im trying to share Jesus Christ. Hes being glorified through me because Christ lives in me, and the Holy Spirit is going to use me. God is in me, He is here, He is here now, God is among us- me and the person Im going to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

And in Romans 15 it says, “So that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

So, when you go to share the good news, dont be surprised that youre nervous, its an eternal issue. But remind yourself, God is being glorified.

A Liberating Message

Think back to the first time you heard Gods revolutionizing Good News. What made the biggest impact on you? Why did you decide to give your life to Jesus Christ? What sins did He free you from? How would your life be different without Gods forgiveness?

Its important to remember – really remember – just how powerfully our lives have been transformed by the Lord. That way, well be less likely to view the Good News as old news. Yes, you and I may have heard it hundreds of times.

But, there will always be someone who needs to hear the amazing Gospel for the very first time. Its liberating for those who are lonely, burdened with guilt, or frightened of the future. The Good News is the best news they will ever hear!

Paul gives us a great exhortation in Romans 10: He says, “How can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? … As it is written, How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”

So, may your feet – your hands – your voice – your life – bring the life-changing Good News of Jesus Christ to someone in your

Yearning for Revenge

My father was a very successful businessman, but he died when I was only 10 years old. He left my mother a lot of property and money. But several family members swindled everything we had. Within three years, my family was living in poverty and debt.

When I was old enough to understand what our relatives had done, I urged my mother to take revenge on them. I wanted to get a lawyer to take them to court and let them have it! I was so angry. The older I got, the more bitter I became.

But, my mother refused to become bitter. She clung to what the Bible says in Romans 19:16, “Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for Gods wrath, for it is written: It is mine to avenge, I will repay, says the Lord.”

God is the One who measures out justice. He will be the judge. How he handles that judgment is up to Him. He may do something now, or He might not, but we dont need to worry about it. He is the perfect judge.

God commands His followers to grant forgiveness. Only then can we truly reach our world for Jesus Christ. When you forgive, others witness the miraculous power of Jesus Christ in YOU! Be a person who is willing to forgive because Jesus has forgiven you.

Rejoicing in Trials

Are you struggling to understand why youre in a tough spot today? “Im such a nice person,” you may say. “Why does God allow difficult things to happen to me?”

One reason we experience trials is to enable us to comfort others who are hurting. Christians who are walking with the Lord have much to share regarding the blessings God has given them in times of deep need or sorrow.

As a follower and believer in Jesus, how do you respond to trials? Do others turn to you for counsel because they sense Gods comforting presence in your life? Its powerful when you can say, “Because of a similar situation, I think I understand what youre going through. Let me share what God did for me.”

Paul says in Romans 5, “We rejoice in our sufferings because we know that suffering produces perseverance, perseverance character, and character hope.”

In the ministry of comfort, Gods Word comes alive, and His promises become active and real. Suddenly you understand why you went through your hardship. Praise God, it was worth it, as He uses your experience to draw people to the cross of Jesus Christ!