Building Up Your Faith
Every believer in Jesus Christ has received unique gifts from the Holy Spirit. We’re given these gifts to develop, to enjoy, and to help draw people to the Savior. Yet you may say, “But Luis, how can I experience the truth of these gifts so that I’m using them to bring others into His Kingdom? I don’t know how?”
The key is to build up your faith to the point where you not only believe in your gifts, but you actually begin to experience them.
Romans 10:17 says, “Faith comes by hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ.” So, spending time alone with God, in His word, builds your faith and your gifts. The more you read the Word and meditate, the more your faith is strengthened. It’s not something you can work up by sheer will power or by some form of self-inducement.
Stick with Scriptures prayfully and your faith will grow. Give God time. As you read, the Holy Spirit will begin to speak to your mind, and you will understand how God wants you to use your gifts. He’ll show you how to bless a friend, when to encourage a co-worker, when to spread the Good News Gospel.
So, be encouraged! The One who gave us the gifts is the same One who lives within us. Therefore, allow Jesus to empower you today to carry out the calling that He’s given you to spread His Good News.