
Accessing Godly Wisdom

Sandy was a young woman whom my wife and I met a few years ago. At 36 years old, Sandy had been married three times, and had six children. She had recently ended a relationship, she said, because her boyfriend would choke her and beat up on her.

Sandy said she loved her kids, but they didnt want anything to do with her. “I need help,” Sandy told me. “Im so confused, and I just want peace.”

Wow, talk about a woman in need of the Lords direction and wisdom! I had a long conversation with Sandy, and eventually ended up leading her to the Lord, which was the best decision she could make!

Many people, like Sandy, are searching for peace of mind and heart. But the only way to have true peace is to have the mind of Jesus Christ, which happens the moment you receive Him into your life.

Romans 8:6 tells us that “the mind controlled by the Spirit [of God] is life and peace.”

Receiving thoughts and direction from God, through the Holy Spirit, is the only way to live! Is there someone in your life looking for this kind of peace? Take a risk! Tell them that the only way to experience true peace is through a relationship with Jesus Christ.

The Power of the Word

Throughout my years in ministry, Ive heard from many people that if I had their mother-in-law I wouldnt feel so victorious, or if I was married to their wife, I wouldnt feel so optimistic.

We all have difficult circumstances, but it is important to saturate our hearts and minds with the Bible- this helps us maintain the proper perspective. One glorious truth of the Bible is that nothing and no one can take away the power of Christ in you. Regardless of whats going in our lives, we are headed for Heaven and there is no greater joy than that.

St. Paul writes in Romans, “I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes.”

There is authority and power in the everlasting truth of the Bible. When you share the scriptures with others, it isnt some opinion- it is Gods Word. If you are a follower of Jesus- dont keep it to yourself. Tell anyone and everyone who will listen.

Get to know the scriptures well. Read them often. As you read you will find your passion for the lost renewed. The more you learn about the Lord Jesus the more youll want to tell people. Try it today, wont you? Reach out and discover the joy that comes with knowing Gods Word.

Science Versus God

Do you know someone who is mathematically and scientifically minded? Maybe that person is you! You love experiments. Your thought process is linear. You like equations, evidence and proof.

Now, many argue that science clashes with God. They say that a decent scientist cannot believe in God. However, God never stifles pure science- never. Believing in God actually helps a scientist enjoy his research even more! To put it simply, the Bible does not say to the scientist, “Believe in God, shut your mouth and shut off your brain.”

In fact, the Bible says to the scientist, “Believe in God, the Creator, and enjoy the search for different truths of Gods creation.”

In the Bible, Paul writes to the Romans, “For since the creation of the world Gods invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made.” You see? All of creation points back to God! Do you have a skeptical, science-minded friend around?

Encourage this person to enjoy science through the lens of faith in God. And Gods written revelation in the Bible. The Bible has power! Get them reading the Bible and you never know what can happen in your life. Their faith will only increase as God reveals Himself through scientific study.

The Bible: God’s Written Revelation

In a recent conversation I had with an atheist friend of mine, he said, “The Bible is good literature. Integrating Hebrew, Greek and Roman culture, it abounds in beautiful prose, proverbs and poems. What is more, he continued, it has formulated many ethical standards for many people, then and now.”

My friend is exactly right! He understands the essential meaning of the Bible from the writers perspective. But what distinguishes a Christians belief about the Bible from an atheists is that we see the Bible as part of Gods total revelation to man.

God is personal, having created us humans to be in relationship with Himself. And because He is invisible, He chose to reveal Himself in written form through the Bible. Christians believe the Bible is inspired by God.

That even as human authors wrote freely, God made sure the end result was everything He wanted us to know about Him. Thats why we call it inerrancy- it has no errors. In the book of II Samuel in the Bible, it says, “the word of God is flawless.” The more we study it, the better we get to know God and His ways.

Let God reveal something new about Himself to you. Dig in to His flawless Word today. It does NOT disappoint and you will be very spiritually motivated!

The First Steps

Have you recently led someone to Jesus Christ? If so, congratulations! Nothing compares to the joy of helping to usher a soul into the family of God! And now you have the opportunity to help your friend grow in their new relationship with the Lord! One of the first steps you can take is to encourage your friend in their new faith. They may be struggling with some doubt, and wonder, “Am I really saved? Did Jesus really come into my heart? How do I know for sure?” Remind your friend of the truth from Gods Word. In John 10:28 Jesus tells us: “I give them eternal life, they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand.” New believers may also struggle with a sense of guilt from their past sins. If that happens, open the Bible to Romans 8:1 where Paul writes, “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” And finally, remind your new brother or sister in Christ that Jesus lives in them. Galatians 2:20 says, “I have been crucified with Christ, and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.” These verses will help a new believer. Gods Word can penetrate your friends heart, with the Lords promises