
Talking Over Coffee

Many Christians that I’ve met say to me, “How do you get a conversation going and then lead it so that you talk about Jesus Christ?” I think one of the greatest ways you can do this, with someone you work with, or even at school, or college is to say, “Hey, how about Starbucks?”

Take them to a coffee shop, sit down at a table, and begin to talk about the weather, classes, work, or whatever. Eventually, the Lord always has a way to bring the conversation around to spiritual things. I’ve done it for 50 years of my life! I can tell you! It works!

Get a conversation going and at then say in your heart, “Lord, give me an open door,” and suddenly, the door opens. It may be because of a comment about somebody who is ill in the family, or a hard day at work, you never know.

Jesus Christ said to his disciples, “Come apart for awhile and rest a little.” A cup of coffee can be a way of resting in today’s restless world. And then, wait for the Lord to give you just the right moment and the wisdom to ask the right question. He’ll also give you the right Bible verse to plant into the heart of your friend so that eventually that seed will lead them to Jesus Christ.

So, how about some Starbucks?