
God’s Grace

The apostle Paul risked everything for the sake of spreading the Good News. In the book of Acts he says, “I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me – the task of testifying to the gospel of Gods grace.”

Later, in II Corinthians, Paul says that “Christs love compels us.” Thats why he was risking life and limb, reputation and sickness, hunger and discomfort, to spread the message of Jesus Christ all over the world.

Well, thats fine for Paul, you might think. But Im certainly not called like that. It may be true that not all of us are called to travel to the furthest corners of the earth to share the Good News. But each person is called to testify about the grace of God thats changed our lives. Jesus commands it!

Paul was always aware that he was nothing without Christs love and forgiveness. Its what compelled and motivated him to speak of the Savior until his dying breath. Are you and I that overwhelmed with Gods grace?

If not, maybe its time to ask God to remind you how Hes changed your life. That revelation can be a great motivation to speak His truth to your world!

When God Doesn’t Make Sense

National Football League running back Sherman Smith had a reputation for bowling over defensive linesmen. This raised his celebrity to near-cult status. Then, without warning, Shermans team traded their most popular player to the San Diego Chargers. Everything changed overnight for him. He wasnt with the Chargers for more than a few weeks when he blew out his knee.

But Sherman was also a committed follower of Jesus Christ. And he knew that more than football, his main mission in life was to share Gods message of salvation. So while in rehabilitation, Sherman prayed, Lord, why did you ship me here? Whats your plan in all of this? How do you want to use me?

While Shermans knee mended, God answered his prayers by allowing him to lead one of his teammates to the Lord. That converted party-man, Miles McPherson, is now an outstanding youth evangelist who reaches thousands each year with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Proverbs 3:5-6 reminds us to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.”

You may not understand why God has you in a certain situation. But instead of despairing, take a lesson from Sherman. Ask God how He wants to use you right where you are. And He will!

Seeing the Lord

The Bible indicates that Mary Magdalene was a woman if ill repute. She had been demon possessed and had obviously done a lot of bad things. But when Jesus took the demons out of her, Mary believed in Him, and she was forgiven of all shed done.

Later on, after Jesus rose from the dead, He appeared to Mary first, before any of the disciples. God gave Mary the privilege of being the first one to see Jesus alive. She was able to say, “Ive seen the Lord!”

Today, you may not be able to see God with your physical eyes as Mary Magdalene did, but you can see him with the eyes of your soul. If you will open your heart to Christ, youll be able to say, Ive seen the Lord. He came into my heart. He forgave my sins. Im at peace with God.

And the proof of it is the resurrection confirmed in my heart by Gods Holy Spirit. The Bible says that when Jesus rose from the dead, God was confirming that all our sins are forgiven by faith in Him.

Hebrews 10:10 says, “We have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ.”

Its all based on the work of the cross. No one is good enough to enter the kingdom of God, because to enter it we have to be perfect. And the only way to be perfect is to be washed, as the Bible puts it, in the blood of Jesus Christ. Will you receive that cleansing today?

Standing Up for Jesus

In secular schools, many Christians are afraid of standing up for what they believe, for fear of being ‘politically incorrect,’ and perhaps even getting fired or expelled. But today’s story is about a young student who decided he was not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ because, as Romans says, “it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes.”

So this 18-year-old student, in his last year of high school, did something very bold. He wrote a personal letter to every single student in his school of 3,000 kids! In this letter he told his classmates how much Jesus Christ loves them and wants a personal relationship with them. That is terrific!

Talk about courageous! I love hearing stories of young people risking their reputations for the cause of Christ. Just think of how many classmates this student will see in heaven because he loved them enough to tell them about the Lord in a letter. I hope this story encourages you.

Has God been putting something on your heart that seems bold, and perhaps scary? Has He placed a burden on your heart for a specific individual? If so, pray about it, ask for confirmation, and then go all, go for broke, out for the cause of Jesus Christ!