
“Yes, but you’ll have to wait”

Phil Callaway didnt know what to say when his children asked if Mommy was going to die. His wife, Ramona, suffered horrible seizures. Hundreds of friends and relatives prayed. Medical specialists tried everything. But Ramonas weight eventually slipped to ninety pounds. And soon the seizures occurred daily, sometimes hourly.

One evening, when things looked utterly hopeless, Phil fell to his knees. “God!” he cried out. “I cant take it anymore. Please do something!” As he stood, a doctors name came to mind. Phil called the doctor, who saw Ramona the next morning and diagnosed a rare chemical deficiency. Within a week, Ramonas seizures ended. She was a different person. The miracle was so incredible that Phil says, “God gave me back my wife.”

Immediate answers to prayer. You want them. I want them. But God simply does not always work that way. And to receive His best, we must be patient. The Bible says, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”

When praying for our loved ones who do not know Jesus, we must persist. Because sometimes God will answer with, “Yes, but youll have to wait.” So, dont give up. Keep praying that your loved one will come to the Lord.

Asking the Right Questions

Todays generation of postmoderns tend to believe that truth is relative. They dont believe in absolutes. Many assume that Christianity is wrong, without actually thinking through what believing in Jesus Christ actually means.

So you and I have the opportunity, and privilege, to proclaim the truth of the Good News. And sometimes, all it takes is asking a simple question.

Francis Schaeffer, a famous pastor and theologian, was brilliant at asking leading questions of non-believers. He wouldnt try to steer people away from their erroneous beliefs. Instead, Schaeffer logically took them through their arguments, to expose the depravity of their non-Christian worldviews. Through his thoughtful questions, he led many people to faith in Jesus.

So the next time someone begins bad-mouthing Christianity, try asking: “How do you know that?” Or “Can you show me where you read that?” Or ask, “How do you explain the presence of evil and suffering?” Remember to also pray Ephesians 1 for your friends: “I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened…”

The Holy Spirit will prompt you with questions to ask. And He will prepare hearts to receive salvation and eternal life through Jesus Christ!

Yearning for Revenge

My father was a very successful businessman, but he died when I was only 10 years old. He left my mother a lot of property and money. But several family members swindled everything we had. Within three years, my family was living in poverty and debt.

When I was old enough to understand what our relatives had done, I urged my mother to take revenge on them. I wanted to get a lawyer to take them to court and let them have it! I was so angry. The older I got, the more bitter I became.

But, my mother refused to become bitter. She clung to what the Bible says in Romans 19:16, “Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for Gods wrath, for it is written: It is mine to avenge, I will repay, says the Lord.”

God is the One who measures out justice. He will be the judge. How he handles that judgment is up to Him. He may do something now, or He might not, but we dont need to worry about it. He is the perfect judge.

God commands His followers to grant forgiveness. Only then can we truly reach our world for Jesus Christ. When you forgive, others witness the miraculous power of Jesus Christ in YOU! Be a person who is willing to forgive because Jesus has forgiven you.

He Gives Us Power

All of us go through hard times in life, some worse than others. My mom became a widow when she was only 34 years old. Some relatives who were crooked took away everything my dad had accumulated, so we were left with almost nothing. My mom had to somehow provide for me and my five sisters and my young brother. There were times we barely had enough to eat, and didnt know where our next meal would come from.

But through those hard years, we learned a great lesson from my mom. She taught us that even while going through the awful things of life, you can depend on the indwelling presence of the living Jesus Christ for strength. He will get you through. Because Jesus is alive, everyone who believes in Him has the power — through the Holy Spirit — to face the battles of life.

Thats why Christians get so excited when you quote Philippians 4:13: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

How can I do all things? Because the resurrection tells me Christ has come to live within me, and since he lives within me, I have His indwelling power! Do you want this power today? Do you need it? Open your heart to believe in the Lord Jesus. He will give you power through the Holy Spirit to face anything that comes your way. He will do so immediately. Its the only way to live! And, its great!

The Search for Truth

Have you ever been in a conversation with someone and he or she asks you, “What is truth anyway? Isn’t truth relative to different people and life situations?”

It’s an important question that many sincere seekers are asking today. And we, as Christians, need to be prepared to answer them. But how do we find the truth so we can share it with others?

The answer is found in John 17 when Jesus is praying for His people. He says, “Sanctify them by your truth; your Word is truth.”

That’s the key right there! If you want truth – divine truth, spiritual truth, moral truth, life-changing truth – it’s all in the Word of God. We must spend time with God and Scripture in order to find the truth that people are searching for. There’s divine power in the Bible, you know.

We also must cultivate a listening ear, listening to Jesus Christ. And that takes time. Yes, you can listen to God on the freeway but you hear a lot of other things too. That’s why it’s good to spend time alone with the Lord – just Him and you and His Word. You’ll be amazed at what you’ll discover!

As you open the Bible, and listen to the Holy Spirit, you will learn wisdom to answer people’s questions – that’s how I have done it. And the truth that you share has the power to change their lives! “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” Jesus said that.