
Fragrance of Christ

Second Corinthians chapter 2:14 and 15 is a super verse. It starts with this: “…Thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession.” Triumphal procession: that means thrilling, successful evangelism that only comes from Christs power. Jesus is the one who does it. He leads us in it. You and I just need to follow His ways, His Word, His voice.

The next part of the verse explains how the Lord leads us in evangelism victory. It says, “Through us [Christ] spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him.” Thats really what evangelism is – “spreading around the perfume of Jesus Christ.” Thats what you and I are doing – as we walk in the power of Jesus Christ living inside us.

As we talk to people, chat with them, even joking, playing, and working. We are spreading the fragrance of Christ. We are showing our world real love, true joy, inner peace and lasting hope — the blessings that are found in a relationship with Jesus Christ.

So ask the Lord to help others see Him in you – through the words you speak, the smiles you give, and the reactions you make. Christ takes the lead – and asks you to follow. As you do, youll be spreading His aroma to the people in your world.

Just Do It

The indwelling, living Holy Spirit longs to lead you and I in successful evangelism. Romans 8:14 tells us this. It says these fabulous words, “…those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.” There you have it – the Holy Spirit of God leads us in every situation, every day. Isnt that awesome?

Now, being led by the Spirit takes some practice. As we learn more about the Lord, and grow in our relationship with Him, we begin discerning His voice. In fact, Gods Spirit is calling you today – right now! Do you recognize His voice?

If you feel Him prodding you in a certain direction, do what He says. When the Spirit puts a thought in your heart, do it as quickly as you possibly can. Dont delay. Dont start analyzing and wondering where the thought came from.

Just do it and see what will happen. When you obey, youll experience exciting results in your evangelism efforts. And youll also realize that you can, indeed, hear the Lords voice!

As you spend time in the Word, and in prayer, youll be more conscious of the Holy Spirits presence. Then, when He leads you to share Gods love with your world, youll know what to do! And the results will be changed lives!

Crucify the Flesh

Why does it seem that some believers suddenly turn away from God? I believe one of the biggest reasons Christians fall away from Jesus is because of un-confessed sin.

Without keeping a clear conscience before the Lord, its easy to drift away from the faith. You become hardened to the Spirit of God, and eventually you stop listening to His voice altogether. Sin blinds you and enslaves you. Its a horrible place to be!

Perhaps this describes your situation. Are you struggling with a sin thats keeping you from a right relationship with God? If so, Galatians 5 gives a very clear remedy. Verse 26 says, “Those who belong to Christ have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires.”

If you belong to Jesus, then theres only one thing to do with the flesh: Crucify it. Get rid of it. Be ruthless. Dont play games. Deal with your sins once and for all by crucifying them on the cross.

That means you admit your sin to God, repent, ask forgiveness, and turn the other way. Ask the Holy Spirit for strength and He will help you! By crucifying the flesh, you will be empowered to live what Jesus calls the abundant life. Your life will be a powerful witness to your world of Gods forgiveness and grace.

Build Relationships

My friend Mark Mittelberg has taught evangelism training all over the world. Mark says hes noticed a consistent thread thats present in all cultures: “Friends listen to friends,” he says. Thats why establishing relationships is so important when it comes to sharing our faith.

A great example of this is in the Gospel of Luke. Were told about Matthew, a tax collector, who became a follower of Jesus. Matthew was in a perfect position to reach out to his buddies who were also tax collectors. So what did he do? He threw a party, man! He invited his friends, Jesus, and the disciples over for a meal and discussion. Great idea, dont you think?

Colossians 4:5 tells us to “be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity.” Matthew certainly did that — what about you? Try building relationships with your co-workers, students in your school, or another mom down the street. Then, host a “Matthew party” of your own! By establishing trusting relationships with this generation, theyll be more willing to hear about Jesus Christ. Not only how he changed your life — but how He can change theirs, too!

Share Your Story

Many postmoderns dont necessarily want to hear Christian doctrine or theology. Those topics can actually be real conversation-stoppers if thats how you start out. But your personal story is different. It can be a powerful way to open up spiritual discussions with your friends. Why? Because no one can dispute your claim of how God has radically transformed your life. Theres nothing to argue about. And actually, from my experience, most people will listen with interest.

The blind man in John chapter 9 is a great example of sharing a personal testimony. When questioned by the religious authorities about Jesus, this man didnt argue theology or philosophy. He just told them what happened by sharing his story: “One thing I do know… once I was blind, but now I see.”

Think about how God has rescued you from a life of spiritual blindness. Remember how He brought you into a relationship with His son, Jesus. Why not invite a friend to coffee and talk about your life stories. As you share about your own experience with God, youll be planting seeds of truth. Prayerfully, those seeds will lead to a harvest of righteousness in their soul!