
The Secret to Spiritual Health

We all know what it is like to be wronged. If it hasnt happened to you already – it will. People fail God and they fail us as well. They do things that break the heart of God. People say things that make us angry and upset.

Though we cannot control what is said and done to us, we can control our response. We can choose to forgive. Remember that Jesus died on the cross so that you could be forgiven. Share that same forgiveness with the people in your life who have hurt you.

You ask, “What is the key to spiritual health?” Well, I will tell you. It is this: forgive and be forgiven. Keep short accounts with God and men. You must refuse to let bitterness and guilt take root in your soul.

The Bible says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

My friend, today if you claim that promise and have been forgiven, then also forgive those who have wronged you. Your forgiveness may be just the thing that will lead them to Jesus Christ. Nothing is better than tha

The Lord’s Patience

God our Father would love for everyone to believe in Jesus Christ and have eternal life. Thats His deepest desire. And Gods plan for saving souls is to enlist us Christians to be His hands, feet, and voice – lovingly drawing people to repentance and faith in Jesus. Then, God will send Jesus back to earth, bringing all believers up to Heaven with Him.

But sometimes, as year after year passes, the Lords return can seem so far away. We may feel that we have all the time in the world to share our faith. So it becomes easy to put off witnessing, until a more “convenient” time, (which rarely comes, by the way). But the Lord will come back, as He has promised. And it could be any day.

II Peter 3 says, “The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise … He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”

Our Lords patience means salvation! He is waiting to return until as many people as possible come into the Kingdom. You and I are His messengers – His ambassadors — to preach the Good News to a desperate and dying world.

Will you answer His call? Its an exciting way to live, thats for sure!

Left Behind

The second coming of Jesus Christ, and the resurrection of the body of the Christian, is promised in the Bible very clearly. But sadly, there will be many unbelievers left behind when Jesus returns again.

Luke 17 tells us, “On that night, two people will be in one bed; one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding grain together; one will be taken and the other left.” Its a sobering thought, isnt it?

If Jesus came back today, who in your world would be left behind? Is it a co-worker who sits next to you in your office? Is it a neighbor you go walking with? A classmate, teacher, friend, or even your spouse?

Imagine Jesus returning and your friend or neighbor or wife turning to you, asking, “Why didnt you ever tell me about Him?” Can you imagine the regret?

The reality is that no one knows when Jesus is coming back. It could be at any moment. So we must be vigilant today, to speak up with the truth of the Good News Gospel. Why dont you make a commitment to share the Lord with whoever He brings across your path?

Lets shine the light of Christ to everyone we meet, so that no one is left behind when He returns.

I’ll Be Back

Do you know what the next great event in human civilization is going to be? Its the second coming of Jesus Christ to take His people to be with Him in Heaven. Wont that be exciting?

I Thessalonians 4:17 says, “After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.” The New Testament mentions this second coming over 300 times. It was clearly an event He wanted us to be ready for.

How do you and I prepare for Jesus Christs return? First of all, its essential to have a good relationship with Him, and know Him as our Lord and Savior.

After that, we need to be faithful to the calling He has on our lives. Seconds before He ascended to heaven, after He had promised that He would come back again, Jesus said: “Go and evangelize the world.” That was the major thing on his mind as Jesus left us on earth.

If Jesus came back today, would He find you and me faithfully sharing the message of Good News with the people we know? If not, why dont you recommit yourself to the Great Commission right now?

Remember, the Lord is coming back. In the meantime, its our calling, and privilege, to lead others into a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Rejoicing in Trials

Are you struggling to understand why youre in a tough spot today? “Im such a nice person,” you may say. “Why does God allow difficult things to happen to me?”

One reason we experience trials is to enable us to comfort others who are hurting. Christians who are walking with the Lord have much to share regarding the blessings God has given them in times of deep need or sorrow.

As a follower and believer in Jesus, how do you respond to trials? Do others turn to you for counsel because they sense Gods comforting presence in your life? Its powerful when you can say, “Because of a similar situation, I think I understand what youre going through. Let me share what God did for me.”

Paul says in Romans 5, “We rejoice in our sufferings because we know that suffering produces perseverance, perseverance character, and character hope.”

In the ministry of comfort, Gods Word comes alive, and His promises become active and real. Suddenly you understand why you went through your hardship. Praise God, it was worth it, as He uses your experience to draw people to the cross of Jesus Christ!