
Don’t Judge

I remember meeting Nick a few years ago. He was a 19-year-old who wore black clothes and lots of make-up. But despite his appearance, Nick was sincerely searching for the truth. He told me he had checked out different religions, and was drawn mostly to Christianity.

Because of his appearance, some Christians in his community had labeled him as a homosexual and Satanist – which he wasnt! So, Nick was confused about what to believe.

I was really impressed with Nick. He was honest and sincere about his search for truth. I shared from the Gospel of John, Chapter 8, where Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

Nick said to me, “Well, Ill definitely put it under consideration.” Although he didnt surrender His life to Jesus that night, Nick realized that not all Christians were judging him. And Jesus Christ loved him just the way he was.

We need be careful to not pass judgment on kids who look and act differently than our own. Instead, its our privilege and calling to love these young people into the Saviors arms. If youve shared Jesus Christ with a young person, Id love to hear your story. Please send me a note at

Love Sinners, Hate Sin

John was a 17-year-old who told me he was struggling because his sister was a lesbian. He didnt know how to deal with it. I told John that he needed to be patient with his sister, love her, and not start any arguments — they rarely get you anywhere.

He needed to love and respect her because, no matter what her lifestyle, shes still created in the image of God.

Jesus Christ is a perfect example of how to love the lost. He spent time with the tax collectors, and the prostitutes. Many of them chose to leave their sinful ways and follow Him.

Now, loving the sinner doesnt mean we condone the sin. Homosexuality is condemned in the Bible, just as is any other sexual activity that is outside of marriage.

The most powerful thing we can do is love and pray for people choosing those lifestyles. Trust me, God can change their hearts! Ive had the privilege of leading many homosexuals to Jesus Christ. Its possible, if we lovingly reach out to them without judgment.

Love the person – hate the sin. In Mark Chapter 10, Jesus says, “All things are possible with God.”

Do you have stories of how youve reached out to a lost friend or family member? Id love to hear from you! Send me a note at

I’ll Be Back

Do you know what the next great event in human civilization is going to be? Its the second coming of Jesus Christ to take His people to be with Him in Heaven. Wont that be exciting?

I Thessalonians 4:17 says, “After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.” The New Testament mentions this second coming over 300 times. It was clearly an event He wanted us to be ready for.

How do you and I prepare for Jesus Christs return? First of all, its essential to have a good relationship with Him, and know Him as our Lord and Savior.

After that, we need to be faithful to the calling He has on our lives. Seconds before He ascended to heaven, after He had promised that He would come back again, Jesus said: “Go and evangelize the world.” That was the major thing on his mind as Jesus left us on earth.

If Jesus came back today, would He find you and me faithfully sharing the message of Good News with the people we know? If not, why dont you recommit yourself to the Great Commission right now?

Remember, the Lord is coming back. In the meantime, its our calling, and privilege, to lead others into a relationship with Jesus Christ.

The One Solution

Some time ago a friend of one of our boys put a gun to his head and shot himself. He was only 16 and the son of a wealthy, notable doctor. A few days before this young mans death, our local newspaper reported that a well-known clinical psychologist committed suicide, leaving a note to his staff stating that he felt “tired, alone, and suddenly very old.” What sad stories!

Suicides are increasing at alarming rates. Thousands of people feel like the clinical psychologist and the high school boy. They feel that life is empty. Overpowered by the idea of “nothingness,” they either take their own lives, or seek escape through drugs, alcohol, and other addictions.

Why do some people despair of life itself? Psychologists offer many answers to that question, but only one true solution exists–Jesus Christ. Only Jesus can meet peoples deepest needs when their world suddenly falls apart.

In the Gospel of John, Jesus told his disciples, “In this world you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world.”

As followers of Jesus, you and I have the responsibility, and privilege, of being faithful messengers of this hope to those in our world.

Seeing the Lord

The Bible indicates that Mary Magdalene was a woman if ill repute. She had been demon possessed and had obviously done a lot of bad things. But when Jesus took the demons out of her, Mary believed in Him, and she was forgiven of all shed done.

Later on, after Jesus rose from the dead, He appeared to Mary first, before any of the disciples. God gave Mary the privilege of being the first one to see Jesus alive. She was able to say, “Ive seen the Lord!”

Today, you may not be able to see God with your physical eyes as Mary Magdalene did, but you can see him with the eyes of your soul. If you will open your heart to Christ, youll be able to say, Ive seen the Lord. He came into my heart. He forgave my sins. Im at peace with God.

And the proof of it is the resurrection confirmed in my heart by Gods Holy Spirit. The Bible says that when Jesus rose from the dead, God was confirming that all our sins are forgiven by faith in Him.

Hebrews 10:10 says, “We have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ.”

Its all based on the work of the cross. No one is good enough to enter the kingdom of God, because to enter it we have to be perfect. And the only way to be perfect is to be washed, as the Bible puts it, in the blood of Jesus Christ. Will you receive that cleansing today?