Seek and Save the Lost
In Luke 19, Jesus says, “The Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.”
What does it mean to be lost? To be lost is an awful thing. To be lost means that youre not where you should be. It means you dont know where you are, and dont know where youre going. Now, to be lost doesnt mean that youre evil, or an awful person. It simply means that youre not where you should be — youre not in Jesus Christ.
All over the world there are men and women who are spiritually lost — dying in their sins. Sometimes, they try to hide the fact that theyre lost by covering up their loneliness and pain with material possessions. Over the years, Ive talked with people from all walks of life — from humble Bolivian women, to business CEOs, to powerful presidents of nations. What Ive noticed is that it doesnt matter how much money or power you may have. Without Jesus Christ, youre as lost as anyone.
So be aware that each person you meet – no matter how good they look on the outside – may be lost and falling apart on the inside. Just like Jesus, we need to seek out these lost souls, and guide them to the God who loves them more than they can imagine.