
Seek and Save the Lost

In Luke 19, Jesus says, “The Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.”

What does it mean to be lost? To be lost is an awful thing. To be lost means that youre not where you should be. It means you dont know where you are, and dont know where youre going. Now, to be lost doesnt mean that youre evil, or an awful person. It simply means that youre not where you should be — youre not in Jesus Christ.

All over the world there are men and women who are spiritually lost — dying in their sins. Sometimes, they try to hide the fact that theyre lost by covering up their loneliness and pain with material possessions. Over the years, Ive talked with people from all walks of life — from humble Bolivian women, to business CEOs, to powerful presidents of nations. What Ive noticed is that it doesnt matter how much money or power you may have. Without Jesus Christ, youre as lost as anyone.

So be aware that each person you meet – no matter how good they look on the outside – may be lost and falling apart on the inside. Just like Jesus, we need to seek out these lost souls, and guide them to the God who loves them more than they can imagine.

Forget About It

Why is it that we cant remember where we put our car keys or our pencil but we can recall all the details about the moment someone disappointed us? We forget our kids birthdays, but dont forget when someone says something hurtful. Unless we learn how to forgive and forget, we will always live in the past. Bitterness or guilt will eat away at us.

In the Bible, Saul persecuted the Church. He committed terrible sins. Yet, after he became a believer in Jesus Christ, he was renamed Paul and said, “Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Paul deliberately chose to forget his past failures through the power of the indwelling Christ in his life.

My friend, if you have confessed your sin to God, dont revisit it. God has forgotten your offense! It has vanished from His memory as though it never happened. You can choose right now to confess your sin, accept Gods forgiveness, and forget about it. Move forward in peace and let God use you to reach your world for Him! When you are free from guilt, you will be a powerfu

Your Heart – A Crusty Sponge?

Have ever considered the difference between a wet sponge and a dry sponge? A wet sponge can be used – its flexible and malleable. But a dry sponge is dull, hard, and crusty. Its useless.

My friend, when we refuse to forgive someone, our hearts becomes like that dried up sponge! Bitter and ugly. Many people spoil their lives by refusing to forgive. They limit how God can use them because they arent free from the burden of resentment.

Some even have physical or emotional breakdowns because bitterness consumes them. No matter how great is the trespass against us, we cannot afford to harbor resentment in our soul.

The Bible says, “Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.”

If you know Jesus Christ today, you do not have to “muster up” the strength to forgive. You just need to pray and ask Gods Spirit to enable you to forgive. The Holy Spirit living in you is what makes forgiveness possible. By His power, forgive those who have wronged you and point them to Jesus Christ.

Yearning for Revenge

My father was a very successful businessman, but he died when I was only 10 years old. He left my mother a lot of property and money. But several family members swindled everything we had. Within three years, my family was living in poverty and debt.

When I was old enough to understand what our relatives had done, I urged my mother to take revenge on them. I wanted to get a lawyer to take them to court and let them have it! I was so angry. The older I got, the more bitter I became.

But, my mother refused to become bitter. She clung to what the Bible says in Romans 19:16, “Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for Gods wrath, for it is written: It is mine to avenge, I will repay, says the Lord.”

God is the One who measures out justice. He will be the judge. How he handles that judgment is up to Him. He may do something now, or He might not, but we dont need to worry about it. He is the perfect judge.

God commands His followers to grant forgiveness. Only then can we truly reach our world for Jesus Christ. When you forgive, others witness the miraculous power of Jesus Christ in YOU! Be a person who is willing to forgive because Jesus has forgiven you.

To Taste of Calvary

These last five days Ive been talking to you about an old hymn that touched my life when I was young, and still does today. Here is verse 5, “So send I you to hearts made hard by hatred. To eyes made blind because they will not see. To spend, there will be blood. To spend and spare not. So send I you to taste of Calvary.”

You know when Jesus Christ sends us out to give the Good News of His son, in some ways, you are dying to yourself. In many ways, you are dying to the flesh, to the world, and to the devil. And sometimes, its hard. But you know, its worth it all. Even if you and I should have to shed our blood, God forbid, but if we had to, and we did it in His power, we would never regret it.

Jesus Christ died on a cross for us, whose hearts were hard, some of us were filled with hatred. Some of us were blind because we didnt want to see. But Jesus Christ nevertheless, died for us on the cross. And when we share the Good News, with a neighbor, with a friend at work, with somebody at school, whoever it may be- in a way we are identifying with Jesus Christs dying on the cross and we are hurting and suffering in a way for the person that we want to lead to faith in Jesus Christ.

So rejoice my friend. I hope this week has helped you. “As the father has sent me,” Jesus said, “So I send you.” There is no greater calling in the whole world. Fulfill it, and you will never regret it.