The Power of the Holy Spirit
Today once again I want to talk about all of us who get nervous when we have to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Whether its preaching it to a group, doing a Bible Study, or one on one. I always remind myself that I have divine authority to share the Good News.
Remember Acts chapter 1 verse 8? Jesus said just before He ascended back to Heaven, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth.”
Authority- thats what power is all about. And you know- the power that Jesus gives us, is the power that we know His will, we know His Word, we have the fire of the Holy Spirit who lives in us, and therefore when we open our mouth, and quote a Bible verse, and encourage the person youre witnessing to, to surrender their heart to Christ, to be honest and admit that theyve sinned against God, but that Jesus Christ on the cross gave His blood to purify us from our sins.
Remember you have authority that youre not even aware of. Its the authority of the Holy Spirit that is at work in you even though you sometimes dont notice it.
So, go forward, and remember, you can share with authority because you have the power of the Holy Spirit.