The Unfinished Task
The unfinished task is the task of winning the world to Jesus Christ. This is the one job that will never be finished – no matter how hard or how long we work. For you workaholics listening, that is good news! We will always have work to do!
But, even though there will always be people who need to hear about Jesus Christ, dont be discouraged. Let that fact make your resolve to share your faith even stronger! Remember what it says in Timothy? “God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.” I think this power, love, and self-discipline is holy boldness. Boldness to tell our world about Christ.
Are you willing to be filled with holy boldness? Do you sense the urgency of our unfinished task?
Make yourself available to share Gods Good News with others. He will honor you. As a worker in Gods harvest, filled with holy boldness, you will not be disappointed. Winning the world to Jesus Christ is an enormous task. But, lets not give up. Lets press on together.