
The Unfinished Task

The unfinished task is the task of winning the world to Jesus Christ. This is the one job that will never be finished – no matter how hard or how long we work. For you workaholics listening, that is good news! We will always have work to do!

But, even though there will always be people who need to hear about Jesus Christ, dont be discouraged. Let that fact make your resolve to share your faith even stronger! Remember what it says in Timothy? “God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.” I think this power, love, and self-discipline is holy boldness. Boldness to tell our world about Christ.

Are you willing to be filled with holy boldness? Do you sense the urgency of our unfinished task?

Make yourself available to share Gods Good News with others. He will honor you. As a worker in Gods harvest, filled with holy boldness, you will not be disappointed. Winning the world to Jesus Christ is an enormous task. But, lets not give up. Lets press on together.

Obedience in the Moment

The book of Acts, chapter 8, tells us one of the most miraculous evangelistic accounts in the Bible! It starts in verse 26: An angel of the Lord said to Philip, Go south on the road the desert road that goes south from Jerusalem to Gaza. So [Philip] started out When Philip arrived on the desert road, he found an Ethiopian eunuch reading the book of Isaiah.

But this man was confused – he needed someone to explain the Scriptures to him. So Philip described that Isaiah was actually prophesying about Jesus Christ. Immediately, the Ethiopian believed in the Lord, and asked to be baptized!

Thats a powerful story isnt it? Yet the Ethiopians conversion wouldnt have happened if Philip didnt listen – and obey – the voice of the Lord. No excuses. No hesitation. When the angel told Philip to go, he went!

God has amazing victories in store for us if we simply listen to His voice, and obey. So lets you and I spend time in Gods Word! Lets talk with Him in prayer! Then, when He prompts us to witness to our world, well be ready to do it!

Biblical Stories

This Postmodern generation wants stories. They love stories. They learn from stories. And thats not bad. Its great to weave stories together as we present the Good News to this generation.

But, as we tell stories, we must always make sure that there is truth in the stories — Biblical truth! In the midst of being relevant to the culture, we need to be making the point of truth. And the truth of the Good News Gospel is centered on the doctrine of the cross. Jesus Christ shed His blood for the sins of the world.

That must be an essential part of the stories we share. Why? Because the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the foundation of Christianity. Without the belief that Christ actually died for our sins, rose again, and is alive today at the right hand of God, our religion is just that – religion. With no power to change lives. Remember, without the shedding of blood theres no forgiveness of sins (Hebrews 9:22).

So when we share our faith, you and I must focus on the true story of Jesus Christs death the resurrection. Its amazing, powerful, Good News for a weary and broken world!

The Fundamentals

The doctrine of the cross is absolutely fundamental when it comes to sharing our faith. I think in many circles, its become almost forgotten. Christians just dont talk about the cross much anymore.

But we must remember that the crucifixion death, and glorious resurrection of Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of Christianity. Its only through our Saviors shed blood that we find peace, forgiveness, and eternal life.

Ephesians 1:7 is a great verse. The apostle Paul writes, “In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of Gods grace.” The doctrine of the cross is so fundamental when it comes to sharing our faith.

Its the only way to give a full and accurate picture of what Christ has done for us. The world is full of people who are laden with guilt. So forgiveness through the cross of Christ is what makes Christianity so appealing!

Jesus Christ comes to forgive, cleanse, and disinfect our souls from acts that lead to death. What an amazing Savior we serve! Is there someone you know who needs to hear about the powerful cross of Christ? Its wonderful news for a friend who needs a fresh start!

Crucify the Flesh

Why does it seem that some believers suddenly turn away from God? I believe one of the biggest reasons Christians fall away from Jesus is because of un-confessed sin.

Without keeping a clear conscience before the Lord, its easy to drift away from the faith. You become hardened to the Spirit of God, and eventually you stop listening to His voice altogether. Sin blinds you and enslaves you. Its a horrible place to be!

Perhaps this describes your situation. Are you struggling with a sin thats keeping you from a right relationship with God? If so, Galatians 5 gives a very clear remedy. Verse 26 says, “Those who belong to Christ have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires.”

If you belong to Jesus, then theres only one thing to do with the flesh: Crucify it. Get rid of it. Be ruthless. Dont play games. Deal with your sins once and for all by crucifying them on the cross.

That means you admit your sin to God, repent, ask forgiveness, and turn the other way. Ask the Holy Spirit for strength and He will help you! By crucifying the flesh, you will be empowered to live what Jesus calls the abundant life. Your life will be a powerful witness to your world of Gods forgiveness and grace.