
Once I was Blind

In the Gospel of John, Jesus heals a man who was blind from birth. Immediately the disciples ask, “Lord, who sinned — he or his parents that he was born blind?” But Jesus replies, “Neither he nor his parents sinned, but this happened so the glory of God could be revealed.”

This passage is such a tremendous picture of how God works. He wants His glory to be revealed in us through our weaknesses. The blind man was weak, yet God showed His power by giving Him sight. Can you imagine the story this man had to tell? When people saw him, they couldn’t believe he was the same man who had been blind only a few hours before. His transformation was that miraculous!

When the man told the religious leaders what happened, they tried to get more information about Jesus. Yet because the man barely knew Jesus, all he could say was, “One thing I do know. Once I was blind, but now I can see.”

Each one of us has our own stories of how God has healed us from weaknesses — whether it’s addiction, fear, depression, or whatever. Like the blind man, we can tell people, “I was once afraid; now I’m at peace.” Or, “Once I was an addict; now I’m sober.” What a powerful way to witness for Jesus Christ!

The Vilest Offender

Growing up in Hastings, England, Jim Perry had only limited exposure to church.

By the time he was 15, Jim enlisted in the British military. The year was 1963, and it was there that he had his first experience in the world of the occult. Sadly, Jim became entrenched in occultism for the next 20 years. It almost killed him.

Then, in 1983, some Christians moved into the community house where Jim lived. They started praying for him. During this same time, my team and I were in London holding a 6 week-long evangelistic festival.

One of the Christians living in the house, a woman named Veronica, decided to take a risk and invite Jim to hear the Gospel. To her surprise, Jim accepted.

Jim says that he heard a message that night that astounded him. He heard that Jesus loved him and had defeated Satan on that Cross, and would forgive his many sins. He knew deep down that this was the truth. So Jim made the decision to no longer live for the darkness, but for the light of Christ.

Because of Veronica’s faithfulness to pray for Jim, he is now in the Kingdom of God! And she later married Jim! And, they started three local churches!

James 5:16 says “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” Don’t give up praying for people you know, no matter how far away they seem from the Lord. Like Jim, you never know when they will finally decide to follow Jesus Christ.

The Search for Truth

Have you ever been in a conversation with someone and he or she asks you, “What is truth anyway? Isn’t truth relative to different people and life situations?”

It’s an important question that many sincere seekers are asking today. And we, as Christians, need to be prepared to answer them. But how do we find the truth so we can share it with others?

The answer is found in John 17 when Jesus is praying for His people. He says, “Sanctify them by your truth; your Word is truth.”

That’s the key right there! If you want truth – divine truth, spiritual truth, moral truth, life-changing truth – it’s all in the Word of God. We must spend time with God and Scripture in order to find the truth that people are searching for. There’s divine power in the Bible, you know.

We also must cultivate a listening ear, listening to Jesus Christ. And that takes time. Yes, you can listen to God on the freeway but you hear a lot of other things too. That’s why it’s good to spend time alone with the Lord – just Him and you and His Word. You’ll be amazed at what you’ll discover!

As you open the Bible, and listen to the Holy Spirit, you will learn wisdom to answer people’s questions – that’s how I have done it. And the truth that you share has the power to change their lives! “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” Jesus said that.

Intimacy with God

Do you desire for God to use you in powerful ways for His Kingdom? In order for this to happen, you can’t escape an essential element: having constant spiritual intimacy with the Lord.

A great picture of this is in the Gospel of Matthew, where we read about the transfiguration. You remember — The Lord takes Peter, James, and John up to the mountain where Jesus is transfigured into His true state of glory.

Peter gets so excited, he just starts talking. But God says, “Peter, this is my beloved Son. Listen to Him.” Through this amazing story, we see that intimacy comes from spending time with God and listening to His Son.

The Lord chose Peter, James, and John to experience that closeness for a special purpose. After they came down from the mountain, they were different men. They went on to greatly influence their generation, and future generations, for the purposes of God.

Just as God the Father exhorted the disciples to listen to Jesus, He says the same thing to us: “Listen to me,” He says. “I’ve got so much to tell you. I want to teach you. I want to build you up. I want to use you in a mighty way in this generation.”

When we have that kind of closeness with the Lord, we can’t help but draw people to His heart.

Drawing Near

I really admire a man named Robert Levy. He’s my son, Andrew’s, father-in-law. Robert’s a very powerful businessman, but his main purpose in life is leading people to Jesus Christ – which is what I respect most about him.

Robert is a true man of God, but that didn’t happen by accident. I believe it’s because He purposes to spend time with God every morning. Before anything else, he’s up at 5:00 am to spend time with God.

Do you want to be someone like that, too? James 4:8 tells us: “Come near to God and He will come near to you.” Those aren’t just words that James wrote because they sounded nice – they’re true! It’s a call from God. It’s an invitation from the King.

God longs to be near you, to change you, and use you for His glory. When we make one small move toward Him, He rushes to us with open arms!

The Lord Jesus said that he wants to be a close friend of yours. But you need to make the choice to spend time with Him, reading His word, and listening to the Holy Spirit. Then, as you walk with God, people will notice.

They’ll think, “There’s something different about her – maybe I’ll ask her about the struggle I’m going through.” By spending time with the Lord, you will have his quiet power and confidence to witness to the lost and lonely people in your world.