Once I was Blind
In the Gospel of John, Jesus heals a man who was blind from birth. Immediately the disciples ask, “Lord, who sinned — he or his parents that he was born blind?” But Jesus replies, “Neither he nor his parents sinned, but this happened so the glory of God could be revealed.”
This passage is such a tremendous picture of how God works. He wants His glory to be revealed in us through our weaknesses. The blind man was weak, yet God showed His power by giving Him sight. Can you imagine the story this man had to tell? When people saw him, they couldn’t believe he was the same man who had been blind only a few hours before. His transformation was that miraculous!
When the man told the religious leaders what happened, they tried to get more information about Jesus. Yet because the man barely knew Jesus, all he could say was, “One thing I do know. Once I was blind, but now I can see.”
Each one of us has our own stories of how God has healed us from weaknesses — whether it’s addiction, fear, depression, or whatever. Like the blind man, we can tell people, “I was once afraid; now I’m at peace.” Or, “Once I was an addict; now I’m sober.” What a powerful way to witness for Jesus Christ!