
A Repentant Heart

Many times people feel they cant share their faith because they arent free from the slavery of their own sin – whether its past or present. They think, Im unworthy. Ive got stuff in my life that needs clearing up. Who am I to tell someone else about the Lord? Thats why we need to always be reminded about the importance of repentance.

Jesus wants to use us in powerful ways in other peoples lives. That starts with us first coming clean before Him and experiencing the freeing power of His forgiveness. Remember King David? In Psalm 51 he confesses his sins of adultery and murder before the Lord. Its a great Psalm to read when were struggling with sin because its full of hope.

In verse 10 David talks about a new beginning. He says, “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” I love that verse. Isnt that what we all really want, deep down?

A truly repentant person says, O God, its my heart. Its my inmost being that needs a touch. Make me more like you, Lord, that I would love holiness, and hate sin, and lead others to your Cross. Thats what Davids praying about here. Thats also what we should pray so God can use us in exciting ways for His Kingdom.

An Unshakable Kingdom

Hebrews 12:28 says, “You are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken.” Thats an interesting verse to think about. You represent a kingdom that will last forever!

So whatever your past may be, it doesnt matter. You may have been on drugs and maybe you were a real clown. But now that youre redeemed youre not that way anymore. Now, not only are you a child of God, but in Gods eyes you are a king or queen with all the dignity and the authority that comes with royalty. You represent Gods kingdom and He wants to use you in a mighty way.

The Bible says that we are seated with Christ in the heavenly places. If we accept that truth, what a difference it would make in our witnessing and evangelism! If every believer said to himself in the morning, “I am a king exalted at the right hand of God. I am seated with Christ in heavenly places…”

Youd be blessing other people, reaching out with authority and power, and sharing the Good News with conviction. So remember, no matter what you may have been through, or what your past looks like, God sees you as a king today. Will you use the authority Hes given, to share His truth with those who are lost.

Representing the King

Every believer in the eyes of God is positioned as a king or a queen. The Bible says in Rom. 5:17 that we should “reign in life through Christ.”

We are to live as not only members of His kingdom, but we also reign. There is authority with this because we are reigning as ruling kings and ruling queens. That means that wherever we go theres a space over which the Lord has given us authority.

That space may be at your office cubicle, at the factory, or at home with your children. But wherever God takes you, He has put you there to represent Himself with authority, as well as with dignity.

Essentially, the Lord is saying: “When you get a chance to speak, remember I have appointed you a king. This is your piece of the kingdom. Speak well of me. Speak clearly of me. Speak by your conduct, speak words that carry authority, because you have the authority of the Spirit.”

We were meant to reign in this life, and when we can grasp that understanding, the witnessing power is great. So no matter where you find yourself throughout the day, remember that the real reason youre there is to represent the King of kings and Lord of Lords. This truth can revolutionize your life, and the lives of those God puts around you.

Christians and Priests

Many of you have heard the verse in Hebrews that says we have only one high priest, and his name is Jesus Christ. He is the Son of God. But did you know that all believers are also priests in the eyes of God? We all have equal access to the Heavenly Father. With the new covenant, God ordained that Christians dont have priests — Christians are priests.

There are three things that priests do according to Scripture: They worship God, intercede for others, and minister according to the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Every one of us is given gifts according to our position and the Lords choice, to use for His glory.

If you take your priesthood seriously, theres no telling what God could do with your life and your gifts. So, pray today that God would do powerful deeds through you to reach the lost. As you do, He will begin to open doors that you never envisioned. You will begin to witness for Christ with power and authority. And to witness simply means to tell what youve seen and heard. By accepting your priestly role, youll be astonished at the power that will be unleashed, and the lives that will be changed.

How Do I Get To Heaven? Just How Good Do I Have To Be?

Have you ever done something that you know inside is wrong? Have you ever disobeyed your parents? Or told a lie, or taken something that belongs to someone else, or even been mad at someone without a reason. Weve all messed up and done stuff like that, this is what the Bible calls Sin. Many people believe that if theyre good they will go to Heaven, but the Bible says that no one can ever be good enough to get to Heaven! It says that Every sinner deserves to die, and we are ALL sinners, this means that we All deserve to die.

The Bible tells us in Hebrews 9:22
According to the law . . .
without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness.

This means that without punishment, or blood, we cant be forgiven, thats why Jesus came from Heaven. He Loves us so much thatHe wanted us to have a way to be forgiven from our sins; He didnt want us to die!

Jesus came from Heaven, was born as a baby and grew up on earth, just like all of us! But, because Jesus is also God, He never sinned, not even once! He was perfect in every way so that He could die and take the punishment we were supposed to get.

Ephesians 2:8-9 says

God saved you by His grace when youbelieved.

And you cant take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it.

This is like when you were born, you were not born because you had done anything good, you werent even around yet! Your parents had you because they love you and wanted you, and now that youre getting older and can understand how much your parents love you, you want to obey them and do what they say so they will be proud of you and youll make them happy.

This is how it is with God, He loved us so much that He sent Jesus to save us, and now that we understand that He loves us so much that He came from Heaven and He died in our place, we should want to please Him too, and really make Him proud of us.

This would be like if your big Brother had seen you do something bad, like say you were throwing a ball in the house when you knew you shouldnt be, and you knocked over an expensive lamp! When your Dad found out about it and was going to punish you, your Brother took the punishment for you so you wouldnt have to. In this same way, Jesus took our punishment when he died on the cross for us. Now THATS Love!

ButJesus didnt just die for us, you see, Jesus rose from the dead and walked out of the grave to show that sin and death no longer has any power over us! And although we may die here on Earth, He will bring us back to life in Heaven and will bring us back to live with Him on the New Earth!

If you believe in Jesus, and trust that He took your punishment for your sin, you will go to Heaven.

You should talk toJesus. Praying is not some big deal that only grown ups can do,praying is just talking to God, like you would talk to your brother, sister, or your best friend. You don’t have to kneel to talk with God. You can talk to Him anywhere, anytime, about anything! Tell Him how your day went; ask for help when you feel scared or when youre doing something hard. Tell Him youre sorry if youve done something bad, and then try not to do it again.

Gods not going to kick you out of Heaven because you did something bad, not if you have put your trust in Jesus to save you. We all make mistakes, even after we become a Christian, but we have to try to do what is right, what we know inside our heart that God would want us to do.

Its like your Mom or Dad, they wouldnt kick you outside to sleep out in the dark and cold in the yard because you spilled red soda on the new carpet. They may be disappointed in you that you didnt listen when they told you to stay at the table and dont takeyour drinkon the new carpet, but they love you, and will most likely discipline you and not let you have red soda for a while, but they will still let you live inside the nice warm house with them where you belong. And you will still be their child, no matter what!

If you believe Jesus loves you, and you want to live for Him and go to live with Him in Heaven one day, you can ask Him something like this:

Jesus, I love You,

And I thank You for taking my

Punishment for me so I can live.
Please forgive me and come into my heart
And help me live my life the way You want me to,

The way I should. And take me to live with You in Heaven someday.