
God is Being Glorified

You know sharing the Good News is an adventure. I found it so since I decided as a teenager that I really, really wanted to share the good news of Jesus Christ. But you know just like everybody else, even though Ive been at it now for fifty some years of my life, I still get nervous when I go into the adventure of sharing the Good News.

Its not that I dont trust God- I certainly do; its that I dont trust myself. Thats why I get nervous. But you know one of the things that Ive done all through my life when I went to give a message that proclaims the Good News, or when I went to talk to somebody as I walked into their office to share the gospel of Jesus Christ, I remind myself of this one particular phrase. And its this- God is being glorified.

Hes being glorified because Im trying to share Jesus Christ. Hes being glorified through me because Christ lives in me, and the Holy Spirit is going to use me. God is in me, He is here, He is here now, God is among us- me and the person Im going to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

And in Romans 15 it says, “So that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

So, when you go to share the good news, dont be surprised that youre nervous, its an eternal issue. But remind yourself, God is being glorified.

You Might Fail, but Jesus Never Will

You know, trying to reach your world isnt always easy, is it? I mean even Ive been at it for over 50 years and sometimes I feel very nervous.

For instance, someone might say to you, “Im afraid that Im going to fail the Lord and therefore I cannot surrender to Him. I dont want to be a hypocrite and I dont want to fail God. Therefore, I will not surrender to Christ.” How do you answer that?

Well, I like the phrase from an old hymn, “Jesus never fails.” And in I Thessalonians 5 it says, “May God Himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul, and body be kept blameless to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is faith and He will do it.”

What you need to say to a person when they say they are afraid they wont hang on and theyll stumble and fail and dishonor God is, “Yes, thats the way Ive always felt, but I dont rely on myself, it is God who is faithful and He is the one who will do it. I simply will receive Him into my heart, I will walk with Him, and He will come into my life and He will keep me faithful as I follow Him according to the Word of God.

Jesus Never Fails. Dont forget to share that with someone you are trying to lead to Christ.

Education and Training

You know theres a phrase that Ive heard many times and I really dislike it. They say in Europe, “oh the American church… its a mile wide and an inch deep.” Oh really?

But you know, theres a certain meaning to that phrase and its this – what about discipleship? People say to themselves, “Okay, I gave my life to Christ. He forgave my sins. Im a child of God. Im going to heave when I die.” And, you want to see them grow!

This happened to Pat and me with our four sons and now our 8 grandsons. We want to see them grow. Not only believe on the Lord Jesus Christ so that they have eternal life, we want them to be disciples.

In Hebrews ch.6 we read, “Therefore, let us leave the elementary teachings about Christ and go on to maturity.” That everybody likes.

We want to see our children and our grandchildren grow up and go on to maturity and become true followers of Jesus Christ who love the Word of God, who love the church, who love communion, who love prayer, and who love to share the Good News to those who are still lost.

Yes, Jesus says let us go to maturity. And, we can do it ourselves and we can help others go on to maturity if they stay close to Jesus Christ and His Holy Word.