
An Open Sincerity

Many of us came to Christ through the words and example of a Christian who showed the open sincerity of a true believer. That sincerity can come to each of us when we acknowledge our personal frailties and take off the masks we use to hide them.

In the early days of my ministry I sometimes tried to be self-sufficient and relied on my education and my Bible knowledge instead of God. Sometimes I wore a mask of toughness and confidence that kept me from getting through to people who were hungry to hear of Gods love. Thankfully, God saw though my masquerade and eventually took off my mask of pride. Only then was I able to share the Good News with sincerity and power.

In those times when we doubt our competence to be ambassadors for Christ, lets remember the words of the apostle Paul from Philippians 4: “I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.”

As Christians, its our privilege and responsibility to share the message of Gods love. We dont need to hold back! God will give us the strength to share the Good News with the sincerity that comes from total trust in Him.

If youve experienced the blessing that comes from letting God be your confidence, Id love to hear about it. Write to me at Ill be praying for you!

Influencing Your Kids

For many years, Bob Tebow and his family preached the message of Jesus Christ throughout the Philippines. They planted churches, ran an orphanage, and educated pastors. Even today, no matter where they go, the Tebow family is committed to evangelism.

This recently came to light for the rest of the world when Bobs son, Tim Tebow, accepted the Heisman trophy in New York City. Its college footballs biggest honor, and yet Tim didnt take the credit for his amazing talents.

The first words out of his mouth were: “Id just like to start off by thanking my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave me the ability to play football.”

Isnt that great? Tim Tebow grew up with parents who modeled a passion for evangelism. And now their son has a huge platform to speak up about his own relationship with Jesus Christ.

Paul says in Philippians 6, “Pray for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel.” This verse should be the cry of our heart! Remember, our children are watching us. And as they do, theyll be learning how to reach their world with the Good News Gospel. Isnt that exciting to think about?

A Call to Persevere

Most people I know want to live the fullest, most enriching life possible. In fact, thats the kind of life God wants for us, too! But how do we achieve that kind of life?

I believe that the more effort we put toward reaching our generation with the Good News, the more fulfilled we become. What greater adventure can there be than helping someone take the step of faith to believe in Jesus Christ?

Now, you may be thinking, “Sure, Luis… easy for you to say. But Ive tried sharing my faith and nothing seems to happen!”

Its true – many times, we wont see the results of our witnessing until years later. But what God notices is our willingness to persevere, to stick with it, and to try again.

St. Paul says in Philippians 3: “Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead; I press on toward the goal to win the prize…”

So lets bury those insecurities, or what I call “chickenitis.” Lets press on and continue sharing the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ with our world.

As you focus on the spiritual condition of others, youre fulfilling the greatest calling on your life. And God will show you the fruit of your faithfulness. Theres nothing more exciting than that!

He Gives Us Power

All of us go through hard times in life, some worse than others. My mom became a widow when she was only 34 years old. Some relatives who were crooked took away everything my dad had accumulated, so we were left with almost nothing. My mom had to somehow provide for me and my five sisters and my young brother. There were times we barely had enough to eat, and didnt know where our next meal would come from.

But through those hard years, we learned a great lesson from my mom. She taught us that even while going through the awful things of life, you can depend on the indwelling presence of the living Jesus Christ for strength. He will get you through. Because Jesus is alive, everyone who believes in Him has the power — through the Holy Spirit — to face the battles of life.

Thats why Christians get so excited when you quote Philippians 4:13: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

How can I do all things? Because the resurrection tells me Christ has come to live within me, and since he lives within me, I have His indwelling power! Do you want this power today? Do you need it? Open your heart to believe in the Lord Jesus. He will give you power through the Holy Spirit to face anything that comes your way. He will do so immediately. Its the only way to live! And, its great!

When We Get To Heaven What Will We Be like? Will We Become Angels?

Have you ever watched a movie, or a TV show that showed Heaven? Maybe they showed people with wings and a harp sitting on a cloud, or even people who had died and turned into angels coming back to earth to help people and earn their wings. But, this is not what the Bible tells us is true at all.

Yes, Angels do exist and they DO come to earth and help us, but they are not people. The Bible tells us all kinds of stories about Angels coming to earth, helping people, delivering messages, and even fighting with other spirits to protect us!

Some people get confused on this because Jesus said something in Matthew 22:30 about us being like Angels, but what He was saying is that we, like the Angels, wont get married when we get to Heaven, He wasnt saying that we turn into Angels, or even that were like Angels in any other way. Angels are beings in their own right, just like People are Human Beings, Angels are Angels. God made People and Angels very different. If God wanted us to all be like Angels, there wouldnt have been any reason for Him to make us in the first place.

But, the Bible tells us what we will be like! After Jesus returns God will bring back all the Christians who died, even people who died THOUSANDS of years ago! And Hell make their bodies perfect, better than we ever were before! Our body will be like Jesus body after he rose from the dead!

1 Thessalonians 4:15-17
Says We tell you this directly from the Lord: We who are still living when the Lord returns will not meet Him ahead of those who have died. For the Lord Himself will come down from Heaven with a commanding shout, with the voice of the Archangel, and with the trumpet call of God. First, the Christians who have died will rise from their graves. Then, together with them, we who are still alive and remain on the earth will be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. Then we will be with the Lord forever.

And Philippians 3:21 says Jesus will take our weak mortal bodies and change them into glorious bodies like His own.

So, for us to know what Our new body will be like, we need to know what Jesus new body is like. Lets take a look at what the Bible said about it. When Jesus rose from the grave after He died for us, He said to His friends in Luke 24:39 . . .

“Look at My hands, look at My feet, its really Me! Touch Me and you will see that I am not a ghost. Because ghosts dont have bodies as you see that I do.

Jesus had a Real body that people could touch and see; He walked on Earth and ate with His friends! The Bible also tells us that Jesus had some amazing abilities,He could appear to his friends in a locked room, He could disappear when He wanted,and when Jesus left the Earth to go to Heaven He wasnt held down by gravity,but He went up into the air. This was called His ascension.

Thats right,He flew!

Now, we have to remember that Jesus is God, and because He is, He may be able to do things that we arent able to do. But, the Bible tells us in many places,like the one you read above,that we will have bodies like Jesus,so its very possible that we will be able to do some of these very same things,and who knows how much more well be able to do!