
The Promise

The promise of the Messiah was made hundreds of years before he ever came. There were a few who believed, and they were waiting for Him. Among them were Simeon and Anna. The experts say Simeon was way into his ’80s. And Anna was 84. They were getting pretty old! But they spent every single day in the temple in Jerusalem, praying and waiting, waiting, waiting.

People no doubt mocked them. You can imagine everybody saying, “Yeah, yeah, you’re going to see the Messiah. Sure, you’re going to hold him in your arms, Simeon.” But Simeon and Anna didn’t waver in unbelief. And one day they were rewarded for their faithfulness. The Messiah did finally come into the temple. Simeon did hold Him in his arms as a baby. What an incredible day that must have been!

We’ve got to be faithful, too. We can’t give in to those jeering voices in our heads that keep us from proclaiming Jesus Christ! And one day we, too, will be rewarded for our faithfulness. Those who are here on Earth waiting for the Messiah will see Him come again.

Revelation 1:7 says, “Look, he is coming in the clouds, and every eye will see him.” What a glorious day that will be and we’ve got to tell people about it. Many people have no idea that Jesus is coming again and those who love Him will go home to be with Him in heaven.

Evelyn’s Story

A New Way of Thinking
Evelyn Fernandez has an amazing story. This young woman in the Philippines followed God’s leading for her life. There were many men who wanted to marry her. But Evelyn would have none of it. She said, “With all the abandoned children here in our city, why would I get married and have more kids?”

Instead, she wanted to adopt children and bring them up as her own. And that’s exactly what Evelyn did. She became a primary school teacher, and over many years she adopted forty-two children. Wow! 42! And can you believe it? Thirty-eight of those children ended up working for various Christian ministries. Now that’s influence!

Many people you meet measure their worth by comparing themselves to others, never embracing God’s purposes for them. If you know someone like that, remind them that God has a plan for their life. It may not look like anyone else’s plan. Evelyn’s sure didn’t. But it’s His special, tailor-made plan–just for them.

Read them this verse from Psalm 139: it says, “All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” Psalm 139 is a fantastic reminder of God’s presence in, and purpose for, our lives. Is there someone you know who needs to hear this truth today? And by the way, have you embraced God’s purpose for your life?

The Rabbi Story

Years ago I was invited to a breakfast at the White House in the United States. I was there with a few other religious leaders. This was back when President Clinton was in office. At one point, Mr. Clinton leaned over to me and quite out of the blue, asked me, “Luis, if someone were to ask you – how late can you repent and God still forgive you? What would you say?” I told him one of my favorite stories.

I said, “A rabbi was teaching a group of Hebrew students and said to his class, ‘Everybody should repent the day before they die.’ The students said, ‘Rabbi, we don’t know when we’re going to die, so how do we know when to repent?’ The Rabbi said, ‘Therefore, repent today.'” After I told this to Mr. Clinton, he was quiet for a moment and then said, “Compelling story… compelling story.”

The book of Acts in the Bible says, “Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.” I’ve found this Rabbi story to be a great tool to gently nudge people toward God. When you and I are faithful to share the Good News, the Holy Spirit will always do what He has promised to do. Read it all up in John chapter 16.

Words with Power

I have a very successful friend named George, who used to be a pretty nasty character. He enjoyed making people uncomfortable. Once he was on a plane trip and a college woman was sitting next to him. Just for the fun of it, George opened up a Playboy magazine right in front of her. She noticed, and then opened up her Bible.

After a few minuets she turned to him on that airplane and said, “Sir, can I ask you a question?” He said, “Sure.” She asked him: “do you know where you’re going when you die?” He said, “I hope I’m going to heaven.” The girl replied, “Hope? Don’t you want to know for sure?” He said yes. So she shared the Good News with him.

He didn’t make a commitment then and there on the plane. But, two years later he was driving on a highway in Pennsylvania on a long road trip. He suddenly felt a conviction for his sin. He remembered what the girl shared with him on the plane. So, right then and there, he made a commitment to the Lord. He changed, I know George! That college woman will probably never know, until she gets to heaven, what an impact her words of truth had on that man.

As Paul writes in 1 Thessalonians, “Our gospel came to you not simply with words, but also with power, with the Holy Spirit, and with deep conviction.” Remember to keep sowing seeds. It’s our job to be obedient in sharing our faith. The Holy Spirit does the rest.

A Prosperous Witness

I recently received a letter from a woman in Costa Rica. She wrote, “Luis, I’m so glad God put you in my path!” She told me that when she was a little girl, our radio program was the only thing that gave her hope.

This lady had a very rough childhood, full of horrible abuse. She told me that one night, at age 8, she was crying and she turned on the radio very low under the covers so that no one would notice. She said, “You were speaking about God and it comforted me.” At the end of the program she wrote down the address we gave.

For many years she received Bible lessons from us and when she was 12 years old she accepted Jesus Christ into her heart. Her family ridiculed her for her faith but through it all she said that “God never me.”
We can’t always see the ways in which God will use your efforts. But we can be certain that He’ll use them. I’m always humbled and amazed by the ways God uses our ministry! And, He wants to use you too!

Psalm 1 says this about the man or woman who walks with God: “He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.”

Keep on sowing seeds, and trust God to make your witness prosper. And, He will do it because He wants to work in people’s lives through you