
Secret to Success

Henrietta Mears was one of the most influential Christian educators of the 20th century. She believed that anything was possible with Gods supernatural power at work within her. Henrietta influenced thousands of high school and college students to become passionate for God and His Word. Hundreds of those young people went into full time Christian ministry – including Dr. Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade for Christ.

Mears knew that the secret to spiritual success was to live a holy life. Thats why she had a passion for her students to know the Word of God intimately. “If you want to be pure,” she advised others, “saturate yourself with the Word of God.” Mears herself spent many hours each day studying, and memorizing Scripture. God used Henrietta to personally touch thousands of lives, all over the world. And her success was a result of her deep commitment to holiness and the Word of God.

God wants to do powerful, exciting things through your life, too! But first and foremost he says, “Be holy, as I am holy.” As you spend time in the Bible, His words will purify your heart and mind. Then, in His timing, He will launch you out in powerful ways to reach your world for Jesus Christ!

Christ In Us

Galatians 2:20 is a verse I often quote, because its the cornerstone of our success in Jesus Christ: “I have been crucified with Christ,” Paul writes, “and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.”

So let me ask you a question: Do you really believe that? Do you believe that Jesus Christ is alive inside of you, right now, wherever you are, and whatever youre doing?

If you have trouble grasping the reality of that truth, let me remind you again today: the living Christ lives in you! The Holy Spirit has made you His temple! You are filled with His power! You are cleansed by Christs blood!

With all these wonderful promises, there is no reason why you and I cant walk in the joy and power of the Holy Spirit. We can pray, and believe with confidence that the Lord will speak through us, and use us to reach people in our world with His Good News.

If you really believe that Jesus is alive in you today, theres no telling what the Lord can do through you. So ask God to give you the gift of faith to believe His promises. Christ will enable you to live the kind of victorious life you dream about!

“Yes, I thought you’d never ask”

After taking a serious fall, an older gentleman named Luke Mulder prayed to receive Jesus Christ. He then prayed for his wife, Clara, who was away visiting her sister in California. That very same day, Clara heard a Gospel presentation and made the decision to trust Christ.

Coincidence? Hardly! Many people think prayer is complicated. The truth is that the simplest prayer can bring you the miracle you need, when you need it. Sometimes all we have to do is pray and God says, “Yes, I thought youd never ask.”

My friend, are you praying for the lost people in your life? The Bible says, “The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” God wants to bless you. He wants to bless your loved ones with a relationship with Himself. Do not give up praying for them. God wants them to be a part of His family!

The Bible says to “pray without ceasing,” and I encourage you to do just that! Dont ever give up. It doesnt matter how far away from the Lord your loved one is, keep praying! Dont quit. Continue to show them Gods love and perhaps, in time, God will use you to bring them back to himself. What could be more exciting than that!

“Yes, and here’s more”

Australian David Smallbone felt Gods call on his life to promote Christian concerts. He started in his home country, then moved to the United States, where his career went from bad to worse. Soon he had no job at all. He and his wife prayed to God for help.

Then, interesting things began to happen. God provided bags of groceries, a minivan, and odd jobs. But the biggest surprise? A recording contract for Davids oldest daughter, Rebecca, when she was just fifteen years old. She recorded her first album using an old family name, St. James. Rebecca St. James quickly became one of the hottest Christian artists in America. And David began promoting his own daughters sold-out concerts!

All along, God knew what He was doing. Sometimes God will answer our requests with, “Yes, and heres MORE!” In the Bible, the Lord says, “For I know the plans I have for you … plans to prosper you and … to give you hope and a future.”

Get ready for Gods answer to your prayers when you pray that your friends will come to know Him. He loves to draw people to His side and just may do MORE than we dare ask for. So, dont give up. Keep praying and keep sharing the love of Christ!

“Yes, but differently than you think”

National Football League running back Sherman Smith was the Seattle Seahawks most popular player. Then, without warning, he was traded to the San Diego Chargers. Everything changed for this Christian football star. He wasnt with the Chargers for more than a few weeks when he blew out his knee. While rehabilitating, he wondered, “Lord, why did you ship me to San Diego?”

As his knee mended, Sherman led one of his teammates to the Lord. That converted party-man, Miles McPherson, has since become an outstanding youth evangelist. He reaches tens of thousands each year with the Good News of Jesus Christ!

Why was Sherman traded to San Diego? He had prayed for God to use him, and God responded! When we pray bold prayers, we must be prepared for God to say, “Yes, but the answer may be different than you think!”

The Bible says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.”

When you pray for a friends salvation, Gods timing and ways may be different than you would like, but dont give up. Keep praying! Dont ever stop praying that the people in your life will come to Jesus. God will use you in the process, just dont give up.